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26/10/24 - 26/10/24
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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/10/24 in all areas
8 points
7 points
6 points
For those with an interest Trump has just done a 3 hour podcast with Rogan.... Which if you think about it is genius.....right at the end of his campaign more people will watch that I recon better than any MSN clip on regular news Someone mentioned in the comments Rogan is most likely the most powerful person in the media..5 points
First day on the pheasants today and it’s like a summers day, but I’ll take that over the fog yesterday5 points
Wifey home early today so sparked the BBQ and done a couple of Rib Eyes. Cheers Arry5 points
Beautiful morning down by the river. Pretty sure a Great Egret This old wreck of a Paddle Steamer. Sorry crap photo used full zoom and digital zoom. Cheers Arry4 points
4 points
Good to see bunnies making a comeback. Had some good hunts last few outings on land that was wiped out with plague. Last time I was on this land I got bout 4 diseased rabbits, caught easy. Not back in big numbers but they're healthy. Good to see.3 points
3 points
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3 points
The c**ts probably ain't got 10k and even if they did they'd rather spend it on a big gold chain3 points
couldnt be bovvered to cook today so i went down the route of the old mecro-waivey jobby [BANNED TEXT] sum PSB off the eat now or die shelf3 points
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3 points
Talking to a bloke the other day who retired a couple of years back and is recipt of his state pension that he has worked for all his life and was condemning labour saying he was 30 notes over the threshold for getting the winter fuel allowance as all that money he from the wfa was spent on his energy bills even he said as a white working class bloke at least you knew were you stood with the tories unlike these devious lying fekers in the labour party.3 points
3 points
Been watching a few videos on rural Russia from the reindeer herders, people living/surviving in the fallout areas of Chernobyl, game wardens etc anyhow thought this one was particularly good2 points
2 points
I watch a very varied amount of youtube anything that catches my eye... Was watching quite a few recently on the pyramids...which took me down a rabbit hole...then watched one about a generator that runs on plasma...and throws out no poisonous gasses..and is almost perpetual motion....apart from toping up with water.. Then that took me to these prehistoric mega structures like the pyramids and other....where the stone had been cut with such precision it seems there's no way bronze age man could have done it Big in to strong man and fitness type stuff...nutrition etc Very r2 points
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2 points
Nice Arry ,thought this would be mackem!2 points
2 points
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2 points
The situation isn’t serious enough yet for me to be deployed mate .2 points
2 points
Labours mask is slipping more and more and their far left communist thinking is showing more and more. Starmer has said that anyone with stocks and shares or “ assets “, (whatever that means ), isn’t a “working person”. He has had to quickly row back on that as many “working people” have a few shares and if you own your own home it’s classed as an “asset”. I worked all my life until I decided to retire, and I have a very small portfolio of shares and own my own house, so according to Starmer I’m not a “working person” ! I find this very offensive , coming from a man who has n2 points
He thing is mate there's no money in it for the west to just go in a flatten the places the ground along with the people in it. The longer these wars drag on for them the more money they can make out of it and they don't give a f**k if there own soldiers die in the process2 points
2 points
All that may be true mate, but in its simplest form they are blowing the f**k out of people who hate us and that’s fine by me. I think we can say it’s engineered to undermine the West but in all honesty our governments do have autonomy about this stuff……the fact is, we are undermining ourselves (as can be seen with the boat crossings) ……..our governments are undermining us and the majority of voters are voting for it. f**k all to do with Russia in reality, it’s all self inflicted wounds. If we had gone to any of these Arab wars we have been involved in the last 30 years and just l2 points
This kid is a pleasure to watch,no music no talking,just straight skills1 point
Next lot do will be doing at 6 months old would do bores again as grow fast , it's all leaning am enjoying keeping pigs so are kids an get to eat some top quality meat1 point
I've just skipped through that mate.. very good viewing! He looks like he can look after himself. Went to the bowels of that slum and didn't get any shit whatsoever!1 point
1 point
Yeah will take all 3 at once. These are 4.5month now, probably keep em another month and get em done before Xmas. My last ones I kept until Jan and was loads of fat on em, which is just wasted feed and money. They reckon anything from 20weeks. Mine are 18wk now.1 point
Nice mooch about this morning i was tempted to have a shot with the catapult at these ducks though it was near the entrance of a kid's hospice and thought better.1 point
Removing income tax would be ok, after all, it was only introduced to fund the Napoleonic Wars , and was supposed to be repealed during peacetime. The problems I can see with removing income tax is the shortfall in tax revenue would have to be made up by putting up other taxes, VAT, fuel duty , energy tax, etc, and you can bet your bank managers life that you will end up paying more tax overall no matter what government is in power! Also, what about people who don’t pay income tax , like the low payed, pensioners, etc ? They would end up paying far more in general taxation. Cheers1 point
Second job today, feeding and setting things out for the first day on the pheasants tomorrow, don’t hold out much hope if the weather is like it is today1 point
1 point
1 point
67th edition of the underground badger hunting days in France. The first edition dates back to 1956. Two days on the burrows with the judges, the mass of Saint Hubert and blessing of the dogs, the prizes.1 point