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About Chally69

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. View Advert Job lot of .177 air rifle pellets. As title, 4x tins of excite, 2x tins of field target trophy, 1 x tin of super dome. All new unopened tins. £40 including p&p Advertiser Chally69 Date 13/04/20 Price £40.00 Category Airguns  
  2. It’s a good little springer, welsh willy done his magic on it a few years back now and it shoots good. I now just use my 97k in 177 which is heavier but I just prefer it.
  3. I’ll probably just hold on to it, I can’t see it being with that much, it’s a mk6. It can stay under the bed and can always be used to beat burglars with. Thanks everyone.
  4. Hi all been a while since posting on here but been having a sort out and thinking of getting rid of my bsa airsporter in 22. It’s a used field gun so not a minter but have no idea what it might be worth. Any help appreciated.
  5. A mate of mine has a mint mk1 golf with a 20v turbo pushing 330bhp.
  6. If you don't mind me asking how much did you pay? Cheers pal.
  7. I am liking the camo dipped stock, I would like to get mine done. Do you have to get it back to bare wood for it to take?
  8. Done the chooks again tonight a few got away but did get this beast. Funny because after I had shot it all the chickens started attacking it too
  9. I caught a glimpse of one monster last night I'll be looking out for that one again.
  10. Few acres of pasture with a large chicken coop, few of the chooks got out last night so I was chasing the bloody things round the field felt like shooting them it would of been a lot easier. ????
  11. What sort of perm are you shooting on?
  12. It's a 1.77, I've also got a airsporter in 22 which I occasionally use.
  13. Just popped down to feed the chooks for my mum so thought I'd take the old hw97 with me, 1/2 hour two fat rats still plenty more to go.
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