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Everything posted by Arry

  1. You'll be dragging your ass across a dewy lawn in the morning. Lol Cheers Arry
  2. Turnstones at ST Ives Cornwall I was amazed these normally shy wadders are like feral pigeons running around under peoples legs and across in front of cars. Cheers Arry
  3. So many say that if you're not in it for the money you're deluded... I could work twice as long, and move and earn twice the going rate but all this would pass me by. It's a cliche but I'll take the quality over the quantity any day and I'm glad I figured it out when I did. So so right. A beautiful morning went foraging in some woods a bit fresh and very autumnal. My mate and myself often stop look at the view and say you can't buy that. We so appreciate where we live and how lucky we are so many people don't. Cheers Arry
  4. Lurcherman 887 Your a good sound man. Cheers Arry
  5. Sounds like a Scottish Wild Cat mate. Cheers Arry
  6. Visited my favourite tree only to find a hornets nest in a hole in the trunk. As I get blood poisoning if i get stung by a wasp thought I give the old tree a miss this year. Cheers Arry
  7. Went to an old Chestnut tree I visit most years to forage a few nuts, gave it a body swerve there was a nest of these Hornets I think. Cheers Arry
  8. Jok He posted his number in the "Calibrating Mk1 Ferret Finder" at the top of front page. Cheers Arry
  9. Beautiful shot there very sharp. Cheers Arry
  10. Vin rang a old friend who use to supply sheet netting to an amusement park I worked at. He gave me 2 numbers. See if they can help you. Knowle Nets Ltd. 01308 424342 Sicor International. 01308 428224 Both in Bridport. Cheers Arry
  11. Very nice, love that ground. A bank like that down here is covered in black thorn. Well done lads. Cheers Arry
  12. Got to remember mate women are semi reptilian and cold blooded creatures. I'm sitting in a t shirt and she wants the heating on and the winter quilt on the bed. atb. Cheers Arry
  13. Conker's apparently spiders don't like them and they will even drive them away, some chemical they give off or something like that. Bit late in the season now though i suppose. Cheers Arry
  14. Thanks Micky I put a post up of Pillow Mounds on Dartmoor and a link to a site that showed there design and how they used them. Very interesting I would love to ferret one that was live with rabbits just because all the work that went into them and the maintenance. Ever one had no sign of rabbits yet nearly all had a few holes that were open. Cheers Arry
  15. Tree on the bottle. Its slowly eating it. Cheers Arry
  16. Do yourself a favour go to fourteen acre mate , Thought this clown had changed his name to Sporting scotland or similar ?. Take The One's advice mate as i've never bought of this site i was just trying to find you some twine. Cheers Arry
  17. Skip the kidneys replace with good couple of sausages or black pudding. Was drooling though, then the sea food very very nice. Cheers Arry
  18. Hemp Twine at. https://www.jbsnets.co.uk/index.php/vmchk/Net-Making-Supplies/View-all-products.html Cheers Arry
  19. Just joshing mate had my mouth watering. I think its the way the head is bent down a bit reminded me of one. Atb Cheers Arry
  20. Sure that not one of them Coelacanth fish,Lol. Cheers Arry
  21. Arry

    North Korea

    So why does the UK give aid to him £4 million in the last six years. Cheers Arry
  22. I could put up with that Micky, very nice ground and nice photos. Cheers Arry
  23. Truly nice shots there mate. Cheers Arry
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