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Everything posted by hjckcff

  1. plenty of tidy pups coming through . will bang some up of Darcey at the weekend six months old now
  2. hope all works out for you fella. ive a similar rutine but im lucky to have support from my wife and kids. atb.
  3. good post foxdropper. cracking write up and nice beasts. all in my back garden.
  4. hjckcff


    i'm still building farms for you guys to hunt getting to feckin old for this game though
  5. Darcey is doing nicely doing a lot of basic stuff with her . stock training recall jumping. once i have the recall better i will start retrieve work. she isnt going to be to big she is around 21 tts now.
  6. its a long phase then . those lines are older than most folk on this site. they where well thought of in the eighties. it now 2016. lol
  7. I don't think anybody tampers with people's posts ....... Beat you to it, but great minds think alike. FOOLS SELDOM DIFFER
  8. i had the litter sister to ace she was very fine boned and under twelve inch. she never made the grade below ground. but was usefull in other ways being very biddable and with a good nose. so stayed here dispite that. does anyone know what became of the rest of the litter. PINSLEY AMBER.
  9. you know what thought did.... he thought his arse was hanging out the bed. so he got up to put it back in but it wasnt after all
  10. plummer russell couple of pics of a first cross.
  11. i like the wheaten blood. as long as its from working wheatens it will have plenty in the tank . lost my first cross not long ago and now rearing a 1/4 bred. my last dog was good with my terriers but would rise to the occasion if challanged great all round vermin dogs.
  12. its a big lump. gonna be a stoater that. i'll need to get my finger out if i'm to keep up with you lot.
  13. if your set on a terrier then i would put a plummer or good russell over your bitch. ive seen a few russell / plummers and they have all been decent on top and one or two have been half decent below as well. its always a good feeling rearing and starting a pup out of your own stuff
  14. WM. i might not see eye to eye on some things with you. but credit where its due your dogs always look in tiptop condition. cracking pic that.
  15. cheers. my only concern is that she is a bit vocal. especially when exited never had this with my other lurchers.
  16. darcey is now four months and shaping up nicely she is an easy bitch to get along with which is a blessing after my last lurcher lol. and i can see me and Darcey getting along just fine
  17. good clips of cloud. how old now ?. i could also benefit from a how to as ive only ever had one decent retriever out of four. and i'm never to old to learn. striking looking pup as well
  18. ive only met him once, i judged alongside him n the early 90s. even though he was far more experienced he gave me my place in the head to heads. and was very easy to get along with. and a very intellegant fella . an altogether likable character we could do with more like him coming through the ranks. as for his dogs . i'm sure they will b used to bring down the size in many lines over the next decade.
  19. nice wee vid that. looking at some of the posts on here i'm lagging behind .
  20. a thirty year ped would only go back three maybe four generations in most working kennels
  21. feck me i never realised there was so many. my bitch is coming along nicely. and is thick as thieves with my terrier max. Darcey is 15 weeks on sunday and is walking on a leash and has just about got the sit. ive given her a little free running every day but she tends to face plant on uneven ground. and has a thing for charging full tilt through any cover. she is wheaten greyhound / collie whippet. greyhound. pics are a couple of weeks old . ps max is still alive and loving the rough and tumble with the pup
  22. tai chi would be a better option for the older gents.
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