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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/02/25 in Posts

  1. 3rd grandkid not long born, it came out through the sunroof and was a bit sketchy for a while but happy to report my daughter and baby girl 6lb 15oz are doing great
    36 points
  2. Girlfriend had a leather corner sofa chewed up by a rat in the summerhouse so I offered to start breaking it up , she only had a claw hammer and a Stanley knife so I swung the hammer up high overhead to get some force forgetting she had strung the washing line across and the hammer bounced back hitting me on the forehead . Pic was after I had wiped off the blood trickling down I looked like a murderer
    10 points
  3. Hey up, i was greeted by early morning sunshine through my bedroom window this morning, so gets up.into the shower, had a good breakfast, then out onto my garden, pair of blue tits in n out of my nesting box, nice to see eh, spring is coming, and I'm alive nkicking another year to see it, off to the hospital at 1 30, results of my scan, so ta ta fer now
    9 points
  4. Only on THL would you have someone arguing with themselves ! Amazing ! lol
    9 points
  5. f****n hell I bet you was in agony mate
    9 points
  6. There's always a way, and this was the only way to get the bath in! Lol
    8 points
  7. Well, that’s that finished, sanded, brushed up and where I’ve been back and forward with the dumper sorted out, all just needs some weather on it now, off to bury a cable now, hopefully I’ll be home before dark today
    7 points
  8. Ouch. I think Peter hitchens sums up the whole thing , I'll try and find the piece , but when all is said and done war is bad . Ukraine can't defeat Russia and neither can the UK . If Ukraine comes away with sovereignty, Russia are given a way out and America gets their minerals and people stop being killed then it's all good.
    6 points
  9. I knownthey all do it but it still gets me every time!!!
    5 points
  10. Can u get hold any that spray mate
    5 points
  11. Too nice a day to waste so nipped in to pull some traps, it’s deffo double season, not moaning means double money haha
    5 points
  12. Love that sort of humour....its stuff like that ..that makes us British
    5 points
  13. Don't you dare even go there!
    4 points
  14. Nice lunch in a decent place,steak,thermidor,scallops and otsters,good atmosphere.
    4 points
  15. We can soon change that if you don’t pipe down a bit, I’ve had 2 cans of John smiths and I’m ready to rumble, should still be ok to drive lol
    4 points
  16. She's a 4-5 month away from that pal and Im not decided yet, not just guna tie her to owt for the sake of it. Also I've got 6-8wks of getting over the coursing cursing Said from the top I'm not what ppl on here call a 'proper dog man' but I do enough to keep mine right and I don't need to be in a dick measuring contest. My bitch is a worker but also family pet, I wouldn't have it any other way.
    4 points
  17. Listen Mr Benn, I couldn’t give two fucks what you say because 99.9% is complete and utter meaningless drivel ! lol
    4 points
  18. 4 points
  19. Hot Dog and Peewit talking to each other again Lol. Cheers Arry
    4 points
  20. I’m still laughing now after posting that. Just been down the pub and they love me for being what I am. Thing is, it hurts like hell but on ly burns when a pint needs coming out. Somewhere on here I read about a birthday party and the miracle of needing a wee. Good luck to that one. I just need to empty the bag. Jok.
    4 points
  21. Smash n grab ffs lol. Can see them 2 in nick, the other in mates thinking they are money in transit robbers, comes out in the yard that they got away with a Rayleigh racer
    4 points
  22. The bit where they said we got each others backs then just to make sure Starmer knew his place . Would you take on Russia on your own and then moved on with big grin. Just taking piss out of him
    4 points
  23. you can’t even spell it ffs lol
    4 points
  24. Starmer and trump was just a farce bloody embarrassing. Starmer might as well of polished trumps boots while he was at it
    4 points
  25. I was in Swansea docks earlier in the week installing a bridge on a shrimp farm, great place apparently used to be a mussel farm for over a decade but shite from the river contaminated the area so often it became untenable as a business , now they're gonna import shrimp from the states and grow them on , but seemed so appalling that the water companies have put pay to a fantastic home grown product Welsh mussels. I was told bass numbers were great when they had the mussels because the ropes etc created a good habitat even held mackerel in the bay , such a phenomenal place ruined by incompetent
    4 points
  26. Mine were better on mdma
    4 points
  27. This is the mental image I have of Francie
    4 points
  28. Oh I remember it alright haha I was only one at right racecourse haha I been on here since the start or very close to it
    3 points
  29. To a degree he knows more about kfc than most on here
    3 points
  30. Pork collar should be good to pull in a couple of hours...
    3 points
  31. No one cares about you enough to want you banned you pathetic little boy you get yourself banned every time you fail to have the last word on something and ruin the thread in a childish little tantrum total loser of a man
    3 points
  32. People have different needs best dogs doing what I do all have collie in there make up at some point
    3 points
  33. Little walk out on the Cotswolds this morning lovely spring day first flush of wild garlic out collected a few cams from the winter and took a bit of my finger tip off for good measure found another beargrills or Bigfoot shelter lol
    3 points
  34. As the old saying goes, one man's meat is another man's poison. Personal preferences are great.
    3 points
  35. Is sounding like Hackman keeled over dead and she couldn't handle it and topped herself.
    3 points
  36. Still got all my Cattys but not been shooting so much since moving, it’s quite ironic but in the city and burbs it’s lifting with dopey game that have lost most of its fear of humans and I could bag up every day if needed, I now live I the middle of heavily hunted and keepered land but everything is on its toes as soon as you get within a 100 yards of it, pheasants are easy pickings but I,m not that interested in just killing them for the sake of it so take the odd one for the pot but that’s it,however for my bday yesterday the daughter bought me a new simple shot have owned plenty of snide o
    3 points
  37. You had to laugh when Starmer tried correcting Vance about the UK and free speech. Lol
    3 points
  38. mC HULL will know he knows everything.
    3 points
  39. Where’s the plane? UK Cop Humour (@ukcophumour) • Instagram reel WWW.INSTAGRAM.COM 3,188 likes, 91 comments - ukcophumour on February 23, 2025: "Nevermind fella, a career in CID beckons for you...
    3 points
  40. These two where proper whippets bags of stamina took most stuff put in front of them single handed when they died could never get another close to the caliber of them
    3 points
  41. See one cross I've started to see a few off and I like as an all rounder weaten collie greyhounds seen a few this year seemed decent
    3 points
  42. Four hour slow roasted Lamb Shoulder. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  43. We had some good days and nights out with Martha mate. Great little dog. I remember the first night you took me out with her. The field were a fair size and the slips were long. She soon filled a bag for us though! She had a good life. Just found this picture of when we all went up to Wales.
    2 points
  44. Get your hand in ye pocket ffs you questioning the guy, 200 to charity of his choice is fair as ye get
    2 points
  45. Trip to the services to empty the waste tank, and this is my new office will probably start in a week or so
    2 points
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