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Seen some very good dogs over the years , buddy was a total prick who stuck with me as when he landed , he just made all of our stuff like shit in comparison . The best way to describe it is like if you were f***ing around with I. Ford focus st and a Ferrari pulled up . from my younger days a pal of mine had a dog called blade that was a mix of bull grey from out west and saluki whip grey . Dog was feral and nerved had a lead but was a total killer . No frills , made the whole spectrum of quarry look easy . another lad had an old type stag hound , deerhound grey with a bit of saluk11 points
Just got back. A pair of saplings from a non-ped whippet sire and greyhound dam were being schooled; Nice lookers, and a handy size, around 22” and 40 lb. Upgraded from hand timing to electronic timing; Even had a beddy whippet having a run up. Great way to spend an hour or two on a sunny Saturday morning. Cheers.8 points
Imo there's still plenty of top notch lurchers terriers hounds about people always say there's not dogs about like there used to be damn right there is and theres still plenty of like minded people that don't bred from jackers and keep decent stock and wouldn't bred from a rubbing rag decent lads keep themselves to themselves people say its a dieing sport not were I'm from there's lads everywere keep dogs and hunt them hard I've been over to England Wales digging and all I hear is about how hot it is and you've to watch this watch that I had some brilliant days over there and felt comfortabl8 points
Well the weather is finally breaking and I’ve done a few little jobs that needed doing so have booked a weekend away next week got a pitch in the forest with electric hook up and showers in case I can’t fathom out how the stuff in the van works got all new bedding cutlery crockery etc and a new cadac gas Barbie so let’s give this motorhoming a go7 points
A walk this morning with a ground frost on the fields and spotted this frog spawn. I know I had seen it earlier in previous years when we had mild winters.7 points
6 points
It won't matter to the poor souls who have lost there lives fighting for corrupt c**ts who are going to do now what they could have done 3yr ago.6 points
Just all bunch corrupt c**ts every single one them playing around with people's lives but at the end of the day it's not there sons or daughters is ever on front lines. How can so little few control so many6 points
She's a 4-5 month away from that pal and Im not decided yet, not just guna tie her to owt for the sake of it. Also I've got 6-8wks of getting over the coursing cursing Said from the top I'm not what ppl on here call a 'proper dog man' but I do enough to keep mine right and I don't need to be in a dick measuring contest. My bitch is a worker but also family pet, I wouldn't have it any other way.6 points
5 points
GUBU events. Ukraine has to bow to Murica and give its resources and soul to American vulture capitalism or surrender to a Russian invasion. Ukraine is f****d.5 points
5 points
Thanks to everyone for your kind words , there's nothing like a new baby in the family to make you realise the beauty of life rather than the misery we are drip fed everyday, it really puts things in perspective of how precious life is , she sure is a bonnie lass and doing great Cheers5 points
5 points
4 points
4 points
Nothing back in the 60s and 70s but walking round dressed like it when your in your 50s/60s is a bit cheesy especially when half of them weren't skinheads back then and trojan was a jamaican record label and not some naff clothing brand.Almost as bad as all the dodgy gear with lambretta all over it4 points
Alota people at the lgbt movement wearing them just now, can't mind the reason. cool enough retros none the less4 points
Spaghetti and meatballs with a red pepper sauce for me cod loin in panko breadcrumbs with tender stem and new spuds for her4 points
4 points
See what I took from that rant was ...you were in a pub this morning....I see living in Scotland has rubbed of on you...lol4 points
Cracking morning out for a mooch at a farmer friends place. Masses of Frog Spawn. Also watch a Jackdaw struggling to get into somebody's roof space with sticks. Cheers Arry4 points
Decent day in town,love the place when the suns out,went into a walking stick shop that’s almost 200 years old to get a gift for a friend.4 points
3 points
Stick to the whippet haha that’s my idea of a mid life crisis, might even go mad an get a brindle one haha3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
I wouldn’t wear that digging for worms aren’t you a bit young for all that skin head stuff bangers ?3 points
3 points
Im not a Ukraine supporter tbh. Their cosying up to EU and NATO brought this to their door, doesn't take away from the fact he was treated terrible. Trumpers think he's for the working man???? That is laughable. He's a filthy billionaires lap dog.3 points
3 points
I watched 4 blokes standing over a hole (Gass works) no work being doing all 4 texting. Wifey said the other day "I tried calling you when you was out walking" I said I turned the phone off. She said "what if there was an emergency " I said I would have turn it back on, she was not amused. Cheers Arry3 points
Sure but are you willing to throw your children into the grinder to protect Ukraine? I think its fair to say that Ukraine are quickly running out of runway and no longer have the man power themselves to get the job done, it's checkmate in favour of Putin without world war 3 , the longer this goes on now, the worse it gets for Ukraine, I may not like it but thats what it is..the focus should now be on a peace deal that protects Ukraine from further russian aggression,Putin will be happy for a way out also , maybe there is some method in Don's madness.3 points
3 points
3rd grandkid not long born, it came out through the sunroof and was a bit sketchy for a while but happy to report my daughter and baby girl 6lb 15oz are doing great3 points
Yes, every one is welcome, you can have hand slips, runs out of traps ,timed runs, whatever, only £1 a run. Or you can have a time trial and enter the handicap, there’s handicaps for pedigree and non-ped whippets and one for lurcher racing. It would be best if you could come for an Open Race as there’s a lot more dogs and the fastest dogs in the country would be there for the scratch racing, but if you fancy an hour or two at our little club on a Saturday morning I’d meet you at my house , the tracks only a few minutes away. Cheers.3 points
theres only the f***ing retards in la and main city’s didn’t vote for him are you mad ? how anyone can see trump as in the wrong is breath taking lol what world do we live in people come on moan about how shite the country is lol it would take a trump to sort us out our kids have no hope at all only trump and putin stopping the shite they were telling our kids letting drag queens in schools3 points
the man bringing peace to the world ? the f***ing rats zelensky and biden killed millions and f****d us up here paying out our noses to do it while them c**ts live happily ever after just coming on here reminds me of that churchill quote i’ll leave you to guess which one lol3 points
3 points
3 points
2 best dogs iv had as alrounders where both bred fro lamping bitchrs put to coursing dogs one was a collie grey bitch, line bred an put to a coursing dog, an the second was a bullx bitch agajn very well tightly bred am put to a coursing dog, saw some others that where as good as they get an they where bred from a real tight line a collie x lurchers put to well tested bullx, so if I was in market for another lurcher that I intended to push hard with a lot a graft that’s where I’d start3 points
Had to have the old girl put to sleep this morning.. she was a lovely dog to have around, caught a good few rabbits in her time and was the reason I first went on this site 16 years ago when I was looking for a beddy/whippet pup... she made 15 years old, great innings for her.. Night Marth's2 points
Can't remember if that year we had a mild winter and only watched that event on film and some of the quality dogs did make it look easy and the bitch that won it looked like it still had some runs in her after her last run to win the comp a testemant to AS who owned her who i would say was and is the top coursing man ever to walk the land in that sport. I can remember most of the dogs in that event but can't remember the lad who was running the bitch with deerhound in her that wasn't a bad dog. I thought Juddy P bitch might have been more successful the amount of money he paid for her off Kipp2 points
All this is down to Russia and the USA trying to figure out how they can carve the Ukraine between themselves, yanks are now far lower on my scale of people than the french and I`ve hated them for years!2 points
2 points
Oh I remember it alright haha I was only one at right racecourse haha I been on here since the start or very close to it2 points
2 points
The mad bit isn’t someone steals a bike, the mad bit is that we just talk about it like it’s normal…….let that sink in !2 points
2 points