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Everything posted by hjckcff

  1. loving the look of this pup.
  2. darcey at 12 months recovering from injury with a little light ball work.
  3. darcey getting a spot of practice on max
  4. very sad to hear this. god bless
  5. not really sure how close she was around twenty feet away. maybe a little more. she is an urban fox scrounges on an industrial estate. not as shy as a country fox. cubs must be there or there abouts fella. stick at it.
  6. the vixen thats feeding the cubs
  7. cheers. should be a hardy animal. all the best in the future . should be interesting.
  8. around an hour' this time. but had two earlier trips that where no shows. will be down again to try for some decent shots of them befor the cover gets to much
  9. have been waiting for images of foxes/cubs. why are they not photographed as much as other wildlife ?.
  10. cracking sort that. whats the breeding.?
  11. ive had money saved for a better lens three times. car got the first stash . then a new washing machine. and the latest was took by the vet. i would like a good wildlife lens but will need to piss with the cock ive got untill i can get a decent one. it would need to be at least 300 at the long end maybe longer
  12. the high points for me are my little crossbred has come on well this season after a disasterous season last year. he is a good dog on the rats and has been to ground and bolted one or two and been dug to a couple of times. but is on the big side and gets frustrated. had to dig him out more than once due to getting stuck fast. hasnt learned to clear his back yet. . he is a season behind, but still a first season dog so happy to feed this lad . the low point is my lurcher pup fecked her front leg. jumping over a pile of railway sleepers got it stuck fast then panicked and spun about tear
  13. fair play to you john . if you take folk out . you can be sure that nothing will go to plan. what will be will be. we had welsh lads up a few times. one of these times a dog turned the lamp on in his motor and set it on fire . another time our lakie dug to the one and only rabbit in a sparkling 9 season career. another time i fooked one of there ankles in a drunken race (i won ) his lurcher pissed on my back so we are even . we also had a few runs and digs to our dogs and grait criac. here and in wales. i lent him a little russell bitch . she died at his 16 years old. best bitc
  14. it will save your back if your hand batching. .
  15. just do a six inch slab and deepen it where needed.
  16. a foot thick. for a conservatory seems a bit ott. could you not cut the depth of the slab and deepen for founds.
  17. the money would be better spent on hospitals. schools. housing the homeless. its a disgrace the time wasted on this shite. i wish she would fall off her soapbox. makes a mockery of democracy . ffs
  18. have to agree with the above. . all the negatives far outweigh any positives
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