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Everything posted by Merlin21

  1. Get well soon buddy and good luck .. atb ..
  2. what do you mean by the lens cap trick ?
  3. Nice shooting there sir , I do like the sound of .20 it does sound on paper the perfect balance between the tried and trusted 2 cal's ... only time will tell ... ATB
  4. I am only using it at around 15 yards range and the image is clear you can easily pick out the rats and you get eye shine from the ir .. I have it on my hw 100 .177 .. guys on here are using them on rabbits with success ...
  5. Bought myself a photon after much deliberating and researching about them and got to say very happy with it , only been using it to kill rats that are eating my chicken feed at the moment, 12 rats in just over 2 weeks !!! i've only got 3 chickens , i knew there was the odd 1 or 3 visiting but untill i looked with the photon I never would have thought so many were getting free food ... brilliant bit of kit well happy with it , hoping to zero it soon at 35 yards and get out for some bunnies ... ATB ....
  6. It's all witchcraft and the doing of dark forces it will only end BAD things mark my words !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the guy is brilliant .... how he does it I do not know .. he's a wizard
  7. striking markings on it .. cracking looking pup interesting breeding .. good luck .. what about splodge ... ATB ..
  8. gutted for you buddy . scum about everywhere ..
  9. Mr P I just bought a cheap one piece adjustable mount on e bay works a treat .. good luck
  10. I ended up using adjustable mounts , the rear needed raising . i have heard of guys using camera film , cloth that came with the scope , coke can , trouble with shimming the rear is you're putting strain on the tube ..adjustable are better i would say ..
  11. King i have been giving jet some double dereks lately . much better dog now he can out run an athritic tortoise with ease and only needs a 3 hour rest before another run ..pethricks are the future !!!!!!!!!!
  12. Interesting topic , I do think it's possible but i am not so sure they are living and breeding here, and lets be honest who is best placed to see one ? us tramping about the countryside after dark some of us with NV .. these big cats are not used to our winters for a start although they haven't been that bad of late still too cold for a big cat from a hot climate i would think .. britain isn't so big that they wouldn't be seen or leave any evidence ... but would love to to be proven wrong with some credible video or stills of such a big cat ..
  13. I should have specified that in the original post . lets say .22 ...
  14. If you were using cake to make a pellet proof vest ( sub 12ft/lb ) , what cake would you use ? and at what depth ? mmmmmm I'm thinking a dense fruit cake around 6 inches and take my chances ....
  15. I think fury will win .. go on big man ..
  16. Have you tried rubbing your shins with unicorn tears ? very elusive to find but by all accounts cures everything .... Good luck ..
  17. sure i heard something about sweat and dirt makes fluff turn blue ..IDK ....
  18. Merlin21

    The Bible

    I am very religious myself so much so that i believe a lot of them , i am a muslim christain jew hindu sikh buddhist pagan. i find the diverse blend of all my religions gives me great and truly insightful thoughts and meanings to the most complex understanding of our world . and lets me feel real empathy with people ... but please don't get me started on SCIENTOLOGY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A LOAD OF !"£%!%!££%!£ RELIGION BAN IT ALL ....the only hope for human
  19. Found god in the deepest darkest part of my valley he was poaching salmon !!!!!!!!! kept saying something about his son needing to feed a lot of people ???
  20. Put on adjustable mounts works great now . well happy with it ..
  21. Thanks everyone for your replies , as i stated in my first post i am new to lurchers and i wasn't in any way suggesting using any in any breeding . was just curious that i hadn't seen any wolfhound in any of the mixes and some lurchers do tend to have a varied mix . I understand now about all the health problems and the sheer size and clumsiness of them it was just out of curiosity that's all . I have a two 7month old pups here jet is a 7/8 whippet 1/8 collie and my other merlin is a 50/50 whippet x italian grey and they are all i want small quick little things that will hopefully catch the
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