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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/01/25 in all areas

  1. Here is our 2 dogs , work along side our small pack .nearly 4 years old .doing very well. Very brainy , love the fells , and does us proud , many , many years worth of good breeding in them .I've had the privilege to own and run most there blood lines since the 90,s
    17 points
  2. He mentions chia seeds as well in this...something about them being estrogen promoters... Come on Goly own up...you got Gyno now..and your cocks become a clit...lol
    9 points
  3. Pheasant stew hot off the fire
    8 points
  4. Me father in his day. First x
    7 points
  5. Same hedge looks fresh as f**k but only four, did miss a black bugger on top of the hedge mind. Bloody post and wire every where this year hate the stuff. Ripped my finger open on the wire. Cheers Arry
    6 points
  6. If we can just go back to getting the good ones I won't complain used to be they'd come over and ole Jose and his cousin would know how to do everything from redo your floor to landscape. Most of the Africans where well educated and pretty polite heck well.loved them kind....then the last few years happened. Funny enough a lot and I mean A LOT of the ...older generation I guess, migrants I've talked to can't stand em. Worse then most Americans really. Most told me they came for honest work and try hard to carry themselves right ....but the new batches... I'm pretty sure I've learned how
    6 points
  7. Knocked it on the head after a fortnight mate... shit comes out your bum looking like a badgers shit pit
    5 points
  8. I've always wondered if ,when these government agencies seize warehouses full of money on pallets stacked to the roof..do they burn it like the drugs??? DO THEY f**k ...EVERY CNUT IS ON THE TAKE... Someone offers you 50 times your annual wage,to look the other way...what you gonna do?
    5 points
  9. Found this and interesting article.... Herefordshire animal rescue centre takes in 11 wild cats - BBC News WWW.BBC.CO.UK Wildside Exotic Zoo has taken in eight mountain lions, two lynxes and a bobcat.
    5 points
  10. The difference in this senario is (imho) that they have never put the cartels under designation before…… What you have written (and I agree by the way) could have been said for Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan, certain parts of the Middle East like Iraq, Hamas etc Once the yanks designate you a terrorist organisation that’s a whole other ball game…..as in, first and foremost, no country on planet earth wants anything to do with you….they won’t sell you a bag of crisps ! Then, if you are a country harbouring these organisations there is a very real chance the United States is com
    4 points
  11. I still don't get it?, known to so many agencies ,and ignored ? Heads need to roll ,we were mugged off ,everything that's come out since ? Incompetence of the highest order ,some waste of O2 saying its shocking he could buy a knife from Amazon at 17 ??? ,he'd created ricin ,!!!a screw driver would be as lethal in the wrong hands ,stick it on tv and just shoot the filth ,name ,shame all those that let him slip through the net ,sack them ,and charge with aiding and abetting ,we need a Donald!
    4 points
  12. .....this thread still f***ing going ? Damn y'all really love beating a dead horse huh
    4 points
  13. Back on the decor a brush has not been lifted here in the 6 months I’ve been out plus there is flu Covid Nora virus and scabies in the home so rather be locked away until I can get outside on the gardens again
    4 points
  14. Ahh, you know well mate it’s fashionable in Ireland to be anti Trump, Pro Palestine, “lets welcome everyone like we were welcomed across the world” blah blah blah They have no notion safe and well in this most western EU protected bubble, and why would they ?……nice really to still be that innocent. Give them all 12 months in Hackney or Tower Hamlets, they would soon change their tune. Nobody’s fault and I’m not slagging, you just don’t know what you don’t know.
    4 points
  15. It's all the lefty tears i am revelling in with Trumps return to the Whitehouse. The next four year's are going to be fun for those who fekin hate numptys like those with the refugees welcome here banners.
    4 points
  16. Ripped to the bone.
    4 points
  17. I seen trump signing a load of executive orders there,apparently he's releasing the Jan 6 folk that's still in jail,an rightly so. Heard on Irish radio this morning a lefty woman actually realising that trump ain't so bad after all she said about trump getting the peace deal done with Israel an Palestine,an the fecking ejit a cross says awe but he caused an insurrection on Jan 6,ffs that's been proven completely false,iv seen the vids were trump calls for peace an calm an respect the boys in blue on that day before it kicked off,there was double agents in the crowd egging the people on,fo
    4 points
  18. I’m surprised nobody has picked up on him declaring the drug cartels terrorist organisations…..that’s a big deal ! Just think about what America has done with other country’s where terrorists were operating buck shee…like Afghanistan or Iraq I bet there isn’t a dry pair of pants in the Mexican government building tonight ! ……he is going to make the spics start pulling their weight or he going to do it for them. This dude is one smart f***ing dude.
    4 points
  19. Today was D-day for the latest pigs. It ended up being a little dramatic. My expected help ended up tied up on a job so was a lone ranger. The trailer I borrowed is more for cattle than pigs so maneuvering into the pen on the side of the drive was more than a little tricky. Then as usual they don't want to get in the pissing thing. 15minutes after closing to the abbottoir, thankfully they had waited for me. Then got home and in a proper divvy moment managed to break my nose. Reversing trailer in pitch black, couldnt see a thing. I thought window was fully down when I was lo
    4 points
  20. It just shows the level of contempt the establishment hold the people of this country in when they try and pass that bstard off as a welsh school boy.
    4 points
  21. Me and the wife.are taking our youngest girl to Tokyo in a few weeks for an early 18th present, we're watching a couple of her favourite bands whilst we're there... anyone been? Any advice on things to do, must see places?
    3 points
  22. Without me fact checking which I probably should before I open me gob on here... Surely there has to be a process to get the good stuff out of seeds... Cos let's be right seeds are ment to pass through animals so the plant can reproduce..yes....so it begs the question what's the point
    3 points
  23. He’s the welshest looking man I ever seen
    3 points
  24. That's why I've been going to the doctors, I've been looking for a penis reduction but instead of surgery he recommended chia seeds, just another two inches to go and I'll be at my target 9 inch.
    3 points
  25. Heard flax seed does the same, discontinued it when I started producing breast milk.
    3 points
  26. If they can go from the most dangerous countries in the world to one of the safest it can be done else where. Anyways we haven't got long to wait sound the trumpets
    3 points
  27. Creamy butter,duckeggs,lard
    3 points
    3 points
  29. 3 points
  30. Just shows the pathetic depths the media have to stoop to….what childish nonsense.
    3 points
  31. Noticed musks been tweeting MEGA make Europe great again, interesting times ahead also wonder if trump will go after hunter biden , though I heard his pardon had been over turned
    3 points
  32. It's ok mate,your fitting in,your starting to complain about stuff........A LOT,lol.
    3 points
  33. I think it was Ian Huntley the soham murderer of holly and Jessica a screw paid an inmate £500 quid then left them in a room together like the last one that killed his kid it won’t be long
    3 points
  34. Why the f…k do the media publish this shit, say anything about trans/ gays/blacks/ etc and you can get arrested but it’s fine to publish foul , degrading stuff that children can read.
    3 points
  35. Three pheasants a bottle of red potato’s,carrots,leeks and onions so far might chop a bit of smoked bacon up to go in see how it goes
    3 points
  36. Lamb stew swede and carrots slow cooked with bit of potatoe. last nights dinner
    3 points
  37. I can't make head ner tail of that , but yes I agree
    2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. I spent a bit of time with Hamed a few years back, he was a friend of my daughters. Cheers.
    2 points
  40. You’ve just missed the greatest political acceptance speech ever , Francie. Contrast that with Starmer’s “everything is going to get worse before it gets better” acceptance speech….. Cheers.
    2 points
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