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Everything posted by chesney

  1. They were all good dogs the Chad is me own that tyson was a good dog he one the first I dug I see stuff of that ali aswell they were plenty that stuff around one time I should of got more stuff out them dogs they were all honest workers il try get up a few more pics of the man that owned that tyson he had some good workers about him.
  2. This was a mates dog called tyson one of the first proper black dogs I see work
  3. I dont think he meant he bred pups every month of the I'd say he meant over the years he had pups produced different months of the year and the summer months are the best for rearing them.
  4. Lads will surely hear it all again same peddlers and dealers just different victims.
  5. Pups working of him anall top producer 500 a pup and 1000a service he bred down from a very goodline of workers only the best I'v already bread a few litters which I now class as my line lol.
  6. That was some badluck bg and bad form from who ever ya gave your dog to its hard ta tell who is friend or foe put them to sleep would have been better option hard thing ta do but at least your would know where they were for all time.
  7. Welcome enjoy its a good working show lisgoold
  8. Thanks Chesney, the good weather was all down to Kevin and his rain dance ?
  9. Shovel shy the dog is a credit to ya fair play
  10. It was silly statement for me ta put up open forum il edit there now but he is a prick for what did to lads.
  11. France is calling me lol top stuff blaise and nice pics thanks for sharing
  12. Fair play taz and fireman pups a credit to ye both hope he turns to be a good one for ya fireman.
  13. Will ya have room for everyone that's coming it's them judges will need assistants to help judge all them terriers and lurchers lol.
  14. Ye have had the good weather the last couple years the rain is due for at least one lol only messing lads hope it's great weather and the show goes of well for ye.
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