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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/12/24 in all areas

  1. They are getting there now can’t wait to get them up the mountains on a good hike.Ive had them out mooching so they are getting a few scents into them
    13 points
  2. Well, the mrs went to bed at 9.25 pm. So, I've been listening to a lot of my favourite music. A LOT of reggae, some medieval music, and now a few cranberries tracks. I am a happy person.
    10 points
  3. Just by the answers in this thread I can tell its not just being out the woods and wild. It's feeling it all as you walk your way if you get my drift. I see people in bright clothing out for walk a chatting (Loud) never taking it all in or feeling the very essence of the nature they are in. I believe thats why we are Hunters we sort of tune in and you cant take that out of us. Cheers Arry
    10 points
  4. 51 but i believe age is just a number. I am a cup half full type of fella and still feel like I am in my 20,s. My old lamping partner is 53 and lost the plot, lives looks and feels like a 70yr old. As you have probably seen I got into the archery and been climbing up trees swinging out them practicing 3d target shooting. My old mate says ya crazy at your age. No I've still got a life to live, and I intend to live it for as long as I can. I still train and try to keep strong. Yeah I get up and feel the aches and pains and arthritis of old injurys. But you crack on , I try to eat healthy most t
    10 points
  5. Was expecting a walk.out with a farmer friend last night, I've been out we him a couple of times, I get my eggs off him, but he'd had a few bevies, so he never came , but tonight he picked me up we his dogs, and we was out about 3 hrs, slight drizzle and by the time I got home, i.was well.soaked, but nowt a towel.didnt put reet , I really enjoyed missen, he's a decent bloke, we couple of salukis, 1 pure 1 cross we a greyhound , and boy can they motor
    9 points
  6. Hey up chaps, several operations, followed by amputations, stroke cancer loss.of two dear wives, mum dad sister brother all passed, but I'm still standing, 81 years of age in may, clambered over a 5 bar gate last neet , eh. Get on we it
    9 points
  7. If I can tie in two threads at once with the happy place one. For many years I have worked at distance from my family , I’ve had journeys of 300 miles Friday and Sunday for the best part of a decade intermittently over the last 16 . Some of my most deepest thoughts and relaxation have came sat on an empty motorway at 1 in the morning with a podcast on totally and utterly alone in the world . sometimes it’s good for your soul to be unfettered by outside distractions
    9 points
  8. Mrs and daughter are out and about working today and tomorrow.....So Just about to load up the motorhome,and f**k off fishing,to a little lake,we have been stocking since summer before last....bit of a social,the kids have all had new bivvys,alarms,rods,reels etc for Crimbo...they will all be searching and hoping to bank a 30lber before this year is out...Us Dad's will be chilling out,food drinks,a smoke etc
    8 points
  9. It's wired into our DNA Arry,as humans were tribal and that's how we have survived and as a tribe we need different people to survive,we need hunters to feed us,warriors to protect us and folk to care for us etc etc. That is why you get all sorts of people, feck me boxers,MMA,all fighters of sorts they like the ruck and a ruck is not a nice place to be but ask a fighter why and they can't really answer,it's in their DNA,same as us lot out in all weathers and sometimes we even say to ourselves "what the f are we doing ?" but were out again soon after. I myself feel a bit sick every time i let
    7 points
  10. Perhaps offer a little something in return a day out or something on your pest control I've helped lads out on here with ferrets and local to me with dogs only to never hear a peep out of them again didn't even want anything just an update of how they got on
    7 points
  11. I had a work mate who's approaching 40. He asked me the other day "does life actually begin at 40?".. and what changes? I answered.. Nope!! You're hamstrings get tighter.. You take longer windmilling.. And you fart like you remember your dad farting when you were a kid!! Lol..
    7 points
  12. Where’s yours? mine is out on the hills alone dogs for company as far away from people as possible
    6 points
  13. Back to proper food lol. Ribeye and peppercorn sauce. Wifey don't like mushrooms, fried onions or peppercorn sauce. Cheers Arry
    6 points
  14. We cross various 'types' to improve upon the 'Type',.. Nearly all F1 Hybrids are the start, and rarely the end product,...it takes time, to produce the genuine article. I did tell the dreaming scholar this fact,. but,... it went straight over his silly fecking head
    6 points
  15. 73 and still doing bits and pieces. I'm not slowing down just the world and time is going faster. Cheers Arry
    6 points
  16. An ancient woodland that's less than a 15 minute walk from my house even though there is public footpaths through it i wander off them to avoid people. Sat on a log this morning having a coffee out of my small flask and spotted this roe deer watching me. I walk through this wood every day of the week and it does wonders for my sanity in this mad world.
    6 points
  17. Madam, I find abbreviations so very vulgar! Why did you use the abbreviations 'you're', 'it's, 'TV', 'we're' and 'dont'? I am a scholar and a country gentleman. I hold a first class honours degree awarded by the University of Life. I much prefer and demand : 'you are;' 'it is;' 'Television;' 'we are'; and 'do not' when employed in formal prose. I abhor informal language. We are british. This is our language. We must uphold the standards of the country and the empire. How will savages learn except by example? I beseech you, please, desist from the use of abbreviation in any of y
    5 points
  18. New film out (on Sky) with both Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell. Pretty decent watch if you like that sort of thing.
