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Everything posted by Arry

  1. Of coarse this is jus an experiment to see which is best. One Devon way one Cornish Well the Devon one looks the best. But I'm not sure think I will have to do the experiment again. Cheers Arry
  2. Spatchcock Chicken. Cheers Arry
  3. Thank you Kev and Sean C for every thing. Sean you should be on stage mate thats presentation was so funny was cracked up thanks. Even though I went from hero to zero Lol. Will sent a email to Luccombe fishery. Cheers Arry
  4. Thank you Bob tried to send PM says you cant receive them inbox full maybe mate. Cheers Arry
  5. I like Sardines the ones in Tomato sauce in a a big well buttered door step sandwich with a bit of black pepper. Cheers Arry
  6. Fox hunting: have your say SPEAKOUT.38DEGREES.ORG.UK Cheers Arry
  7. Try a bit of a young one as long as a dog has not pissed on them Lol. Cheers Arry
  8. I know mate I was all butter up for that, looked amazing. Not only that but the was a food tent with four or five professional chiefs cook one being a "Great British Menu" semi finalist they are all friends. Hell of a do big music tent, camping, bows and arrows,kids games, treasure hunt that ended at the combine that the shoot for the grain looks like a dragon. Will be brilliant evening there tonight lovely people. Like a mini festival. Things on and got to get my gear and gifts for THL fishing comp tomorrow. Weird how every thing seems to happen on the same weekend. Cheers Arry
  9. At a Farm celebration today and the farm collie was getting a bit stressed with loads of kid want to throw stick for him etc. The dog know me well and will tag along when I'm out ferreting and will mark in so I went for a walk with to see what the rabbit situation was. The dog loved it being away from the crowds started working the hedges straight away. Lovely place. view towards the moor. Cheers Arry
  10. Invited today by a Farmer mate of mine to a celebration at his Farm. Loads going on but what interested me most was the oven they built to cook two lambs in. Unfortunately Wifey and I had to leave before it was ready. Cheers Arry
  11. Full English Breakfast for Dinner. Cheers Arry
  12. Dartmoor. Tales Of Dartmoor – Legendary Dartmoor WWW.LEGENDARYDARTMOOR.CO.UK Cheers Arry
  13. She's not ready for a home yet but very forgetful. She in denial about it all thinks she will get better, has a car out side and hasn't driven it for over a year. I have to remind her about putting the bins out and what bins I drop her around the odd meal. But she is fretful she thought she had been scammed the other day after somebody rang and said money had been taken out of her account. Shame she switched off every thing and walked out the house she though somebody was into her computer. I saw her coming back in tears and tried to explain that nothing had gone told her to check her bank to
  14. No just enough to live on and keep them self warm in the winter. The deal was you pay in and you get a pension when you reach 65 men and 60 for women. They have moved the goalposts on that now. The old are just a nuisance now. I did have about 8 pensions some very small but I didn't draw on any I took them out and invested the money. The thing is a lot of pensions if you die the money is gone so f**k that. There is a lot of old folk out there that had low payed jobs that they could only just get by on when earning no extra to put by for old age. So they just get discarded
  15. Is there wood just under the grass mate. It looks like Dyads Saddle common name "Pheasants wing" normally found growing on wood. Dryad's Saddle WWW.WILDFOODUK.COM Dryad's Saddle, Pheasant's Back, Cerioporus squamosus, Polyporus squamosus, Basidiomycetes, Polypore, Edible Cheers Arry
  16. Roast Chicken Thighs. Could only manage two. Sometime for scram tomorrow. Cheers Arry
  17. Wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't robed the Pensioners. Cheers Arry
  18. The poor Train Drivers on £60000 how on earth do they manage should give them another £10000. Oh wait a minute they just did. Cheers Arry
  19. I did a Seek on the photo it says Mottle gill mushroom mate. See what you think of it on the Wildwood.com site link mate. To be honest I would not encourage the fungi in household plants. But still interesting. Brown Mottlegill WWW.WILDFOODUK.COM Brown Mottlegill, Panaeolina foenisecii, Panaeolus foenisecii, LBM, Inedible, Grassland mushroom, Saprotrophic mushroom Cheers Arry
  20. BBQ'ed Lamb Kebabs. Cheers Arry
  21. I just read that Jok what the f**k is this country coming to. Cheers Arry
  22. Be interesting if any think comes of it. Cheers Arry
  23. They're about a mile away from there mate through the lanes.. They cant sell the proper old rough cider any more its all a bit up market but very good. They have a good looking camp site as well. Cheers Arry
  24. Bit of a cop out tonight. Didn't feel like cooking so got a couple of 6oz Dexter burgers out of the freezer and cut some skinny chips. Cheers Arry
  25. Sorry mate out of likes as usual. be nice to see a mature example. Cheers Arry
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