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Everything posted by chesney

  1. Is there any the old bess or sam back in there scarface dog is very like some that old stuff.
  2. Couple crackers there scarface not much of that type around anymore
  3. Sorry to hear to hear that ryaldinhio got the same news about a mate about 7 weeks back stunned when i heard it. The nicest fella ya could ever meet always in good form couldnt do enough for people words coundnt do this man justice but unfortunately we just never know what somebody is thinking mental health is a big thing talking helps if only they would reach out and ask for themeslves cause he was always there for everyone else.
  4. Nice dog looks to have putva shift in fairplay ?
  5. Only see something about that online the other day alana McLaughlin the shims name is google search will give of the shim when in army complete joke
  6. Just put them in as dont anseer
  7. Something has to happen i dont see the point of these countries having all these nukes pointing at each other drop them bad boys and done with it
  8. Americans are pulling out there cause there trouble coming down the line with the chinks and the last thing they want is to be bogged down in Afghanistan and middleeast if it kicks of with them
  9. Where ever they orignated from the black uns are terrier mans dream in the right hands and a peddlers dream on the otherside of the coin
  10. Shown good signs first time out cant complain
  11. Some miltary hardware after been left behind in that country the taliban has its own air force now
  12. Powerfull speech that the thing with the west wilf is they dont have the stomach for an all out conflict after 2 world wars devastated the continent. Abd lets be honest if they west decided they really had enough of them they could wipe them of the map within hrs maybe thats they will eventually understand
  13. Some waste of young soldiers lifes after all that politicians should be held accountable forvthe lives lost and veterans and families left devastated . But then its not there sons and daughters was sent out there.
  14. There mate mine has a yard of that type russell easily 30 odd years breeding in them and more they have never sold out 1 pup and very rarely gifted out any and services just a no. The first dogs o ever dug was them and were gamey enough dogs
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