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Everything posted by chesney

  1. Thats been the problem with black dogs for long time a few only in it to line there pockets.
  2. chesney


    Wakanda and Zamunda
  3. chesney


    Thats narrative thats been pushed that dark Africa was the place of thriving kings and kingdoms with unicorns and flying pigs with rivers of gold the whole continent was a black utopia until there dreaded white devil european decendents arrived.
  4. Be more fitter for them to do documentary on the 2 legged illegal animals invading there country or the perverts that run bbc
  5. Theres a lazy department lad snaring part country i know and on more than occasion iv come on stuff with them snares ate into there necks and body cut just enough where snare closes obviously whoever set them is afraid to do there job and handle the animals.
  6. Snares cause alot of suffering on animals left in them i only took a fox out one earlier thing wrapped around his hips and i took countless other lads out them caught up on ditchs and runs and that wire cut right through there necks not a good sight when they been caught up a while in them
  7. Natural reaction would be kick him from that position but known clumsy me id miss and end up on my arse ha. I done couple them takedown courses when do security in a hospital for restraining patients but shur when ya dealing with people of tge scales that goes out the window give them no time get them down fsst and hard and if its done right they seem to come back to reality fairly quick
  8. At 12 r 13 seconds cop behind should have blowin his knee out with a kick.
  9. Id love to catch it and throw it in a tree shredder dirty cuntin yokes them
  10. Mate mine got one only recently so still in business anyway
  11. Those type legs wouldnt effect any earrh dog worth his salt or any dog just been used for bit bushing. Thats why working terriers have been on the slide for long time to many want the perfect look show dogs i suppose.
  12. Its similar story all over the country youngfellas going around of there heads floating around not doing a tap. Plenty them that do work just working to pay of few debts sad to look at it. Then there are plenty tgem around that dont get caught up in it.
  13. 84 billion dollars worth of military equipment left behind in Afghanistan why didnt they just blow it up as they were leaving.
  14. Chinks aint going do nothing all bluster them if they were going to they would have blown her out the sky
  15. They look fine the way they are jossa. Il ask false peds put up couple of the ones he used own
  16. Very nice looking bordees them lad on here false peds had levi oaks bred stuff like that few year ahp now.
  17. Bitchs here dock the tails themselvs just comes natural to them
  18. Tramp like her id just break her face for her no point trying ro reason with a c**t.
  19. Its all a money racket with them bull breeds so far removed from the purpose they were originally used for the pats are going/gone the same way have been for long time but the lads that churned out the blackstuff to anybody willing to pay x amount should know better.
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