It is home made mate by my self. Traditional mix with beef skirt,swede,onion and potato. Even make my own pastry with strong bread flour which makes it a lot easier to crimp. That some pasty you created there mate.
Cheers Arry
I would go for the Curlew calling
Pigeon clapping its wing coming out of a hedge.
Black bird sing its heart out.
A Wren singing or telling you off because you are getting a bit handy to its nest.
Cheers Arry
Greyman. I'm a totally believe there out there even that I have never seen one myself. Three or four of my mates have seen them and they are good country men and gave me good accounts of what they saw and I believe them, why should I call them a liar or a crackpot. Several farmers I know have seen them and son of one of the farmers told me his sister went to feed her horse one evening when they heard her screaming so they all ran out to find her root to the spot in a short lane. She told them a huge black cat came over the hedge from one side landed in front of her they sprang over the hedge t
Bubble and squeak or flat fried boiled chips you got it sorted there GL and mushrooms instead of them kidneys don't get much better than that.
Cheers Arry
Well never made a pate so thought i'd have a go.
Used this recipe and stuck exactly to it (must be a first for me) and it turn out bloody handsome. Well worth a go guys.
I chopped it all up quite fine so its more like a pate than a terrine. think ill make some more for Christmas as I don't think this batch will last long.
Cheers Arry