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Everything posted by Arry

  1. Yea thanks somebody else told me that going to drive out to a farmer outlet and have a look a Bekina wells. look like they got a good tread on them. http://www.molevalleyfarmers.com/mvf/info/news/bekina-steplite-x-review Cheers Arry
  2. you can buy them on ebay about £7.50 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ferret-Finder-on-off-depth-switch-Deben-Terrier-Locator-/252130739923 But not the wheel. Cheers Arry
  3. Anybody tried V12 boots? been looking at the clothing post on this site and other places for no frills tough black or green wellies. i don't care if they don't look good just do the job. Its confusing does not seem to be a consensus on which is best. Thought I might try cheap jack pikes or Dunlop as I've had hunters and others but most seem a rip off now and no where as good as they used to be. cheers Arry
  4. Guys What do you think are the best wellies for the money? I don't really want to go for £100 posh jobs. Jack pike and wetlands both do some reasonable priced ones but are they any good. Cheers Arry
  5. The Link did not work from the post but copy and paste will work. Cheers Arry.
  6. Looks like you can get them from this site http://www.ba-bolts.co.uk/steelrnd.html supplies model engineers. Sorry its not a link not sure how to do that, but copy and paste the address into google think that will do the same thing. I think the screw was 17p Cheers Arry
  7. The little screw is 10ba thread mostly used in electrical gear. Cheer Arry
  8. Good fix mate thanks for sharing with us. Does anybody have or know where I can get the trimer resistor that has 100 written on it. it is a adjustable resistor there are 2 on the board and are different values, these adjust the distance but it is tricky. Cheers Arry
  9. I saw a post some where you can use a metal lorry tyre dust cap but i have not tried my self as all mine are 15 foot. Cheers Arry
  10. Forget the last post! Think I was looking at terrier collar! Its 394 as Chelsea said and they are 1.55 volt so if 393 fit they should be okay. sorry guys. Cheers Arry.
  11. Chelsea is right the batteries supplied with the MK3 are CR2032 and they are 3 volt the 393's are only 1.55 volt. The collar would be under powered with 393's in it. Cheers Arry
  12. I think its the same ones for all the collars 393. You can get them on ebay. Cheers Arry.
  13. I wondering if the vets gave them a jab of some thing as there seems to be some thing called "Vaccine Reaction" http://www.exoticpetvet.net/smanimal/vaccine.html Its a bit long but worth a read about two thirds the way through. Cheers Arry
  14. Looks like there are fake Frontline out there. http://www.ebay.co.uk/gds/Differentiating-between-real-and-fake-Frontline-Plus-/10000000006050593/g.html Cheers Arry
  15. Sorry BGD I don't know what it was, just that it was prescribed by the vet. Thing is he thinks it was the treatment but the vets say no. I use spot on for ferrets and small animals or front line for cats and kittens but just put a couple of drops on each and keep them apart till it dries. This happened at the end of last season, I only found out because he was look for some working ferrets for this season. Managed to find him some a lady who used to work a harris hawk with ferrets was giving up. Its odd because he has had ferrets all his life and likes breeding them every year, would h
  16. About a month ago or a mate rang up ask if I new of any working ferrets going any where. I was surprised as he always had half a dozen or so. Turns out at the end of last season after a trip out his ferret became infested with fleas to the point where he burnt his hutches and took his ferrets to the vet, the vet prescribed some treatment. He told me all but two died and they were in a bad way with bulging blood shot eyes and lesions around the groin. He went back to the vet he told him it was nothing to do with the treatment. So what do you guys think? Cheers Arry
  17. Don't know if this is any good to you. http://www.ukho.gov.uk/easytide/easytide/ShowPrediction.aspx?PortID=0181&PredictionLength=7 Cheers Arry
  18. Grompz. I so agree. I can't emphasise the last two word you use enough. Cheers Arry
  19. Have a look at this as it sounds like ear mites. http://www.cypresskeep.com/Ferretfiles/Earmites.htm Cheers Arry
  20. Joe 12-7 is graft. sounds like you got a plan though. good luck. Cheers Arry.
  21. Been training a couple off rescued gills then run my gills thru after. Nearly got caught out when doing a lane in a wood on a hill. While doing the lower hedge in the lane i realised the burrow had crossed sides under the lane I heard the rabbit rattle across and go the higher side. (shit are we in trouble now) 40' of bramble new ground we don't know and holes evey were. Broke in with the hedging hook tilled every thing i found. One poor ferret in, this has gone from a small six hole burrow (berry down here) to a fifty hole warren covered in brambles, we are in deep shit. Finder readings her
  22. Joe. Got a year before I retire and grafted most of my life hod carrying, scaffolding, fishing boats , building etc but 7 -12 hour shifts, respect never done that. You deserve every thing. Good luck to you as well mate. Cheers Arry
  23. Jok yep good one. little screw is 10 ba thread if you loose it. Cheers Arry
  24. Agree with rabbit demon mate. you might have a little buddy to teach in a few years. Fortunes change and you might find a better job. Any way good luck and congrats on the little one. Cheers Arry
  25. Gutted for you mate, you try your best for him. Arry.
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