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Everything posted by Arry

  1. Found this photo from 1982 would you believe, not the best as it had to be scanned only seems like yesterday. Cheers Arry
  2. Well done Doug, Wound me right up for the coming season, can't wait to have a go. Always green with envy seeing them lovely clean open burrows. What a bit of country side. atb Cheers Arry
  3. Hate the things but as said there somebody's pet. So I use a paint ball blow pipe which i've got quite good at over the years, unfortunately the balls don't break if you hit them. So have aim a bit short then they burst and get sprayed, rarely come except one. I bought some 6" long screws with an eye on the end from farmer store put one on each fence post a 2" piece of bamboo on the shank. Then ran some thin wire through the eyes then came back with another strand took a turn round the shank just above the bamboo witch stopped it from dropping, this has worked really well so far. Cheers A
  4. All working now mate, love watching the kits giving each other hell, nice set up. Got two kits about the same size I could watch them for hours, I have a run on the lawn with pipes boxes hammock etc and they bomb around like a couple of squirrels on speed. Cheers Arry
  5. Don't work for me it says "this video is private" Cheers Arry
  6. only my opinion but may be make up some small collars and keep taking for a walks on a lead in wide open spaces(middle of a field etc) , nowhere to hide. Worth a try. Cheers Arry
  7. Give some treats by hand and loads of handling, don't worry it won't run off. Cheers Arry
  8. You can not buy those experiences, he will remember that trip for the rest of his life and the bonding is great. Brought back loads of memories for me, taking my lads floundering mid winter and cooking sausages on hazel sticks. Thanks for jogging the old memory. Brillant that, atb Cheers Arry
  9. I have a separate run on the lawn they spend a lot of time in and put some blank collars on the kits so they get used to them. As the other guys said the more handing the better especially early on, I don't believe you can handle them to much. Also keep mine locked up. Cheers Arry
  10. Love them sort to start the season plus good to train up kits. atb Cheers Arry
  11. Have you got a mark with deep gully's full of kelp? Rougher the ground the better. Cheers Arry
  12. Love that little dog, he's the kind that can turn his paw too anything. I wish i owned something similar atb. I second that mate, I really love him. Cheers Arry
  13. You don't need TV when you have ferrets especially kits. atb Cheers Arry
  14. Its heartening when you hear this kind of thing when there is so much crap going down these day, good on you both. Did the same bought a little sandy jill last month but had a hard time choosing between two all most identical jills, well chose one and went home. Two days later went back for her sister and well pleased with them. Another really nice bloke he was. Cheers Arry
  15. Well said, if only I didn't have to work very true so well put my idea of heaven. Though I skip the mushroom bit as life is going fairly well don't want to end it abruptly I so agree with you mate if you are not sure do not eat it. I started slowly may be one sort each year, But things like giant puff balls, Hedge hog mushrooms you can't go wrong, safer than field mushrooms, and horse mushrooms are great as long as they don't bruises yellow. Worth getting into I promise you, For years I bought books on mushrooms but never had the nerve to try. I'm an old bugger now but wish i'd
  16. Darbo and Ollieollie there are loads of good stuff around this year and its really early for most of it. Cheers Arry
  17. I always can't wait to start but it all fits quite well for me, at the end of the season I start fishing. Then about now I start foraging for fungi and mushrooms, this is a good one as you can look around your perms have a chat with the farmers show your face ask whats about etc. Then get home have a mix of mushroom and smoky bacon on toast an cup of tea talk about how many rabbits we think are there and what burrows their in, or if we should have a crack at pigeons on the stubble. Cheers Arry
  18. That takes me back to when I was a kid, we used to snare them on an old tip on the runs that when from one bramble patch to another. Had a rat I'm my green compost bin for about a week put a baited trap in tried assorts, nothing. then baited it with one of them blue rat bait blocks, bag job done. Some thing in them they can't resist, smells like chocolate. Cheers Arry
  19. Posted this photo before but this was my last JR. The wife won't let me have another as when she passed on it broke her heart but still working on it. Might have to take one home and say the farmer was going to drown it. Lol Would be nice to see some follow up as she gets on, atb Cheers Arry
  20. She will save you hours when she starts marking and she will hold them quicker than you will get to them. Nice young team mate. atb Cheers Arry
  21. Them are looking really good mate, nice coats. Cheers Arry
  22. No mate you are right. Seems to be spreading more and more down hear. Got my fingers crossed that it won't get all my perms. Cheers Arry
  23. Jiggy have a look at this mate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_haemorrhagic_disease Cheers Arry
  24. I know it can live in the ground for nine months, so if a rabbit tries to move back into that area with in that time it will get it and the nine months starts again. Theres some ground the other side of the river for me where I could watch rabbits with a pair of bins for my place now nothing. Went for a walk over there, dead no sign at all not a single bit of shit. Talked to a farmer from north Devon he told me they are coming back after three years. Cheers Arry
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