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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/25 in all areas

  1. Just out with dogs and ferrets think it will be my main ferrets last trip definitely looking old now his off spring bolted this one so all is good
    8 points
  2. The king James is written in Old English the newer versions are wrote in current English,if you put each bible side by side an checked each verse they'd be the same only in different English's,iv no doubt writings have been left out,but if you look at the old manuscripts,the originals there validated an authentic. Jesus is real 100percent,there's alot of non biblical writings of Jesus,that verify his existence an him been crucified. One thing I can guarantee,there is a spirit world,iv encountered it,that's what led me to the Lord. Goly the bible an science go hand in hand 100pe
    8 points
  3. There’s some testosterone kicking about on here about knocking up a meal ! Lol A bloke who can’t take care of himself and by default anyone else is a fanny ! You may as well be 6 sucking your mums tit if you need anyone else to sort out the basic necessities of life and providing warm grub for your clan.
    8 points
  4. I think it’s worth saying that (imho) there is a massive difference between a belief/faith in something more & organised religion (a club). Let’s not forget that long before the written word our ancestors had a belief in something more and that was globally. These people didn’t even know each other existed and yet if you look their belief systems are remarkably similar, I think most of us who like the countryside and outdoors, can at least understand the feeling of something bigger than us.
    7 points
  5. Get someone to read it with you mate Matthew’s a good start try Proverbs or James something will jump out at you all about having faith i found it similar to Francie no have a peace and contentment in my life never thought possible can handle situations that used to baffle me wont throw it down anyone’s throat if they want a discussion about it great just spent morning stripping wallpaper with my pastor led to totally different life’s and his faith and the way he follows the bible are worlds apart than the way I do but tell you one thing since I found faith my life’s done a 1
    6 points
  6. The Bible is basically all common sense, don’t kill people, don’t be a f***ing arsehole in word, deed, thought. Give a small (small !!) proportion of what you are lucky enough to have to help out those less fortunate. Its better to let communities of people help each other. One person can do great things for his wider community (loaves & fishes) The imprint you leave in life lives on (resurrection) Don’t leave stuff to other people, somebody has to stand up for what’s right (isaiha 6:8) If I had a better knowledge I could go on and on…..
    6 points
  7. If your a man living on your own you would be cooking cleaning and doing the normal household chores. Mans job to be providing for his family as best he can different circumstances for everyone but if youve got some time on your hands surely least you can do is put a hot meal on the table or pick up the hoover etc to benefit your clan
    6 points
  8. About control. All organized religion is about control, all lies and spoof. It's been a cancer on humanity since the middle ages. Christian, Muslim, what ever one ya wanna pick, all nonsense.
    5 points
  9. People are a bit different on the water mate always willing to lend a hand, lots of people with family’s move straight on a big un and you will find people will be there to lend a hand from the off, it’s always windy here as I’m on a bottle neck at the end of the Severn people get in trouble all the time coming and going but there’s usually someone that will jump on board and sort you, the worse thing to be is ignorant and rude, we live like it’s the 1980s still if I go to the shops I ask my neighbors if they need out and vice versa everything just works
    5 points
  10. 5 points
  11. Decided on a residential mooring in Tewkesbury ,so the youngest can register with a school..we have decided on a widebeam,selling the house,had planned to keep it on for a few yrs,renting but decided f**k it,take the money and bank the left over
    5 points
  12. Like a lot of people in the countryside then, walking around with their eyes shut lol.
    4 points
  13. Surely the kids have drew that on him when he was sleeping there's no way anyone asks for that to be tattooed on them haha
    4 points
  14. here you go jukel and me arm with the tats on for a more alpha appearance lol after i took these i said after you’ve done them pots clean that window and dust that f***ing mirror before i slap you she said shut up you silly c**t haven’t you got things to be doing lol
    4 points
  15. Sounds great. That’s my worry, how much is enough to last later on, I’ve got the pox with working on the building for 40 odd years. Lost shut loads of time with this weather. I like the boat idea , good life near to nature, woodburner on = happy days. I’m selling up and looking for a more manageable ( less expensive ) property/ barn/ cabin etc. good luck with it , new chapter in life.
    4 points
  16. I'm 40k short for the boat we want,I won't be taking no loans out to cover it,got a few decorating jobs to do next 2 months,get the house ready to sell...if it all goes to plan...then we will have the right boat and 80/100k savings for a rainy day....we will both still be working,and should be comfortable enough to save 1000/1500 a month into the pot.... hopefully be on the water for April/May time....we will be seeking your advice before committing,make sure we buy exactly what we need
    4 points
  17. Your right about the oil. I like him tbh and I think he's a breath of fresh air the world needs.
    4 points
  18. As soon as I hear or read that a breed/type is a recreation of something I just switch off and completely loose interest.
