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Everything posted by Arry

  1. good show mate, nice when you get the young one working. Cheers Arry
  2. Its a bit frustrating but the newer one is better. But its the 24 time zoom I like, could not even buy a lens for what I paid for the camera. Though it might be worth a look. Cheers Arry
  3. Now I could not afford a DSLR and a good lens with fishing ferreting shooting etc etc if you know what I mean. So in the end went for a bridge camera "Lumix FZ150" it gives you 24 times zoom which I think is about equivalent to 600mm lens. It a pretty good shot and easy to use, this camera main draw for me is a slight delay in taking a shot. This camera has been supper seeded now and my brother in law has one has a light sensor chip closer to a DSLR and takes a cracking shot with less delay. Cheers Arry
  4. Good on you Lee, your getting good numbers there well done. Nice to know there are some youngsters (I take it you are a youngster no offence meant) carrying ferreting on. Atb. Cheers Arry
  5. Looks like a box I found under the wife's side of the bed last week To much information. Lol. Cheers Arry
  6. Looks a bit hot for me but BBQ with that forecast well done mate. No Mushrooms? Cheers Arry
  7. That little chippy done a good job for you there mate. Cheers Arry
  8. Sounds an interesting one Just for a bit of fun really. I cleared a load of rabbits for a market gardener/farmer then laid some hedges put up a poly tunnel odd jobs here and there. They grew edible flowers and all sorts of strange plants fruits etc to supply up end restaurants , they would give me plants to try. Cheers Arry
  9. Been growing this strange plant "Strawberry Spinach" can eat the leaves and the berries look like strawberries and taste like peanuts. Cheers Arry
  10. Nice show that worth the effort. Got a feeling going to be a bit lean year us very patchy. Also its so mild the hedgerows are not dying back. Cheers Arry
  11. Can't find that top one Micky but I have sent pictures in the past to this site and they did get back to me. You could try them if you would like. http://www.mushroomdiary.co.uk Cheers Arry
  12. Well this is what I've found see what you think, "Purple Staining Milk Cap" have a look on this link mate. http://www.first-nature.com/fungi/lactarius-uvidus.php And the top one I don't know, you say its like a "Blewit" look up "Wood Blewit" see it the fits, atb Cheers Arry
  13. Well mate I don't know with the first and the third the "bolete" looks a good one have you still got the stem? I'll get some books out. Cheers Arry
  14. Proper job that looks nice with the chillies in there to. Cheers Arry
  15. Last of my rain bows. Still got a few ordinary one left. The Purple Sprouting is getting bigger and bigger lifting the netting off the hoops. Took the runner beans down, also as my Tomatoes were coming to an end I took a shoot off one of the Sun Gold plants potted it. I stopped it at three trusses which now are full of fruit whether they ripen or not we will see but thought it was worth a try. Cheers Arry
  16. Oh and as for an App I have a JCB brick of a phone I break them. If I had a iPhone recon I would fold it in half. If I take a photo on it its about the size of a postage stamp. Lol Cheers Arry
  17. I agree mate but with out holding them and smelling etc etc hard to tell. the "Charcoal Burner" is a "Russula" so you are right. Some of them lower ones could be dodgy maybe the "brown Roll Rim" and the "Fools Funnel" both poisonous. Cheers Arry
  18. A good site link i use. http://www.wildfooduk.com/mushroom-guides/ Two good books. Field Guide to Edible Mushrooms of Britain and Europe by Peter Jordan. River Cottage Handbook No1 Mushrooms By John Wright. Cheers Arry
  19. Second one down looks like a "Charcoal Burner" edible have a look in the mushroom post. Third one down looks like "Saffron Milk Cap" edible BUT it has a poisonous look alike called the "Wooly Milk Cap"so I would leave. Eighth one down an old "Bolete" and the next a "Puff Ball" edible if it cuts white as South Hams Hunter says. But before eating any please please get a book I recommended some in the mushroom post and don't eat any thing you are not sure of. Cheers Arry
  20. Once did some hot pickled small button mushroom, very addictive. Myself and a pal ate a hole jar spearing them with cocktail sticks while drinking whisky one Boxing day. Cheers Arry
  21. Crackers them mate. Cheers Arry
  22. My wife's booked in for radical hysterectomy on 23 October ,so going to cover it up much as possible till spring,I put some well rotten chicken manure down before I covered it so hopefully the worms will pull it down in. And the rabbit will bugger off elsewhere if there's nothing for it to eat. Best wishes to the wife on that mate. Cheers Arry
  23. When I see her I alway think the Muppet Show music is going to start. Cheers Arry
  24. You'll be dragging your ass across a dewy lawn in the morning. Lol Cheers Arry
  25. Turnstones at ST Ives Cornwall I was amazed these normally shy wadders are like feral pigeons running around under peoples legs and across in front of cars. Cheers Arry
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