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Everything posted by Arry

  1. Knocking on a bit but moving with the times. Wet today so I made some more nets been making them since I was a kid, but now I make fluorescent nets. I would only use and make hemp up until a year ago. Having tried fluorescent nets i'm sold you don't loose nets, much quicker picking up and easer to keep an eye on tilled holes. They are brilliant. Guys try making your own nets you value them much more and look harder if you can't find one. Cheers Arry
  2. Many thanks for that. I don't think its that as the rabbit was still alive and theres no gagging that I know about. Really good info though. Cheers Arry
  3. Didn't even know what that was. Looks like its a chemical that used for the control of rats and moles, is that right? This is a double post as I didn't know posted in new members as well. I think Bosun11 got it right in the other post. Been eating wild garlic but this is very strange. I read some where that tame rabbits can smell of garlic when in season and are attracted to garlic. I've no idea if this is right and if this would make the flesh smell so strongly of garlic. The rabbit was bolted low in a wood not far from a stream as Bosun 11 said with the wild garlic just about gon
  4. I go with 5 months as Krawnden said running them through small burrows to start with just a few to start with building up slowly. Then checking with a experience ferret. Cheers Arry
  5. I agree with One and Chicken Man also but would not put him in with young kits as he could still be in season. Is his fur oily still. When hobs are in season they look grubby and oily and off white.(if its white)
  6. Yea had thought of that. still its the oddest thing. Also I thought you could use garlic as a rabbit deterrent as they are not suppose to like it.
  7. The Huntinglife store on this site is the best price i've seen for Mk3
  8. Hi neil I agree with Northern Lad and The One I think she ate them, try screwing the nest box lid down so she is not disturbed we used to do that years ago. I doubt that she will come back into season as days are getting shorter, I think i'm right that is the length of day light hours has some control over them coming into season. But you never know fingers crossed and good luck. Cheers Arry
  9. Hi I'm my sixties now and had ferret nearly all my life, when I was a youngster we used feed them on bead and milk an egg now and then rabbits livers when we got them. I feel so guilty about that, we were ignorant we didn't know any better it was what are fathers taught us. We didn't even have freezers. Now with the internet we can find out all sorts at the touch of a button. Ferrets lasted 3 to 5 years now may 8 to 10 didn't know about jill jabs as well. I spoil my ferrets now (I think) vitamin malt lick, handful of dried food Alpha or James Wellbeloved through the day and in the evening ha
  10. I agree 28 gram Toby silver also white ones fish first light and dusk for Bass or day time if rough.
  11. I did think that. But i'm not sure very odd.
  12. Hi The 2 kits I bought last year were born early May both jills, at 3 months I went out and shot a rabbit I pushed dead rabbit (still warm) into a length of 100mm flexi pipe and put it in there exercise run. Then put the kits in the run and watched in about 15 minutes they got it, once you see them bitting behind the ears of the rabbit you know you have them switched on. Whey were working in September on the second trip I had 4 full grown rabbit by my self. They are both crackers. When in the run I whistle the same every day then feed some strips of meat this helps with handling. I th
  13. Hi Try going on the British ferret club site. http://www.britishferretclub.org.uk Cheers Arry
  14. Hi Guys This is not a joke I've been ferreting for 50 year now and shooting nearly as long. The other day while trying to train two rescue ferrets we caught a brace of rabbits, well on skinning one of them it smelt very strongly of garlic even the liver heart etc. In 50 years i've never known this, I don't know if it had been wild garlic or preening it self after running though wild garlic. I wonder if any of you guys have ever heard of this? The rabbit is in the deep freeze and still smells of garlic but I not sure I want to eat this one. Cheers Arry
  15. Hi Been out as well, training two rescue year old ferrets 65 hole ground burrow on the side of a hill. Did some ground burrows in wood the week before. running the rescues with my year old ferrets. the rescues showed no interest in rabbits at first but they have got it now. Care needed though while doing a ground burrow in a grass field, we were trying to locate a rabbit that did not want to bolt and got distracted, I said to my mate the rabbit moved. Not only had the rabbit moved but had bolted at the top hole some 20 yard away got out of the net and legged it so had the ferret some
  16. Hi Guys This is not a joke I've been ferreting for 50 year now and shooting nearly as long. The other day while trying to train two rescue ferrets we caught a brace of rabbits, well on skinning one of them it smelt very strongly of garlic even the liver heart etc. In 50 years i've never known this, I don't know if it had been wild garlic or preening it self after running though wild garlic. I wonder if any of you guys have ever heard of this? The rabbit is in the deep freeze and still smells of garlic but I not sure I want to eat this one. Cheers Arry
  17. Hi Guys Just like say hello. I'm a ferreting man been doing it for fifty years now, where dose the time go. Also rough shooting and decoying and foraging mushrooming etc.
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