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Everything posted by youth

  1. http://boxnation.tv/live.php under card on now
  2. dont think larry was expecting that rant
  3. nice one , seen them a few times in rutland and the lakes but never seen one catch . think they a libel to turn up anywhere just now as they migrate to south africa
  4. there you go mate , http://www.holyac.co.uk/index.html
  5. ill go for willow warbler too , sang beautifully is a good clue . you wouldn,t call the chiffchaff song beautiful he just likes to repeat his name over and over . chiff chaff , chiff chaff , good photo though
  6. two 6amp wired positive to positive and negative to negative would give you 12 amp which would last 1.5 hours continuous on a striker cheers
  7. hi mate. have your breakfast , google anal gland and watch the vidio ,
  8. if your washmachine is hot and cold fed , join both taps together with one hose and give it a short blast
  9. that was actually last years cocklepickers cup , a 64 dog stake, winner takes all . filmed on morecombe salt marshes
  10. here,s the fight from Saturday night , exciting fighter , cheers,
  11. NICE ONE...that looks like one of the copies of the original design...a bit more hand made,and the barrel looks bigger than the one im talking about...one of my old mates said it was a "waterloo cup slip toggle." who knows but were definately on the right lines here...if your not using it..gerrit stripped down so we can have a look at how it works and maybe get someone to make us a few new ones. cheers YOUTH. vin bought it about 20 years a go from a shooting news advert ,used it a couple of times found it a bit bulky ,went back to rope. put it back in bag and put i
  12. there you go vin knew id got one somewhere,
  13. green dragon inn at hardraw is worth a pint as your drivin round ,near hawes . proper old world pup , big open fires ,can take dogs in just watch out for landlords cat in front of fire . and has a 100ft waterfall in the back garden . think they charge a quid to go to waterfall though http://www.greendragonhardraw.com/aboutus.htm
  14. no chance mate . been banned in france from mid ,s . still legal in spain and Portugal though. cheers
  15. 92 wasnt that the year two brothers or a brother and sister from a repeate mating won and ran up the cup, black and white dogs if i remember, im sure Leeview will remember their names. johns mascot winning sweep.
  16. http://www.gaynors.co.uk/shop/656/99/100/461/index.htm
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