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Everything posted by chesney

  1. Will Eddie Howe still be there next season you think lads
  2. Make them nuclear powers and they wont belong blowing themselves up
  3. Wars are had to keep populations down
  4. I think its great news having all those big fancy shiny missiles finally getting to launch them the nukes are the ones drop them all over middle east problem solved
  5. Men in this country one time starved themselves for a cause an insult to there memories the carry on of the politicians in this country
  6. Thats him just dug yesterday he in good hands with the lad has him
  7. My mate bought him of that chap few months back goin well he is in fairness to him
  8. Ye mate mine owns him very pleased with him
  9. Can always keep tbe dog and run her on as you have been and just get yourself another young dog r 2 that might work out better
  10. Its been circling since last thursday one them poor kids was dead people were saying in the commentscon alot the videos on youtube and instagram that varadkhar and martin are 2 disgusting creatures
  11. He half indian 3rd world slum bùmmer a mongrel he is with a bad outcross leave him go to india and spout the shit he does i wonder how long he last
  12. The politicians in government are there to long there to comfortable they can lose an election and still stay in. Any them thats there 10yr or more should be made stand down and leave others have a go at it they shouldnt even be allowed run the next election should be law there that they have to sit a term break the cycle. Hardliners behind Sinn Fein would really want to reign in the likes of Mary lou Mcdonald
  13. Be fuzzy wuzzies dressed up as super heroes next Wilf
  14. Half bred queer indian gandhi he is the pakis would stone him to death. In dog terms Leo is a mongrel
  15. I think Wilf is turning us innocent irish country lads on thl into a nation of far right thugs and rascists only messing Wilf
  16. Protecting drug dealers north and south of the border
  17. To be honest dont see the point of attacking liked of luas and public transport people do have to use them. Government buildings police stations and politicians places of residence to me are all fair game
  18. They wouldnt report any other way
  19. chesney


    I wish to f**k the israelis would wind in this country going be little palestine if they keep flooding here
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