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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/12/24 in all areas

  1. 7 fish between them so far..
    15 points
  2. West Indian Christmas dinner today.Beats cold meat and mash.
    11 points
  3. Some Rump for breakfast...
    11 points
  4. See, this is one of things that I deeply loath about modern Britain…..at what point did we start making a song and dance about “what rubbish gos in what bin” ? It’s a bin, they are dustmen, there’s a big f***ing truck…..just wheel the bin to the truck, put it on that lifting thingy and empty the f***ing bin !…..you ain’t Inspector Morse !! lol People pay a cold fortune to have bins emptied, not have an inquisition from some geezer who probably has about as many qualifications as me….just empty the f***ing thing ! The country is awash with government employees driving every
    11 points
  5. Ultralight Carbon Fibre climbing sticks and ultralight platform for 3d target archery practice and a down puffer jacket suit and matching zip off down over trousers
    11 points
  6. Think charts has now ascended to greatness and become a meme..lol
    9 points
  7. Not a bad Christmas, my yearly pair of trainers ( or a new pair of chav’s as she calls them, I don’t care, I like them, they fit well with my other 7 pairs of air max ) a bottle of Woodford and the obligatory socks and pants
    7 points
  8. Boxing Day tradition bubble cold meats n pickle
    7 points
  9. Did you get any nice presents mate ?. I got a new watch.
    7 points
  10. Me and the missus never get each other anything, what little we have all goes on the kids , I don't need anything when I see their happy faces on Christmas morning
    6 points
  11. I don't fit the dictionary definition of confused mC but I haven't actually seen oyster,lobster etc eat so out of sight out of mind,I did however witness pigs with Indian bum gravy all over their snouts,most offputting. Wild turkey.
    6 points
  12. The wife's office for the day. Taking the border to visit the old people round the village
    6 points
  13. These “criminals” on all the different podcasts spouting the same shite again and again, like that one eyed freak Marvin Herbert or Kevin lane ect.. as gnasher would call them “storytellers” or that Joe Egan keep calling out John fury proper cringe wants to leave off the sunbeds face like a leather satchel.
    6 points
  14. Cracking boots mate....but f**k me what's above them....lol
    6 points
  15. Cracking day out on the Boxing Day mid Devon hunt walk and bit more of stock breaking with our 4 month old girl deer grey Wheaton bull
    5 points
  16. Couple of decent aftershaves,and she just got me five winter shirts and a TV in the boxing day sales.
    5 points
  17. I don't watch mainstream TV Mack myself ,I've not read a paper in almost 20 yrs...too much programming and doom and gloom for me...I just recently joined face book after all these yrs....wish I hadn't tbh...everyone crawls out from the woodwork,reeking of f***ing desperation.. they are my past for a reason.... onwards only... never ever take a backward step,or back to the old familiarities...
    5 points
  18. Up early trying to get the head clear
    5 points
  19. It’s only your money and they can always help themselves to more of that mate ! The state is run by nerds and nerd enablers !……near where I used to live was the local tip, started off when I was about 17 that you could take anything in there, give the couple of lads working a little drink and away you go. Waste in the right place, lads got a couple of pints….everyones a winner ! Then it got to there’s 6 people all dressed up like traffic cones and a few questions everytime you landed. Then it was 10 people head to toe in luminescent green, proof of where you live, no vans,
    5 points
  20. That Justin Welby that individual makes my fekin skin crawl and him and those like him who turned a blind eye to abuse have done more damage to Christianity and are another reason the country is going down the pan along with a lot of MPs
    5 points
  21. And me, had invite from some very good friends, my IBS went out the window lol, fookin hell, was 80kg greyhound walked in there house, left like feckin saint Bernard haha.lnow had wonderful day there, there deff are some genuine good people about, they even bought couple presents, good job I took couple bottle's white wine, 2 box of chocolates for them both, otherwise I felt right prat, nice to have some nice things happen to me for a change.
    5 points
  22. I recycled one of @DIDO.1s 2023 checked shirts.
    5 points
  23. 4 points
  24. Cracking day out on the Boxing Day mid Devon hunt walk and bit more of stock breaking with our 4 month old girl deer grey Wheaton bull
    4 points
  25. I got the fashion tip from @DIDO.1 check shirts are IN this season.
    4 points
  26. Reform has overtaken the Tories in membership numbers, Nigel at the boxing day hunt meet
    4 points
  27. f**k that lol when a dog smells the c**t and walks away i tend to do the same lol
    4 points
  28. I thought the GPS collar on the mutt mite of gave the game up lol. I just started stroking the hare saying poor rabbit and naughty doggy . Shooting fish in the barrel ? Can be tough for small dogs on undulating bits with big dykes all over and a dog that is not used to running that ground. But for most biggish crosses yeah
    3 points
  29. 3 points
  30. Yes !!! weights in a bedroom , push up bars and a crossbow there’s a samurai sword hanging up somewhere in that den of testosterone somewhere I’d wager !
    3 points
  31. James Corden, the way he creeps around A-list celebrities makes my skin crawl. No mate, they're not your pal, they are going along with it through gritted teeth to plug something.
    3 points
  32. Had a mooch about this morning, i got out in dark just before sunrise, avoid all cragrats. Seen a few more pheasants knocking about , seen 3 roe in the thermal at bottom of a wood. Normally great views here, but was very foggy a pea souper. And only seen 1 Walker as I headed back to the motor . No great pics , fog ruined it.
    3 points
  33. 3 points
  34. I did a job up Scotland about 20 years ago for the council up there and we got sent to the council yard it was piled high with wheelie bins In the yard and 3 massive buildings full floor to ceiling so said to a lad theres some money here you having to deliver all these he started laughing and said the council ordered all the wheelie bins before the new trucks and the bins wouldn't fit on the truck lifts so the council had to buy all new bins the councils don't half waste money most are run by clowns
    3 points
  35. One of the female members of staff , bought me these for Xmas …..lol
    3 points
  36. That Joe Egan is a f***ing unit but yeah , in absolutey behind you . all that nonsense is just grimy , that stupid yank who thinks he’s a football hooligan with tommy Robinson has to be the worst one I’ve had the misfortune of watching . Man’s a complete buffoon , those bbk ones with the Joyce’s and That are horrific , going on like they are multi millionaire fight organisers . Ffs like
    3 points
  37. 3 points
  38. Don’t be a follower Lenny mate; say something original . Cheers.
    3 points
  39. Remembered halfway through eating that the cauliflower cheese was still in the oven so it's not in the picture... done the turkey on the smoker, it was delicious and I'm not a fan of turkey.
    3 points
  40. 3 points
  41. Traditional Christopher dinner with my folks and daughter today before a slap up Caribbean Christmas dinner tomorrow with my bird.
    3 points
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