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Everything posted by IanB

  1. Cheers Tom, I will pm you
  2. Did you say AOL :sick: :sick: :sick: , I hate that ISP. Just right click link and select save as then open it on your comp..
  3. Just Windows media player its standard.
  4. Welcome cheeto, hope you enjoy the place
  5. I think foxhunter is a serious danger to the fauna and wildlife of our land.
  6. IanB

    Burco Boiler

    Haven't tried yet dave, but she said she hardly used it and it works perfect, she bought it years ago when there was a gas problem in the area so no gas was available... I looked on the net and similar ones are over £100 new...
  7. IanB

    Burco Boiler

    Must of been a big boiler
  8. Received a copy of this excellent book thanks to vixen, quality.
  9. IanB

    Burco Boiler

    I didn't release what people used them for, it says on the back be careful when washing clothes in them , I'll just stick loads of wildlife in it and boil it up in the back yard, saves me getting earache from stinking the kitchen out .
  10. IanB

    Burco Boiler

    Mike, Look its gleaming inside..
  11. IanB

    Burco Boiler

    Just been given a burco boiler off the neighbour next door, hardly been used, it was on the front ready to be scrap... Quick wipe over, get the rain and grime off, good as new, oh and stick some new flex cable on cause she cut it off for the plug...
  12. IanB


    Try now bucko..
  13. Nice one, some good pictures there and a good bag considering the conditions, tell rob hes one mad fecker , I want a r.sharpe X saluki grey for my next lurcher
  14. IanB

    Search Engines

    I tried some keeps, not sure if they have helped though.
  15. Don't you just love it when a plan comes together
  16. IanB

    Search Engines

    lurchers ferreting lamping (together) brings up hunting life ranked 3rd on google and thehuntinglife search is listed..
  17. Thanks JD, most people who own digi-cameras have the ability to take mpg shots using them, some also capture sound the Sony P7 I own does, 3 quality settings on it also from a high compression web clip to a better quality one to view on your TV.
  18. Classic, your straight from deliverance...
  19. New video clip section added to the sites frontpage, if you can't see the link try pressing F5 on your keyboard to refesh your browser... Anyone wanting to submit videoclips email me.
  20. Nice going jordan , although that should be a banjo in your hands not an airgun
  21. IanB


    Should of when I think back..
  22. IanB


    Has that bitch out of his breeding done anything yet.
  23. IanB


    Just been in the newsagent to post a letter had a look at the countrymaids weekly while I was in there, was that your article in the back merle..
  24. Theres something about being away from it all, even the air tastes good up in them darn hills
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