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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/25 in Posts

  1. my youngster just getting started this season, she’s just 8 months old, showing all the right signs so far
    9 points
  2. Today marks the 40th anniversary of the end of the bitter long miners strike. As some say time passes in the blink of an eye it certainly feels like that for me today.
    8 points
  3. Steak sambo for the wife plenty of pepper sauce........ steak, garlic butter, chips n egg for myself.....
    8 points
  4. What a pile of absolute buck shee hysterical shit of the kind we have been subjected to for way too long now……who the f**k believes that claptrap anymore ? Nobody has to like or dislike Trump, I’m sure he is a loathsome human being in person as I’m sure most people like him are…..but what’s that matter ? Id rather an out in open loathsome human being than some lunatic war monger and closet facist, actively working against their own people, abusing their own people, destroying lives and nations and cultures while masquerading as an angel ! The collective Stockholm’s syn
    7 points
  5. Any one doing Ramadan?
    6 points
  6. Really ?……sorry, my mistake ! lol
    6 points
  7. Me too , still got one about me now, only 3 yrs old, dont do so much these days but keeps me going now im retired
    5 points
  8. The deerhound greys I had done everything and filled my freezer plenty of times.Its a breed I’ve always liked
    5 points
  9. I couldn't comment mc . Never seen the dogs in the flesh nor ran same quarry on same land in same day . As you know . It can change in hours . Only had one irish bred dog and she was quality. Although an English bred sire = Rome x chance . Fast killer and unreal steam . Must be from the deerhound in chance lol
    5 points
  10. Best fox dog I've seen single handed killed 7 in a row one night...was out in the morning and it caught and dispatched another 2...there's still lads out there who travel about and do big numbers weekly
    5 points
  11. f**k Ukraine….British & American soldiers have been dying for the last 30 years at the hands of politicians who send them to war whilst at the same time destroying their home and betraying them……Ukraine is a land grab by Europe, plain and simple ! Europe’s (U.K. included) politicians sold off its ability to provide its own energy, make its own things, have a strong and stable identity and culture for votes and money…..and then found they were at the mercy of people who didn’t do that and who don’t actually have their best interests at heart !!……Ukraine and its natural resources g
    5 points
  12. as disappointed as not been allowed on that rollercoaster because your to small ? lol
    5 points
  13. Thank you Karen.
    4 points
  14. Stop being a pussy...the man is fighting for Europe's freedom of speech as we don't have the backbone ..after that Europe becomes a police state as we're seeing...
    4 points
  15. Spent a lot of time in the Middle East. Most of Ramadan pissed as a newt. Jok.
    4 points
  16. Proper bitch and hare and less than 6 mins.
    4 points
  17. really enjoy reading this thread about all these famous dogs years ago and present day and the lads and experts, that own them, even if lots get carried away and wreck a good topic.i have done a fair bit with coursing dogs when i was a younger man. one man that has not been mentioned but was up there with some of the best in his day andknew his dogs and how to condition them was Don Southerd had a cracking bitch lady and bred some good pups back in the 80s, used to be a keep fit fanatic, dead a good few years now mind, lot of you younger guys probably never even heard of him, reckon tats w
    4 points
  18. What’s the process to sign up as an imaginary soldier after a solid imaginary 6 hours in an imaginary gym doing imaginary strength training ??……..do you take your imaginary dog for an imaginary walk first ?……do they even have recruiting offices on Fantasy Island ? Would you be an imaginary private or an imaginary field marshal ? …..I wonder ?
    4 points
  19. A turning point for our nation and in hindsight, not a good one mate. History has shown the miners strike ended up being about much, much more than the price of coal.
    4 points
  20. Funny you say that chief….. The old woman is like “State of you, you dopey old prat” lol
    4 points
  21. At the risk of repeating myself. Whilst there we met up with some marines based not far from Malaz. A Canadian guy invited us to their compound, about 90 kliks, for a Ramadan drink. When we got there everyone was in arty mood drinking G&T’s and having a good time. We were given a table which had a water pitcher and glasses which we didn’t find amusing. Thing was the pitcher was full of Gordon’s gin so all ended well. Jok.
