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Though y'all might like this. Charles Beaty was a pretty infamous food turned trophy poacher in South Texas. Guy hunted in n the king and Kennedy ranches ( some of the biggest private ranches being 825,000 and 235,000 acres ). Places where so massive he'd go in for days-weeks at a time. Was a bit of a kings land type of deal due to the poor hunting conditions of public land and general poverty of the area. Long story short if you wanted decent hunting and to fill your freezer ... Had to eather travel long distances or poach off these ranches. Lived in small bush camps he'd make, ate main13 points
it’s a lot easier to poach with a gun lol did he have to evade helicopter with infra red reconnaissance planes dogs game keepers with night vison police with night vision motorcross bikes he had it easy lol11 points
Come mate don’t knock it till ya tried it , get a pair these on your peepers and get in the slop pal . You will be untraceable!!!10 points
He's the first Stafford ive ever had and turned out a nice little dog really....years ago i was only ever about the performance of a dog i was no good at bonding with them but am really attached to this little fella he loves a bit of rough and tumble but when he senses im down he'll come and rest his chin on my leg and we'll just " knock about " together for days on end he's a sweet natured loving little chap but a bundle of energy at the right times as well......i probably keep him fitter than he really needs to be but living pretty much in the forest he keeps himself in good nick he's got a9 points
Had a good walk this morning though i am now getting fed up of this cold snap tbh. Not seen much bird life bar corvids and pheasants and five roe deer together. Glad I took my small flask that's turning out to be the best tenner I have spent in a while.9 points
For a number of reasons in September 2024 we pulled both our kids out-of mainstream education, ultimately they all add up to we don't believe in WHAT our kids were being taught and HOW they were being taught it. Been learning ourselves along the way but we submitted our progress reports to the local authority (what authority they have over us is still a falicy) and received this response which has made our week. If anyone is considering it give me a shout. I'm no expert but I've had no help so would've liked someone to talk to.9 points
Last night I gave the lad a little lesson in Electronics. Teaching him about circuits in series and parallel and also the effect of polarity on different components. He loved it, has a real interest in electronics.9 points
One of these days there be a semi mature conversation on this place8 points
7 points
Yeah I was about to say I don't understand how some find a lot fo this stuff far fetched ...but then I remembered a lot of people in the states have never been around these type ranches and the terrain or culture and have 0 idea so it's gotta be way worse from someone across the pond in a totally different deal. But yeah actually posted this same deal in another forum and got this from a guy that worked on one of those ranches in the 80's But anyhow it is nice talking to some of y'all about this. The second you mention the word poach over here no one really wants to think past7 points
7 points
Had couple Russell’s long ago both bayers and could not fault them. But not only were they good digging dogs they were amazing ferreting bushing dogs and neither dropped to ground on rabbits. They just seemed sensible dogs. Got black pup from good stock it’s was rubbish. Got a Lakeland absolutely useless apart wanting to fight. Pain in arse7 points
No OR he is moving Quebec side,just across the river to HULL,lol.7 points
6 points
Another happy place i have a wander down to now and again as it brings back memories the old man taking me to this spot when I was about 8 years old catching perch with my first fishing and small centre pin reel even though it's changed a bit over the years due to work on the dams and bridge.6 points
6 points
I home school my youngest, last few nights has been cooking. We don’t follow a “set curriculum” with tests and markers because his condition means he don’t learn in that way…..we just do life and we sprinkle everything in as we go along.6 points
Years ago I saw a couple of young Buddhist monks skateboarding in the himalayan foothills,yesterday I saw ice-skating nuns,lol.Spent a few hours on the worlds largest skating rink,paramedics skating up and down,a bit nippy but had a few coffee stops.Ice depth was 38 cm.5 points
How the f**k has this gone from a post about a deer poacher in America to bangers autobiography in jail via videos of a lad from currock fighting a lad from harraby In a Manchester gym and now we’re at Bob Ross . I f***ing love this place5 points
You’re old enough and ugly enough to know that’s not the way mate. Don’t let whatever it is eat you up. The drink pretty much killed my old man! After our kid died at 14, he just went off the rails and at it and to hell with what he had to live for! Two sons, two beautiful granddaughters, everything paid off etc5 points
