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Everything posted by hjckcff

  1. you couldn't find the right spot to try that bitch till she was over 3yr old! I find that hard to believe.. Cant win. Enter dog late. Your a lair. Enter a dog young your a lair. Why goad the man why not say well done fair play. Whos side are you bunch of misrable fucks on. Jesus christ. How can you be a judge on that? You have no idea what type of ground he works his dogs on. Silly made me laugh out loud that did.
  2. ok i'll put my head on the block then. very few folk are fortunate enough to own terriers that dont need improved in any way so breed to improve on what they have. .every working terrier ive owned could have been improved in one way or another. therefore most folk will need to be looking at what they have . just my thoughts not trying to be smart.
  3. hjckcff


    spent many a happy hour floating around edinburgh used to guard the castle in my youth. spent a small fortune on Rose st. mind stay away fea the dirty women. and enjoy your time in gods country
  4. snow here. more forcast but wont stay long as temps due to rise.
  5. thats interesting. i would of said the lads that that think there dogs dont need something should take a long hard look at their terriers.
  6. i take it half of you cnut work indoors or dont work at all. you can shove the snow and ice up yer jacksies .
  7. shit way for the old yin to go. lost one a while back in a similar fashion a young dog took advantage of an old bitches failing health. thats the nature of terriers i suppose. sorry for your loss.
  8. always prefared a good sort of russell . i like a bit of white on em. and any other colour. apart from black of course
  9. lonespade if you travel so much working dogs with friends surely some of them will have surplus stock you could make use of.
  10. sorry FD. but that made me spit my tea on my laptop. pot / kettle. and all.
  11. its a pleasure to see all these fit and healthy looking beasts. just shows the thought/time/and effort working dog lads put into there animals. ans the pride everyone feels for there wards is here for all to see.
  12. darcey is 24 tts now. her recall has gone back a bit and i'm having issues with her jumping apart from that everything is tickety boo.
  13. Fine looking pup that.in good shape as well. Going to be a lump of a dog.will get some recent pics of mine up asap
  14. she was given to the fella that could give her a chance . now she is getting that chance. i recon that this is a positive thread . if the wee dog shines or not is down to the dog. hats off to the lads involved be nice to see tanner go from strength to strength . but if she dont. thats just the way of it. i still see this as a positive thread. at least men and dog gave it a good go.
  15. all son in laws are fannies. (FACT)
  16. just seen this. fingers crossed for you. and i'm sure your pocket will fill up in time. every mutt has to be given fair play. and you have done that . hope you have better luck in the coming year.
  17. Max my young terrier coming along well this season
  18. just a wee add. these rabbit spots are generally cubbing spots. look around some more you may find better luck close by.
  19. makes me lol when folk say if they are keen enough they will get there. in real life its not like that. i had a twelve inch bitch that was small made and she was keen . but often struggled to get in the rabbity places. and i wouldnt be trenching and ruining good earths either. ive got a young terrier starting just now and he isnt small. and its frustrating for dog and man in these situations .
  20. here is a recent image of Darcey. six months old and 23 tts. . the terrier is madmax. the crossbred i got off forrest. turning into a decent terrier now. this is hopefully my new team. ive always had a terrier and lurcher team as far back as i can remember and got some good results . so fingers crossed they gel
  21. any of the newer nikons will suit you . 3200. 3300. 5200. 7000. 7100. . i would also consider a good second hand D90. i loved mine. and that would leave money for a better lens. you need something at least 300mm
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