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Everything posted by Arry

  1. Arry

    Pet hates.

    The One's I call 40's drive 40mph in a 70 limit and 40 in a 30 limit. Cheers Arry
  2. They are mushrooms put under the the lamb in a veg trivet. I love mushrooms so they are not going to waste. Also I use Cep powder in the gravy which I dried in the Autumn. Cheers Arry
  3. Shoulder of Lamb roast. Cheers Arry
  4. Good write up Wolfdog nothing better than getting them out in the wild. Well done mate. Cheers Arry
  5. Arry

    Kelly kettles

    Great for beach fishing especially at night. Cheers Arry
  6. My burger buns with a 6oz Dexter burger in the one Wifey's with cheese and mine with out. Cheers Arry
  7. Bit to much black pepper in the Pasties for wifey shame just the way I like them Lol. Only half of one left now. Cheers Arry
  8. Well it's blowing and pissing down stair rods so thought I would knock up couple of Pasties. Then had an idea to do some Burger bead rolls for tonights tea and freeze the rest if they are any good. Well they look okay. Cheers Arry
  9. Chicken roast. Cheers Arry
  10. As Gm says what a difference a day makes yesterday out with the coil to the soil f***ing freezing and snow on the moor. Today maybe last day ferreting yet still no young. Too bloody hot sweating my nuts off. Spindle berry bush starting to shoot spring just around the corner. Only a stones throw from Hay Tor. Cheers Arry
  11. As DC said never too late I walked out of a maintenance managers job because the owner was being a twat and kicked off at me. I warned him if he kept on I would walk, he carried on F'ing and blinding so walk outside and threw all my toosl in the car and drove off. Like a massive weight was lifted of my shoulders. Then nobody wants to know you when you pass 60. Perhaps I'm lucky can put my hand to most things so went self employed again doing any thing really, Gardening, Machine driving, hedge laying, stone walling, farm work, cutting grass maintenance you know just about any thing that came a
  12. I have had a good life I think now 72 not always been easy still with Wifey after I don't know 43years or so. She has put up with me and my hobbies. The best thing I did was go down to 4 days a week when I was 63 and that was supposed to happen at 60. I was self employed then took every Friday off although some of my customers didn't want me to. Once they got used to the fact that I was not budging and Fridays was mine it was fine. Would I have changed any thing? If had a little more go in me and not feared change then I think New Zealand would have been the place to go. I it would be th
  13. Didn't know what to do tonight so found 3 home made fish cakes in the freezer 1 1/2 each plus couple chunky fish fingers not home made. Sauté flat potatoes and salad. Cheers Arry
  14. I would go with a love spoon handle and maybe it had a wooden spoon bowl on the end that rotted away. Cheers Arry
  15. Cottage Pie. Also knocked up for the first time a Dorset Dough Cake. Ready for some Butter. Cheers Arry
  16. Rack of Lamb and mash. Cheers Arry
  17. What the other guys said is all true and yes they smell especially when in season spring and early summer. If I was you I would think long and hard and try and find somewhere you could go and handle them. But I had a girl stop when I was loading the truck with my ferrets she kept a Hob ferret and would take it for walks was just a pet. She had my ferrets out was cuddling them and making a fuss of them. My ferreting mate off loaded a Hob that grew to be an over sized thing like a bloody otter to a different girl and she loved if. They are escape artist and this one fell from a first floor
  18. The Wife friend went to see where her Grand parents used to live in Manchester and there was a sign on a lamp post. No Whites after 7 o'clock. f**k me I live in a sheltered part of the UK. Cheers Arry
  19. Home made KFC. Cheers Arry
  20. Trying to get in touch with somebody I know that lives in North rock road very close mate. Cheers Arry
  21. I live about 5 miles from Paignton mate. What part of Paignton are you talking? Cheers Arry
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