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About snipboy21

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    England, Lancashire

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  1. There were some dogs in beautiful nick that day, felt a bit embarrassed taking my boy in. Were small rings but everything was run really well, will hopefully be going again next year as we really enjoyed it. If you want to download them from there feel free to. That goes for anyones dogs on there.
  2. Fine looking beast there snipboy - how's he bred? Thanks a lot. He's actually a rescue we picked up at 10 months so we're not certain, we think greyhound mainly with a bit of saluki and collie and nobody seems to argue with us about it
  3. New to these forums but thought I'd share a couple I've took and quite like I only have a Canon 1100d, these are all took on that with a 55-250mm lens
  4. https://www.flickr.com/photos/123717396@N04/sets/72157651930058273 From June 9th, Mid Lancs area, most of the lurchers that were shown that day This is my boy from the day
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