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Everything posted by zakmuh

  1. Well I didn't go only for hunting; it was part of my annual Highlands road trip. I think I spent Á £150 on fuel (Pug 206 1.6). I tried in Notts for rabbits but had no luck. Maybe I didnt try enough. David, the gun shop guy told me it's 11 ft lbs. I even cheked with Notts firearm depratment and they confirm that I dont need FAC for this range rifles. Now Ive exchanged that Ruger rifle with Hatson 900x 177. Hatson's wood feels nice and it shoots excellent. Cheers Hatson 900X (£129 local dealer): http://www.sportsguns.co.uk/bargains/hatsssdfgsd-1.html
  2. I would like to close this topic with the following conclusion: Looking for a land to shoot just one rabbit in Highlands, there is no common land;most of them are owned by estates like Dunecht Estates, Coolin Hills Estates etc and most of them have agreement with shooting sports agents like Roxton, Dunmhor, Bell Ingram etc. Therefore it has to be done through these agents for the price ranging from £50 to £200 per day (higher price for deer hunting though). Cairngorms National Park helped me enormously to find these estate agents to get permission. Driving 1350 miles, approaching around 30
  3. Thanks everyone. I find every reply a good piece of friendly advice One step at a time.....The very first thing I did even before touching the rifle was getting the FAC info from firearm department. Then I did loads of Youtube and google search to know about rifle and rabbit/pigeon shooting. Then I went and bought the rifle and practised to 10, 20 and 30 yards shooting following the advice from this and some other forums and thats why I think I managed to target and hit all four rabbits (though it wasnt a kill). So now what I understand from you all are saying is that either a 177 or 2
  4. Thanking everyone for the great piece of advice. Yes, I'm searching for a shooting club to join as I type I drove up to Highlands on the 17th looking for Rabbitland. While heading for Inverness I took A93 then A939, through Cairngorms National Parks and found loads of deers, hares and rabbit in a field near a littel village called Tomintoul. So I popped into this restaurant and asked them if that field belongs to them and got an answer saying it belongs to one the the Estates. Then I googled and rang the Park people trying to get permission but they refused saying they've sold it to a hun
  5. Good Morning All, Im a newbie and all new to this hunting in Highlands. I bought an air rifle yester after making calls and confirming with English and Scots firearm departsments of buying and carrying in a car an air rifle without FAC (fire arm certificate). Now, Im here to ask you kind people that If I can hunt rabbits and pheasant if I see them in a land where I wouldnt see general publics, houses or farm animals (like pictured below). I know there is no 'common land' anymore as it belongs to someone. So am I allowed to do hunting in a remote land at all? Any advice on this much
  6. Hey everone, Im Zak the latest newbie, from Nottingham. I bought a spring piston air rifle yesterday and getting used to it now. Its pretty exciting! I've been doing archery and now moved to air guns. Please see the attached pic. Its.177 with 11 ft lbs power. I visit Highlands every year but this time Im gonna make it different; hunting rabbits for food during the road trip. So look forward to talking to you through hunting tips and advice topis. Cheers
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