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Everything posted by chesney

  1. Kevin m is that the woman that was at yere show afew years ago taking photos of dogsHer face would go well on the dart board lol
  2. There many heartbreakers in the 2nd season ha we have a few ourselves after starting there in the last few weeks il try get a few pics up.
  3. I think a few of you lads need ta meet up and get yourselves a couple of fair play men and drive out the road and sort things out haha.
  4. I suppose there not a chance fd ever gifting you pup anytime soon ha.
  5. Haven't read all of it but if it's a vote for a party that's not against hunting then from what I read it seems fianna gael and fianna fail are the choice not much of a choice but that's what its lookin like. Shur were already ready in the shit evonomically anyway so we're used to that at least our hunting is still legal so it's vote one of these 2 keep our hunting legal and stay in the shit I can live with lol.
  6. Il have ta wait till next year before I rightly know what way the few I have left are going ta be they might surprise me haha.
  7. Is it best ta only breed a bitch and dog were a high percentage of the siblings on both sides are doing the job.
  8. I'm happy once they stay not in a position ta be choosey bout what way they work once stay that's all that matters imo
  9. There seems to be a craze for dogs taken punishment at the moment with some lads
  10. Just dig a mass grave and bury all politicans in it none of them any good.
  11. I'm sure there someone will get back to ya they may not but if they do it will be through pm I'd say they not lads for talkin on open forums.
  12. Season only starts now for the summer hunters ha
  13. Im on the way out of it myself to many shitheads at to be dealing with nowadays down this way had to deal with an awful lot of shit over dogs at the start of the season over lads shit stiring and causing to part with doga but not by choice. But things were not as bleak as we thought a few younger dogs spread out have stepped and look promising for the lads that have them so the season should finish on higher note than it started but myself il walk away now at seasons end .
  14. The clowns on facebook give them all the amunition they need. There certain sites on facebook just for terrier work alone and the great terrier men putin up pictures of great digs and dogs chewed up lol and the very same terrier men only a year ago on here given out about the boys on the lurcher sites for slaughtering deer and fox's and put in them up on FB for the world to see lol.
  15. Your mate paccy sounds like right legend God be good to him
  16. Ye agree keep it going treehands and ignore certain shit talk from lads
  17. There ok for young dogs that haven't seen much
  18. Plenty lads willing to spend money for the so called top breeding a lot them decent lads that know what there at but the so called top men keep what comes from their so called top brood bitchs for themselves and their mates and rightly but why then breed from the studs litter mates and likewise with their so called top broods and charge nice sums of money to lads who genuinely then think there getn the best. When there only getting inferior stock.
  19. It's not the terriers that's the problem the poor fuckers have no say it's the ego's and the politics involved that's a lot of the problem. And I don't begrudge any lad selling a pup from good working stock at a price it's there choice if there over stocked there is some genuine lads out there that will pay for the right stuff and look after it if given a chance.
  20. It's all about ££££££££££££ €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ lol.
  21. Doing favours and being helpful is well over rated in my opinion I'v done enough turns and favours for lads over the years shit is your thanks to anyone buying pups do your homework and get in writ writing that when you pay pup is yours and there comeback down the road.
  22. Nice pics DC agree with ya aswell about to many pricks about these days and awful lot of 2 faced c**ts in the mix aswell.
  23. No Pablo not brown bread yet ha I told chap don't be hasty give the dog time not as if he walked out or anything that be different story. He just found it strange what happened I'v never seen it myself shur as I said how bad he dug the dog got his game and dog still fresh if he goes on to work like that so be it as long as he stays that's the main thing. I think some lads have it in there heads that everything should be in grips everytime they break through Neil was right the lad and the dog are still green lol.
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