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Everything posted by Arry

  1. Horrible things though mate. Seen them quite a few time more in recent years don't really know why. thought I would post it to let new comers to the game know. Cheers Arry
  2. Started yesterday had a few but one had tape worm cysts all though it, just like the one in the link. http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-153-10370_12150_12220-26630--,00.html Cheers Arry
  3. One mushroom NOT TO EAT. Still a beautiful looking thing. Cheers Arry
  4. Fred is a nice looking Hob should see you alright with some new blood in the line mate. atb Cheers Arry
  5. I can still remember catching my first rabbit by myself unassisted so to speak with my first ferret( a kit i had brought up ) and i only had the one. Walk every where then a good two miles from home, but every step was easy and I felt ten feet tall. I new my father would be proud of me and it would put food on the table, there was no going back I was hooked for life. Congratulations you won't forget that day Have a good season. Cheers Arry
  6. Good one Doug, Great when somebody recommends you you have done a good job. Cheers Arry
  7. Good on Lurcherman 887. kind offer. Cheers Arry
  8. Quite a nice photo of two hares on the shooting uk site. http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/news/new-code-on-brown-hare-control-1354 few on google images Cheers Arry
  9. Like the way this rock has been sculpted by the elements. Cheers Arry
  10. Was that no 2 years ago a day with the top man might be a bit more now Nope not me, Maybe there thinking of Simon Whitehead ( If that the right name ). I would not expect payment for a day out ferreting. Cheers Arry
  11. Nice place what a view, is that two making off in the last photo Doug? Whats with all the white marker are they young trees mate? Cheers Arry
  12. Never have never will charge a penny to take any body out whether it be for ferreting or foraging, just nice to pass on any thing i've learn while I still can. Atb Cheers Arry
  13. It has been cleaned up there a bit. I'm heading there next week so hopefully get a few. I go mid week so it's fairly quiet. As Jonah said, a few years ago it got really bad. People where taking too much and leaving all their kit and litter behind. Will see how it is next week That was this year eastern europeans were wrecking it with their greed and litter. Also they had upset a local crabber not sure how but he put a rope in front of the high ground to the right of mackerel point, so fishing for plaice and smooth hounds was out. Plenty of mackerel on the last big tides every where in th
  14. Hedges have ears and eyes. When the wind is in the east the rabbits bolt the least. Cheers Arry
  15. Good, its a beautiful spot down there and it was being ruined by large numbers of Asians absolutely fleecing it, that was about 3 years ago when i saw it, rubbish everywhere Yea jonah your right there, my mate Bry i fish,ferret and forage with got so angry he walk over picked all the rubbish and stuff it into one off their bags in full sight of them. He told them to take their fxxking rubbish home with them, they never said a word. Cheers Arry
  16. Have you got to wax them or store them in a cold place to store? Never seem to last especially when you open a bottle of wine. Cheers Arry
  17. Done my Blackberry jam yesterday 1.2 kilo of berry's a brambly apple the juice of 2 small lemons 150ml of cloudy apple juice and 1.2 kilo of sugar. Turned out very good. Found three wild plumb trees tiny little plumbs very tasty about the size of your thumb nail in diameter. Made a small batch of jam out of them just to try, stewed them down in a little apple juice then through a sieve to get rid of the stones and skins. Did a guest amount 400gram of plumbs, 1/2 a brambly apple, the juice of 1/2 lemon and 400grams sugar, little taste, slightly like a marmalade, tangy should be nice on toast.
  18. Theres some bye law which put a limit on how many Mackerel you can take down hopes Nose I think it 20. Its to try and stop all the foreigners commercial fishing and the litter they leave behind. They have made it into some kind of nature reserve. In the local rag it said they had already fined some people. Cheers Arry
  19. Get yourself this little set up ... powdered milk and tea bags in the pots that are inside the cups ... cooler head is inside the kettle ..... what you can't see is it also has a two plates and two sets of cutlery ... weighs about 1.5 lbs ...... Nice set that, but can't do the powered milk. atb Cheers Arry
  20. Arry

    Wayne Rooney

    She is a bloke surely one of them lady boys. Cheers Arry
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