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Everything posted by Eggy

  1. Eggy


    Try this one http://dogfeathers.com/java/spirals.html
  2. Eggy


    Funny & phsychedelic. +Never really seen a hunting ban either
  3. Quality! :11: :11: :11:
  4. I'm Dutch....but i'm a converted Pie eater (Wiganeese) [bANNED TEXT] (livin in AB) :11:
  5. Again, excellent piccies. A nice bit of rodeo action (ferret& rabbit ) Very nice pup! ....Im getting more&more convinced (crazy theory) that lurchers with big ears have more brains, and are steady (many woundn't stand for a ferret bite!) I bet somebody would dismiss that Cheers Eggy
  6. I think quite e few 'sections' & actions of society are to blame for the hunting ban but 2 spring to mind: 1. Sentimental/unrealastic and hypocritical folk who (not necesseraly townies) who love KFC, McD, Burger King and microwave meals.. etc but are anti-hunting (and completely out of touch were there food actually comes from). This also includes people who are anti-animal experimentation (medical) but go to the doctors for painkillers, antibiotics etc at the first sign of a cough (where do they think these drugs have been tested on!) 2. Labours "spin" machine for giving these th
  7. Well I finally ordered a chest freezer, and it arrived this morning: No space for bunnies fezants etc in the kitchen fridge-freezer anymore so a big'n in the garage should do the job: Should hold the veggies I'm gonna grow this year as well. Its a whirlpool 17.8 cu/ft capacity freezer and not too badly priced at £200 @ comet What do you use for freezing your game? Enough capacity? Cheers Eggy
  8. Eggy

    ferret feed

    I give 'em a bit of everything (all raw&fresh) rabbits, squirels, trapped mice & moles, fish, molluscs etc.... But also dry ferret food mixed with some catfood (1:1) in time of lack of carcass (in summer when flies are a problem) I was told to be careful with too much organ meet (liver/kidney) because it can cause a toxic build-up of Vit-A (paralysis) I let mine loose in the garage now and then, and one crunched up a fat hybernating frog (I think they are protected so its probably against the law to feed them!) They also seem to love them nasty munching (crushed) snails (b
  9. Great piccies pan ...nice clear frosty morning!
  10. Eggy

    a day out

    Nice one chilli How old is yer dog?
  11. Try http://www.cookeryonline.com/Game/Preparing%20Game.htm Remember to hang birds from the neck, not from the feet, otherwise the breast meat will get tainted quickly...and if it has lead in its belly don't hang it (it will rot) Bon apetit!
  12. Cheers Geronimo, but these are DIY nets from spun nylon
  13. Have taken a day of work and decided to introduce my 4 month old jill to rabbits! The hob of the same age had a piece of the action last saturday (3 rabbits), so now it was the jills turn....She did well! 3 hours, a fair bit of rain but had a good time. Here we go...... End result 5 rabbits including one wich was picked up by the dog, but lost a couple as well. Had to dig once but it was only 2ft deep: Cheers Eggy
  14. Keeps.....Not hyjacking your post or anything (or repeating myself ).....but tried the hob at the tender age of 4 months to a couple of holes on my permission last weekend, the jill stayed at home (she's still a bit small and might get a hiding from a big buck) didn't expect much at that age but you have to start somewhere! Out for 2 hours, Got 3 good sized bunnies: 2 bolted nicely in the nets, and one was picked by my dog from a unnetted hole (missed it ). No action shots (only got poxy mobile cam, and was quite busy on my own) The hob who worked. He really enjoyed it!
  15. Eggy

    GCSE essay

    These are actual metaphors from GCSE essays : * Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle that had its two other sides gently compressed by a Thigh Master. * His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like underpants in a tumble dryer. * She caught your eye like one of those pointy hook latches that used to dangle from doors and would fly up whenever you banged the door open again. * The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't. * McMurphy fell 12 stories, hitting the pavement like a paper bag f
  16. Great piccies keeps & smudge. My ferret kits are still too young to get 'em started: You making it very difficult for me to hold 'em back seeing all these pics How much longer? they are doing great BTW...
  17. I'm Ozzy but much better looking really: Her's me piccy: ...Amen
  18. Hi Lennard.... I have never paid for my dog on any train in the UK. (Ik heb nog nooit betaald voor de treinreis van mijn hond in het verenigd koninkrijk ) Cheers Eggy
  19. Hi Just a couple of piccies (quality is not great, cause its a mobile-phone) of kits I got from Keeps & Smudge. Ferret kits settlin in fine: They're really hand tame & playfull, only got nipped once properly :shout: when I got rabbit blood one me hand during feeding pieces of rabbit Got them introduced (in the garage, under close supervision) to the dog, but kits wanted to play and hanged of her fur and she didn't know what to make of this Get them to share some milk next, but i'm not rushing it yet! In pipes My lurcher Pip isn't sure yet.....
  20. Yep.... 3 days good for me. Hang 'em by the neck (not by the feet) otherwise the breast meat will taste yukkie Eggy
  21. Very nice lookn' dog [bANNED TEXT] Whats his height at the shoulder @9 mnths?
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