    5 points
  19. I've always completely agreed with that Arry. Being a hunter of any kind is a pain in the ass. You're out at all hours of the day and night , in all weather conditions, but something inside makes you do it , you don't have a choice , you just have to. Sometimes you'll take a break from it , but it always pulls you back.
    5 points
  20. Nipped out , only ad 3 shots 2 woodys and 1 Maggie, all birds was very high so was pleased dropped a woody. Conditions not ideal , still foggy and drizzle which cut the beam down considerably. But I ad been struggling with my head torch. But ordered 2 new batteries from fenix only £14 each so gave it a new lease of life and plenty of power with 2 batteries with me . What spoiled my mooch was unfortunately I wasn’t the only one out. The fly tippers was as well. Utterly disgusting waste of space they are. Absolutely makes me boiling it does !!! Any way the scout amd 9.5 steels earning there keep
    5 points
  21. Old samboy is 77. Still shooting every week and out with the dog every morning. But definitely slowing down.
    5 points
  22. 48 tomorrow funnily enough!!
    5 points
  23. Last of Christmas today chicken and veg pie, goose fat roast spuds with garlic and thyme ( coated in semolina, extra crunchy) bit of veg and a cream/ chicken stock gravy
    4 points
  24. 4 points
  25. Father, mother and sister from previous litter
    4 points
  26. Forgot about the one on my head... So I'm 19 year old and me and about 7..8 mates are at Skegness...its a bank holiday so we all pile in this nightclub...I'm sure it was called the Sands...under the pier... Anyway my arsehole mates thought it a good idea to start a mass brawl on the dance floor...just because they didn't like the look of another group of young lads... Anyway I find myself chinning this young chap..who goes down...so I I'm sort of neiling over him hitting him some more... Out the corner of my eye I see my mates scatter...but in that moment bang I'm hit over
    4 points
  27. I'm languishing in my period known as 'the mrs has gone to bed, thank f**k!! Turn the volume down a couple of octaves,and yah man, I an I is irie!! Lol
    4 points
  28. Mental age 16, physical age 65 actual age 46
    4 points
  29. 57...and still like a Greek God
    4 points
  30. Had mine at the beating today
    3 points
  31. Just on my own, that can be in a field or at home, my missus doesn’t understand this, as she likes to be with people and to talk
    3 points
  32. Fingering mucky women.
    3 points
  33. That nice feeling when I’m laying in a hedgerow with my rifle completely blended in with my surroundings occasionally turning on my bird app when I hear an unusual bird call, whilst waiting for a rabbit to pop out, two to three hours of that and it sorts me out for a couple of days.
    3 points
  34. The missus was up at daft o’clock this morning, taking Christmas decorations down because in her words “ they piss me off” so I got up and done her a breakfast, beans and hash browns, the wrong’un
    3 points
  35. The good Lord knew what he was doing creating flora and fauna, he did it to help reset our clocks and use it as therapy
    3 points
  36. It's not much but a small contributory river to the Trent that's never fished by anyone, no dog walkers ect no outside distractions. Its a place where my old man would bring me, I caught my first pike here aged 10 , I don't know what it is about the place but it fills me with inner peace, even if the fishing isn't great there's always the wildlife, just a great place to sit for a few hours and forget about everything else .
    3 points
  37. I think the idea of old time poachers habitually using fast dogs is overblown . Medieval Laws almost totally forbade the keeping of all but tiny dogs anywhere near Hunting preserves. Sheepdogs were permitted on practical grounds but were supposed to have toes cut off to reduce their chances of bothering the local Game . Even if a peasant could spare food to feed a decent-sized dog they would've fallen under intense surveillance from the Authorities and from fellow villagers ,who were held legally responsible for each others' behaviour. The rich ,the local Lords
    3 points
  38. You know how pedantic I can be , LOL , but Tagalog is, or was, also written in other scripts to Latin alphabet, such as baybayin and Sulat Tagalog. All the Filipinos I know speak Taglish, a mixture of Tagalog and English. Slightly off topic but one of my god daughters who is half Welsh half Filipina qualified for the Ironman World Championships in New Zealand as an Asian Champion . She did extremely well seeing as she’s in her 30’s , a mother of twins and a full time dentist, not a professional athlete. The Aussies and American professionals were to much for her, bu
    3 points
  39. Chicken masala tonight took me about two hours to make it and two minutes to scoff it, nice
    3 points
  40. I like a nice bit of solitude with just a dog or 2 for company and the odd white hare
    3 points
  41. Just a quick daft little story on the subject of scars as a young up and coming lad who knew i was likely going to spend my life around crime and villainy i thought i was being cunning and one step ahead by getting a couple of tattoos on my lower arms removed so as not to have any identifying marks ......back in them days having tattoos removed was a big deal and much more painful than it is today......i had it done in about 4 or 5 sessions but after the third or fourth session got myself arrested for something or other and remember sitting with my solicitor looking over my rap sheet where it
    3 points
  42. Look at the crack you could have in that time though
    2 points
  43. We are languishing in the period known as merryneum,the doldrums separating Christmas and new year.
    2 points
  44. same here listening to burning sphere live having a. Toke
    2 points
  45. I’ve had tragedies in my life that I wouldn’t wish on any man, mate, so a bit of gentle ribbing by good lads on a hunting site makes me smile ! Lifes to short, especially at my age, to be angry or bitter about things that don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Have a great new year and go easy on the sangria…or not ! LOL ! Cheers.
    2 points
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