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Everything posted by IanB

  1. IanB

    I'm off

    See ya Dillon mate....take care
  2. Daz they look like they will eat batterys and plus extra postage cost bumps the price up.... the BT set shown on this thread have there own rechargable pack I think...
  3. Spanking the monkey, its makes you go blind tarmac, thats why I wear gogs
  4. I was going to try and copy a deben box once but they scratch the number off the IC chip... they would cost a few quid to make I reckon....its the collar thats the hard part
  5. Yeh would make interesting viewing kye .
  6. IanB

    Perfect Man

    He looks like a right willy wufta
  7. Ok Sorry Viz, can I redeem myself with these ones.... Anybody want to take these off my hand, surplus to requirements ....best offer secures
  8. Welcome Hywel, hope you enjoy it here
  9. I should have a public stoning for this, its daft I know
  10. Try logging in using safe mode.... the other problem, I'll have a look at
  11. IanB

    h******e h*****g

    I'll have full oral and balls deep later pet :kiss:
  12. IanB

    h******e h*****g

    ........ Charlie we like you as you are... a bitch :kiss:
  13. Haven't a clue myself mate, but its a beauty all the same....
  14. Nice dog webby, she looks a nice type..
  15. IanB


    Wouldn't anyway mate....
  16. Yes agree there smallmouth , I have a yahoo account and sometimes get emails that I should receive in my inbox going into my trash and bulk box.... :wacko: Just thought someone might of knew them then I could do it manually....
  17. IanB


    paulf, two wrongs don't make a right , or do they
  18. Anybody know these member names or email addresses, they have registered on the forum but haven't validated there account by opening there email they get sent... terrier Registering clonkit@aol.com patey Registering patey188@hotmail.com Mat Registering h8mat@aol.com jwills Registering jwills@hotmail.com jock-c Registering johncurrie100@hotmail.com
  19. IanB


    Don't know anything about the site or its owner chilli, just weird when i get a virus sent to me, from a edrd address :wacko:
  20. Probably cupid stunt, cheers
  21. I was out yesterday for a walk and the local farmers son told me they have banned or are trying to ban woodpigeon/crow shooting etc not sure if he read in some magazine... is this right?? He could be telling me porkies I hope he is
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