    3 points
  19. i’ve had a clutcher i’m over weight and id still fold him like a whippet on a good hare lol 11 inch the cheeky c**t i’m gonna measure em tomorrow lol
    3 points
  20. Can't believe you've got bigger guns than Greb mate he always came across as the alpha male on this site
    3 points
  21. I only bought a camera yesterday and today starting my search for big cats and caught these on camera on my first day of tracking some would say it's luck I'd use the word experienced
    3 points
  22. Agree mate but the tories were in power long enough and knew all about it to act on the matter. The establishment are just using their usual tactics of dividing the nation good cop bad cop there all complicate in the cover up
    3 points
  23. Another thing is how many many religions all have very similar story's of great floods. Also if you look into Randal Carlson he actually goes into the geological records and has found evidence around the world of some kinda massive flooding events most all round the same time
    3 points
  24. This is what I just got, can't do all that link caper lol
    3 points
  25. Read a good article the other week by a biologist on trail cams to gather evidence on individual cats.
    3 points
  26. Wifey had gravy with hers I hd a fried egg. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  27. There has been some noise recently, the once thought extinct Javan Tiger is apparently still clinging on.
    3 points
  28. That's the sort of tattoo you'd need to have to get into an air gun gang lol
    3 points
  29. That was the grey strip I think, never used again. Cheers.
    3 points
  30. Females in captivity often attract them in when they are in eastrus has happened quite a few times at Dartmoor zoo as well
    3 points
  31. I guess it depends on which bible you read and follow. The Old Testament with its vengeful, angry God who tormented Job just for a bet with the devil, who turned Lots wife to stone, who believed in a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, who destroyed the whole of man kind apart from one chosen family. Or the New Testament with its kind and loving God who gave his only begotten son to save mankind, who said love thy neighbour, turn the other cheek, forgave those who crucified his son. A lot of contradictions between the two books of the bible. Cheers.
    3 points
  32. Honestly feel the bible is one of those deal ( and I say this as a feral Christian) that ....there's some....well you gotta come at it with the view of both parables aannnd also the understanding that there's simply stuff that's outside the realms of human understanding. At least currently. And honestly I feel the thought process of science has the answers to everything, or. If x it true we could have y by now is honestly pretty small / closed minded ... And no I don't mean that as a personal whatever to anyone ( but hay if anyone wants to take it as one fine I guess) Like gotta be able
    3 points
  33. Should be a good one, this, greb lol.
    3 points
  34. f***ing ninja star wilf lol thats what you get at 14 with a tenner and a mate talking you into it only to take the piss lol
    3 points
  35. The uk is upside down at the minute mate hopefully won't be long until we are back to some sort of sanity
    3 points
  36. Greenland has potentially over 100 billion barrels of oil in and around it, I should think that has more to do with it. Whys he a thug ? Ignore the strange way he conveys his self at times and the bloke talks a lot of sense. Any leader who puts its own people and country first, wants world security and won't curtail to the cabal of the WEF gets my vote.
    3 points
  37. My mate had colonic irrigation at one of those spars . I said what the feck were you playing at ?. He said that he had a wowcher voucher , and it was just too much of a bargain to miss .
    3 points
  38. Went out this morning Mrs Mack dropped me 17 km away down the river,-20 with windchill,river and the local lakes totally frozen.
    3 points
  39. Chilli, tomato, chicken pasta for me chicken and leek pasta for her quick, simple and tasty ( double blue tray shot as well, I spoil ya )
    3 points
  40. Mc hull thought 24 hrs in police custody was a cooking show
    3 points
  41. You wouldn't be saying that if they were washing your arse, ungrateful sod!
    2 points
  42. You will have arms like popeye pulling them back . I thought the pouch looks small especially if you're shooting 11mm lead or steel.
    2 points
  43. Every evening I ask my wife, what is the itinerary for tomorrow pet ? Before she answers I tell her not to forget that I’ll be out at first light with the dogs, then home for breakfast, then I’ll be at the allotment sorting out the poultry , getting things ready for the spring, etc, then I’ll be home for lunch. Then I’ve got to go for dog food and to the feed merchants for hen food. Then take the dogs out again, then jet wash the kennels, then it’s tea time. In the evening I’ll be watching football/snooker/darts on the tv in the man cave or out lamping and then back for supper.
    2 points
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