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Posts posted by howdeeposxxt

  1. On 30/11/2021 at 18:00, Netmaker said:

    I have fed pork to under weight dogs in the past i have from people how couldn't look after them self's never mind a dog and it is surprising how quickly it helps them back to a decent weight  my old fella used to feed pig heads  as well year's ago but pork that has been cured with salt will kill a dog 


    I remember my auld lad breaking the snout to fit pig's head in the pot I can tell you one thing the cheek was delicious.

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  2. All depends your area you work and style some places Bayer's wouldn't be up for the job and therefore the harder type would be needed but would need more recovery time so a hard question to pinpoint and vise versa an exact number or even a near number it's too diverse. Just say a guy has 10 terriers working terriers well fair play to him but how good are they and if only another guy has two Bayer's how good are they also? it's different for every terrierman . I know what your trying to get at basically the big dick Jim says my dog got 40 digs this season well my advise is to let him wobble his thing too and froe because I can assure you that guys terrier didn't do 4 to 5 hours plus below , two to three days a week during the season. Very very unlikely

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  3. 15 minutes ago, chesney said:

    Sorry to dissappoint  you but i dont do drugs you and your kind might i dont. What you on about pics pf dogs doing there work. Theres been a whole lot worse posted on here. 






    All I can say is there smashing terriers a breath of fresh air to alot of terrier men on here ok the other half have an argument but look one man say black the other says white. Nice terrier ches keep em coming.

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  4. Can't see ratting from an early age  making an earthdog any a better working dog  but can't see it doing any harm ,but with all the terriers I've seen ratting has not played any part in there working abilities, it's a different sport altogether. Not knocking the sport but it's a far cry from digging soil, two different terrier types are needed for instance almost any dog will catch a rat give or take, but to go below only a certain type can.  I wouldn't promote young terriers on rats if it's solo purpose was to be a digging dog but if I cought a rat I'm a cage and I had a 4 or 5 month old pup I'd let em have a go no harm would be done but no advantage in my eyes either . So no I would not

    • Like 1
  5. Nothing like a snug turf fire I also burn wood and coal but something about a turf ? oh yes and of course a few glasses a irish whiskey ? no more would a man desire . That's when I'm in my element anyway?


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  6. I remember my gdad given my auld fella a 3/4 hound 1/4 blue  as a pup but as it got older it was just too aloof and too much for the auld man around us as kids no kennels them times just a tied up job so passed on to his buddy's, but I do remember seen the dog in later years smashing fox from cover during a few bushing weekends and the dog must a been shoven double figures. 

  7. It's a good job they are few and far between honest genuine terriers been sold I would imagine they would be gifted to a digging friend as best interest for the terrier. In the unlikely event such a terrier came up I'm sure money wouldn't be an issue so a price tag could be anything the sky's the limit the highest bidder wins. That been said I did sell a working bitch years ago when I dug on my own to unknown men to me at the time and ended up a good turn around for all. Still to this day.

  8. Nice type terriero he looks as fit as a fiddle reminds me of an old mans dogs that we used to dig they where never kenneled they just had the freedom.of the garden and did as they pleased but where the fittest terriers I ever layed eyes on  "OK" he ain't going to win anything in the show ring but who cares . As for the S.P.C.A they can alter any image now with any photoshop software all the best look forward to more post. Maybe not tie him up next time try get him in a better light. 

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  9. On 05/09/2020 at 20:08, morton said:

    I think you are missing the point I feebly try to put,all my terriers work below,if they failed to do so they would be in the backfill,ill guarantee when you walk from hole to hole checking earths you will pass many a fox sat comfortable in cover.I work the cover and the earths with the same dog.

    I get digging every week that's all I'm worried about it seems to me you want a ? for your input in hunting /digging that's how you come across, just saying I'd rather stay out a this conversation now as I've no interest what so ever in the beddy as they would have no use over here. Theres more Kerry Blues xs? working over hear than beddys that's saying something.

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  10. 6 minutes ago, morton said:

    If I wanted a terrier to dig to again id go try and get another Lakeland,im possibly fortunate that I know where to source a decent un or 2.It would be far easier to source a black terrier because genuine ones are thicker on the ground.I totally agree that as a working terrier you would be stupid to source a Bedlington for digging when you could get a more reliable and viable mutt with a black terrier,they are a far more serious breed,on the whole.Do not get blindsided by the fact that over 75% of the work my terriers encounter is above ground,the other 25% of the graft they encounter is comparable with any other terrier that as FOX on its radar.When fox is of lesser importance id certainly own a Black terrier if a Lakey was,nt available.

    Well we are on two totally different worlds as  ? of mine work below I can now see where the confusion came from I was strictly speaking digging dogs  . I use a Springer type for bushing. Atb

  11. 1 hour ago, morton said:

    How much earth work would an average terrier,in an average kennel undertake in an average season?.I know of lads with Black terriers that have lined their bitches to a Beddy dog and I know of lads with black terriers and Lakelands that are now looking for a Beddy.Times and attitudes are changing,digging is fraught with a risk factor than some find to be more trouble than its worth.A change in direction is sought by some,a terrier that can ratch about on top,find and flush a fox from cover to gun or chaser,push it to ground and bolt it or be dug to.Terriers and their fashion are changeable,perhaps the Bedlington is gaining favour again because of what it offers.You trail around with a couple of Bedlingtons and you fly under the radar,you walk the same areas with a couple of black terriers and you will soon have plod sticking their nose in.

    Morton im not saying you don't know men digging beddys or that some have swead over to the beddy that's in your own world that you live in, I'm on about the bigger scale a things  as an earth dog in this day and age in my honest opinion we will be well rotted in our graves before the beddys over comes the black stuff. I've my piece said on the matter and I think I speak for the majority of digging men. If your on about mooching about then fair enough I'm on about earthdogs and earthdogs alone. To put a number how many digs a terrier gets a season that's a very hard question to answer for instance a hard dog doing a good number of hours to ground nd a dog took out on the hunt to take out a fox of a light ditch will do alot more it's impossible t answer almost.

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  12. We're I work and the sheepdog there works sheep day in day out none of us  cares how his breed was made up a border collie incase' ya ask all we care about now is that  he works,  I'm not worried how the border collie came about probably Belington added somewhere a few years back going on you . It's obviously hit a nerve CoCo don't fool yourself no point living a lie just let it go

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  13. Just now, coco said:

    It don’t hit a raw nerve with me mate I’ve heard it all before but when people go on about these black dogs like they’ve come out of planet Mars well there not there just mongrels x morgrels bred for purpose and like as bedlington bashes say we use this fell terrier blood because it’s the closest relation we have not to spruce them up or give them drive just to reduce size and better coats atb

    And your point is ?

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