Early morning stroll in the frost down the river... Yokel5 points
Steak, rolled in seasoned olive oil baked potato, eggs..... Don't know about Britain but lidl steaks are excellent here, look at the marble in these. Top notch. And when wifey doesn't like the steak fat or crispy potato skin ya get two portions of best bits!!!5 points
I had a lovely Russel bitch people called her a jacker which she was I suppose. Only dug her a handful of times but bolted plenty. Would only stay 5 mins and then would be in and out like a yo-yo but dam she was handy for places you shouldn’t have been5 points
Were I live is lovely I’ve traveled here for over 40 years for fishing walking and hunting now I have it all on my doorstep5 points
Serious hunting today. We'd good bobbery pack out and we'd pretty much non stop mooching for whole day. Didn't get the best hunt of day on camera but there was some noise off our small pack when they found Basil in a bunch of briars and flushed him out across the field into the woods and cover and he took em on a good loop for ages. Flushed plenty of vermin of the cotton tail and bushy tailed variety. Delighted with how Luna pup is coming on, first season out she's only gonna get better. Tired dogs at home here. Fingal Bobbery pack had the pup, sire, dam, grand sire on dams side all out t4 points
4 points
Be a right tidy get together that will….can I come and bring a couple of pals ?4 points
Well, never got the deer I went out for but I’ll have to see what I can do with a couple of quackers4 points
4 points
Quite ironic but as I was reading your post the kingfisher just flew past my boat luckily I see them most weeks they nest on the frame just across the way most years but I’ve never found the burrow as that would be the best opportunity for a natural as Mack said get a perch but add an old fish tank and some minnows4 points
Got some snow in Dixie.Doesn't happen often so made the most of it.4 points
As I said, when you consider an ordinary lad on here had to hand over half a million quid and that money will only keep the boat people for an HOUR and a HALF !!!!……that right there sorts out every argument about tax and abuse of ordinary citizens. There is literally no counter argument to it !…….4 points
Wether some of the man's claims might seem far fetched i love reading about chap's like this especially from a different country who obviously stuck two fingers up to authority and embraced the freedoms and buzz some get from walking the walk so to speak. Thanks for sharing Wolfie I will have a look of his podcasts. Remember an incident years ago wile night poaching on the Normanby estate and we had to get back to safety by crossing a single tarmac road and the old boy a one Derick Rawson a well known poacher from the Barnsley area who had served time in the 70s due to an incident on the Sandb4 points
4 points
4 points
Quick chicken dinner today, now off out to see if I can shoot my dinner for the rest of the week3 points
Well the leopards are doing their bit ,we just carry on whinging about them ,little march in London, who ever released lynxs should up their game and start releasing leopards behind chicken shops ,kebab shops ,obviously feed em up on Hussain, mohamed meat first ,get them the taste3 points
Am I in jaywick? This whole thread sounds like it's from some div asking ," any change guv " sleeping in a poundshop doorway with poor excuse of a staff on the sleeping bag3 points
He's not game mate, he's a front running bully, trust me. He might beat Christy purely on size & strength, just bulldoze him over, but, if he can't land he will quit, just watch.3 points
My child is doing great with home teaching, her mathematics are coming on a treat. She counted and ironed 500 pieces of laundry last night.3 points
My 15 yr old goes to an ACT school 3 times a week (2 days at home with his mum),13 yr old daughter's been home schooled last 2 1/2 yrs by my Mrs...it's been hard work at times,but worth it in the long run....my youngest lad Daniel,is a little Genius compared to the rest of us(actually cries if he misses a day)the reason we have chosen a residential mooring with a choice of schools....But things could change? I will speak to my Mrs...she uses something called Tutor wizz for our 2,tests them and tailor makes their lessons for you ,to teach them at home...every lesson they do of it,they win3 points
3 points
get me a gun i’ll come to canada and show you lol walking on ya todd with a gun i’ll get you every species there is there in a week lol never mind a warm texas chilled in ya t shirt lol3 points
I don't think they should be classed as jackers because they are doing the job they were mostly bred for and over here they are the terrier most hunters like.3 points
3 points
3 points
Got the ferry across to Quebec side earlier for breakfast,quite a few ice fishermen,the only part of the river open is the ferry crossing,clearish skies earlier,snowing now.3 points
Few from just before crimbo on the Cotswold edge after the storm nice little shack in the middle of nowere3 points