    3 points
  22. My missus has just been renewing her Saudi visa but she won’t be going during Ramadan, she’ll fly out on the last day and get there as it ends. The young and the old arn’t expected to fast, but the country goes upside down during Ramadan, people sleep during the day, get up at dusk and then eat. The shops are closed , mostly , during the day and open all night. Shes going for our grandsons birthday, it’s on the 10th, but as it’s Ramadan , they’ll wait till it’s over before having his party. Cheers.
    3 points
  23. Duck Stir Fry. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  24. Bangers.Heres an Idea.Get yourself a dictaphone and everytime you're gunna start a new thread dictate whatever you're thinking about writing.Then just wait till the end of the week and play them all back to yourself.
    3 points
  25. At the end of day it's clear there's good and bad in all lines, if that wasn't the case everyone would have super dogs and everyone would run the same types.
    3 points
  26. Boy they are really making this stuff more and more idiotic. First they said they were black....then they said dark skinned like the Greek and Romans who came there ..all within a few sentences If what science says is correct and Africa is the whatever you wanna call it of humanity and we as a whole spread from there ...then yeah people movings around 5000 years ago where people kinda dark in completion. A people need to be in an environment for a long time before pigmentation and other things start to develop.... But to just go and say " they where black and they where black and these
    3 points
  27. Just a wind up mate, of no significance whatsoever. I'm off to abuse some minimum wage waiters now.
    3 points
  28. Irish colleges come up with the same shite, anything that promotes the niggrification of the country.
    3 points
  29. The thing I’m most shocked about is that you read absolute toilet paper like the daily Mail old chap !!???
    3 points
  30. Tricky land lol lol Your tricky land and my tricky land are miles apart pal your dog wouldn't know if it was needing a shite or a Hare cut up this neck of the woods you would need to play the benny hill theme music over the video recording of your dog getting the run around because all you would hear is me rolling on the ground laughing in the back ground
    3 points
  31. Jesus dressing up in that gear now would be just as bad as having a silly Paul weller haircut and parka or dressing as a skinhead in your 50s/60s ok if youre going to a fancy dress party.As for East End boys and West end girls,I think you need to give your favourite Pet shop Boys CD a rest mate. And as for Cp/Stoney being too small.Not everyone gets fat and out of shape once they get past 40.
    3 points
  32. A wouldn't spend 5 minutes with you never mind 90 mins.
    3 points
  33. Just finished that series A Thousand Blows....not sure what to make of it....while its not historically inaccurate as black fighters like Bill Richmond and Tom Molineaux did really exist in Regency/Victorian England its not like they took over as this series makes out....Jack Broughton,Daniel Mendoza,Tom Cribb,Tom Sayers,Jem Mace,Jem Belcher and many more had the game sewn up back then i think diversity is forced to a degree on these series whereby they are not eligible for certain awards if they dont fulfil diversity requirements so have to go full " poor victim black face ". much of the time
    3 points
  34. Northern Soul and football ain't your things are they mate...
    3 points
  35. Lovely lily morning out on the Warren's today finished by 1 on 13 got a bit warm
    2 points
  36. Funnily enough I ordered one of them last week and was ambulanced in to hospital on Saturday. Still in, hoping to come home today, dogs will need a piss and feeding by now Cheers, D.
    2 points
  37. By using a dog and a bitch in mates back garden Dels Luke x cass
    2 points
  38. Mid life crisis geezers with that dopey Oasis/Weller type haircut ....c**ts, no other word for them.
    2 points
  39. Stone the crows 14 pages of fellas in their 40's/50's/60's on about clothing and not one mention of Sergio or Lacoste....not a Fila Terrinda trackie top insight !!......us West Ham boys in the 80's would pitch up to grounds in a nice diamond Pringle and Farahs only to be greeted by some Northern scruff in a blue Parka with a furry hood or a farmer in dungarees......and as for these dopes with their silly mod haircuts zipping about on a scooter f****n roll on.....we had the old East End boys/West End girls thing going on,some dolled up sort out of the offices would of blown a raspberry at you p
    2 points
  40. Kitchen session at Bangers house.
    2 points
  41. Steak and Chip. Lamb Shank. Cheers Arry
    2 points
  42. Meanwhile Rachel Reeves just hands over another 2.9 billion while people freeze in there own homes here
    2 points
  43. Gladiator II. The plot had so much potential and they made an utter mess of it. Great white sharks at the colosseum ffs.
    2 points
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