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Everything posted by chesney

  1. Scumbags who ever they are hopefully he gets them returned
  2. To be honest stopend i dont really follow ufc so whether he won or got hammered never made much odds to me i just never liked the man there dirty side in his character and what he hangs out with. There some may say different he does alot of good in other areas.
  3. He stayed away from the level mma to long cant take time away from that level and then expect to jump back in and beat lads that basically flatout competing and when not fighting are doing heavy sparing .
  4. He in the wrong section bushing section he should be in he beagle patterdale Russel cross
  5. I never even measured him he right isnt he ha
  6. Its a fast road to ruination with most them dogs some have already reached that point the rest are not far behind. To much to soon and much wants more slippery slope to many all seeking the same type only there not enough to go around only matter time before more dogs start getting lifted and the terrier boys be waiting to buy them up.
  7. Have i to fix them pics aswell. Just easier to buy them in for some i suppose. Did the other man ever get tbem bitchs the breeding is in the bitchs i need the bitchs i dont care how small they are the breeding is in the bitchs he says ???
  8. Any them of your old bitch undertaker nice type
  9. All them bully breeds only show ponies now adays totally agree they have no place at working dog show
  10. I always said there only one way to sort out the middle east nuke it erase it from history let them teap the armageddon they wish for
  11. Send all them protesters to live with them for 12months and see how quick they change there minds.
  12. There will always be the dedicated few who keep going
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