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  1. Leo Sayer

    Leo Sayer


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/11/24 in Posts

  1. Pork specials Pork cranberry stuffing pork branston Stilton hunters chicken BBQ pork pie spicy chill and sausage pork pie jalapeños mature cheddar pepperoni sweet chilli jam pork pies pork relish onion pies
    10 points
  2. Winter warmer !! Minced beef and mushy pea pies
    9 points
  3. Just made full breakfast pies , bacon sausage spam cheese mushrooms and Heinz beans and Big Mac cheeseburger pies , minced beef cheese onions and Heinz burger relish and Heinz tomato sauce
    9 points
  4. 6 points
  5. nothing special just winter food with lashings of homemade gravy
    5 points
  6. 5 points
  7. Big Leo round 2 tonight lol ! Mc Leo’s big double whammy cheese cahoona THL homemade burgers . Local butcher proper beef [BANNED TEXT] onion chilli flakes, curry powder, mature cheddar, garnished with jalapeños and spinach ( guns like popeye on this kid lol ) . Homemade fakeaways geezers lol .
    4 points
  8. ensopado de rabada à portuguesa or oxtail stew
    4 points
  9. At least you're pissed...some of us have ti read this shit sober lol
    4 points
  10. good luck to the new owners of 3 of the pups out of my litter of here. i dont think use will need it though happy hunting lads.
    4 points
  11. Mother Nature is all I need on my journey through life and when she’s done with me she will take what’s left to sustain the next mans journey very simple
    4 points
  12. They'll never keep me down Arry, it's about time the mods stopped being a snowflakes and accepted defeat.
    4 points
  13. You didn't read or watch the video did you. Cheers Arry
    4 points
  14. Fukkin hell No wonder you're all cock and ribs Ger up
    4 points
  15. I’d make someone a nice little wife me, up and 5:30 to feed pheasants and few jobs at the shoot, then off to work for 7 hours before home to do her a chicken dinner
    4 points
  16. They call me the love whippet . My motto is " blink and youll miss it " .
    3 points
  17. Made a start, another day next week and it will all be down
    3 points
  18. Term of Government is five years, mate . The government are obliged to hold a debate if the petition goes above 100,000, but it doesn’t mean much. Labour have a massive majority so there won’t be a vote on it. Cheers.
    3 points
  19. Gravity is a theory that has been proven , as in Newtons LAW of gravitation. Newton's law of universal gravitation - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG Theoretical physicist’s formulate a theory. Experimental physicist’s then test and evaluate a theory and it is proven or unproven. Gravity is measurable and it’s formula proven . You may continue to insist gravity doesn’t exist if it keeps your wind up going ! LOL ! Cheers.
    3 points
  20. no that’s just a theory lol
    3 points
  21. And heres me thinking ive hit rock bottom .....im actually witnessing men arguing about whether gravity is real or not let that be a lesson,theres always someone worse off than yourself
    3 points
  22. Some positivity from the riots at the holiday inn at manvers in August. The people of the surrounding area should thank those who put their liberty on the line and lost their liberty. This decision would have been different had it been a peaceful protest.
    3 points
  23. Anyone else who signed the petition had an email saying the call for a GE will be debated in parliament on the 6th of January.
    3 points
  24. Books have arrived...cheers Walt
    3 points
  25. All very admirable activities do you only drink local beer ? Do you only buy bbqs made within your post code? I could say that every motorcyclist I’ve ever came across has been a diabetic closet homo , sat squeezed into cheap leather trousers like an imported Romanian blonde while they drive around pretending they are in a motorbike gang when in reality they are nothing but a fat sausage But it’s of no relevance to the most popular game in the world is it ?
    3 points
  26. Come on boyz let’s put this to rest ! Just cooked up a McLeos Crunchy Chicken Mac Daddy burger and fries! Keep ya bendy Wendy’s and Golden Arches shite ! Fresh butchers local chic breast in egg white corn flakes chilli flakes a curry powder and fresh made sweet fries in same ! Save ya dollars an eat healthy.
    3 points
  27. A great sign for every pub in the country
    3 points
  28. Yes this is up in Otago, where it is dryer and warmer, down further South where I live we get coast rain all year round, so the grass remains green, Otago grass is normally burnt off by Xmas however this year at least Otago has had a huge amount of rain so it looks a picture of green at least until the summer temperatures kick in soon. One thing that's interesting is, if you travel more than one hour in any direction, the country looks so very different. This week I'm heading up to the Otago high country to a station that overlooks the lake, where the country ranges from rolling hills to huge
    3 points
  29. Oh Gooey, you just went and blew it, after I stuck up for you!!
    2 points
  30. You wait until you see Gooey's proven theory of flying upside down, while flying over Australia. His scientific formulae will leave us all scratching our heads for years!!
    2 points
  31. shit mate isn’t it
    2 points
  32. So you don't believe in gravity , because it's a theory , and you can't see it , but , you believe in God , something that you can't see , and is just a belief ?.
    2 points
  33. Regards the Hammers that 2 nil win at Newcastle probably just about saved Lopetegui's job from what im hearing.....wouldnt be surprised to see Mourinho pitch up at some point,whether its before or after the clubs sold to an oil sheik is another question
    2 points
  34. Community service mate?
    2 points
  35. Foot long fresh cream chocolate eclairs
    2 points
  36. That would involve listening and learning stop it
    2 points
  37. Which goes to show that even basic household items can be used to further lscientific knowledge . Filling Hoovers with feathers , rocks and bowling balls ,then chucking them off university roofs was once part of an initiation ceremony amongst first year science students . Still by claiming it was part of a serious study into the effects of gravity rather than wanton vandalism they avoided punishment. However peer review revealed that there was fluctuation in results due to the use of vacuum cleaners from differing manufacturers . Dyson's tendon to tumble in fli
    2 points
  38. Jealousy gets you nowhere.. Or should I say it gets you setting up other accounts. Because you've not got the balls to keep your original account. Most on here know who you are anyway. Your like thrush irritate every c**t.
    2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. Going to be cold on the fingers today Edit- it was grim , only managed 3 dace and a couple of missed bites and the eyes were constantly freezing up
    2 points
  41. Dirty git he is ffs tantric massage.. no shame Walt
    2 points
  42. so do the hares lol
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. Bullied at school ,couldn't make friends, possible body issues ,short ,ginger ,lisp ,ect ,mummy's special little trooper ,protective over his parking spot ,not the easiest neighbour to get on with ,every Sunday cleaning the ioniq 5 ,just an image I'm getting
    2 points
  45. Last time I dusted the rods off, with this weather dropping off hopefully cod start making an appearance, try a few marks in the next week or two I think, tight lines
    2 points
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