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Everything posted by Arry

  1. This might help if you doing a larger batch. This recipe makes four very big pasties you could make eight small ones, still a nice size. Its easier with home made pastry made from strong bead flower much easier to fold and crimp. Cheers Arry
  2. No Jok every thing is raw. For two nice size Pasties. Its just Morrisons shortcrust pastry. If making your own pastry use strong bread flower. Don't use "just Roll pastry" it will fall apart on you. 130g Maris peppers cubed. divided in two, Raw 130g beef skirt cubed. divided in two. Raw 80g swede divided in two. Raw 60g onion chopped. divided in two Raw knob of butter in each one or clotted cream. 1/2 tsp salt in each one 1/4 tsp black pepper in each one Crimped up and egg washed. 165c in fan
  3. Pissing down and blowing a gale so knocked up a couple of Pasties. Cheers Arry
  4. Was a real one off for Wifeys Birthday I have never spent so much on a meal for two before. It was an experience and the Guy is hell off a Cook. Cheers Arry
  5. Never push the boat like this before. Wifeys Birthday and this is a true one off for us one of then taster menu place real posh for us. Got to say the food was amazing. Took the petit fours home lol. Cheers Arry
  6. Baited with Nuts Cheers Arry
  7. Up on Dartmoor today. Cheers Arry
  8. Saved the last of my tomato's just before the frosts couple days ago. they were green but are ripening nicely on the window sill. Cheers Arry
  9. Wifey bought one Rib Eye and one Rump. The Rump twice as thick as the Rib Eye made cooking a bit tricky. Ploughman's from yesterday. Cheers Arry
  10. Females are tidying up. Cheers Arry
  11. Its the older ones and the bigger Rats that are cautious and don't seem to like smaller traps. I did modify the rabbit trap with a extra bit of weld mesh on the door just bit wider. I found young Rats could just squeeze through the gap on the side of the door. Them Rabbit traps are good mind had countless cats in them that dig and shit in the veg. I don't harm them just give the a dunk in the water but then let them go they rarely come back. Cheers Arry
  12. Its a live Rabbit trap Eddie and I do get more in that one than the Squirrel trap. Cheers Arry
  13. Left over Lamb and Chicken curry and fried rice. Taste a lot better that it looks lol. Cheers Arry
  14. Leg of Lamb today. Cheers Arry
  15. Whats a real shame is its the Hare is the big loser. That farmer and probably and every other farmer in that area will exterminate every Hare. No Hares no problem. But then they don't give a f**k just move to somewhere else. Cheers Arry
  16. Nice program with some good photography. Cheers Arry
  17. Rib Eye with peppercorn sauce. Cheers Arry
  18. Out coil to the soil on top of a hill. A beautiful afternoon in a T shirt middle of November. Don't ask just buttons, buckles and lead, and of course bloody ring pulls. Cheers Arry
  19. Ditch I use good mince from the butcher and I always save left over gravy from a roast. I think good gravy really makes the difference. A few precooked cubed carrots and swede some fried off diced onions, fried chopped garlic and 3 or 4 chopped mushrooms. Thats about it mate if thats any help. I like to scuff the top of the spuds up put in on high heat to get crispy top then lower the heat. Hope this is a help. Cheers Arry
  20. Cottage Pie tonight. Cheers Arry
  21. Chicken thigh stew with bit of left over steak thrown in. Cheers Arry
  22. I like having the name of river a lot especially Dart as I like on the side of it so bias. I think Teigh would be another good name of corse bias again. Cheers Arry
  23. Bream fillets tonight. Cheers Arry
  24. Just had another bugger thats two today. They just keep coming. I notice there are very few acorns this year perhaps thats why they are come on the estate. Cheers Arry
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