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Here's mum Rose too on this afternoon's wander over the beach,she seems to be doing well & so far is doing a grand job tending to her puppies,hope things continue in the same vain.8 points
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7 points
Pork belly and stuff............delice.......... this meal coencided with wine o'clock..............lay down coming on..6 points
Well...........my hate of olives goes wayback to my teens when me mam and dad got fed up with me at home and packed me off to the south of france bloody grape picking.......are you with me so far ? so we piled onto a bus to Paris and booked into a squat called Le maison de jeauns...on the Left bank...which for them in the know is full of bleedin communists...i kept me head down and chomped on the local food....(which was stange to say the least).................the long and short of it ....i got quite ill very quickly and a doctor was sent for and gave me pills....and they were big pills.6 points
5 points
Amazing what they achieved in the past when you think about it Me the Mrs and kids swam under this Roman aqueduct built 2000 years ago still standing it's drystone built it took water 50 miles to another area...and the slope over the 50 miles is 17 meters...incredible bit of engineering5 points
5 points
i don't think pine martins happily cohabit with the reds they will prey on them but because the pine martin has always been a native enemy of the reds they are much more wary to the presence of pine martins and seem to avoid them more than the non native greys ,it's like there hard wired to avoiding them through co existing for hundreds of years unlike the grey which i find amazing5 points
Did off our ram lamb from last year, absolute beast, thankfully now in his component parts in the freezer.4 points
4 points
My last post was about the corruption in politics; this one is about the stupidity of politicians. Theres a leadership contest in progress for the Conservatives and it was whittled down to three, Cleverly, Jenrick and Badenoch. Cleverly was so far in front that the bookies stopped taking bets, so he thought he could rig the vote by getting some of his supporters to “lend” their votes to the challenger he feared least and getting rid of the one he feared most. But his chicanery backfired spectacularly when too many “leant” their votes and he came third and HE was eliminated !4 points
Let’s have a look at only one situation where this country is so screwed up ; Sue Grey was the second highest Civil servant in the land. Supposedly impartial and fair, so she was asked to compile a report on “partygate”, which ultimately led to the downfall of a Conservative Prime Minister, Boris Johnston. It then came out that before compiling the report, she had been in negotiations to become the Leader of the Labour Parties Chief of Staff ! She got the job and demanded a salary of £170,000 . This is more than the now Prime Minister, Starmer, gets but he caved in and gave her4 points
Good enough for both sets of people, they deserve everything they are getting……let’s not forget, on this site we are the majority, lads who think in broadly similar ways and feel the sting of the same betrayals. But that’s not the case out there in the real world, we are very much in the minority out there…….most people couldn’t give a flying f**k because it don’t matter enough to them. It rather moves in to the conversation about Nationalist movements, imho I could genuinely go and and post a million leaflets through doors for a nationalist party of some description and I can almost4 points
Pickled a few of the small onions and made some green tomato and red onion chutney; Cheers.4 points
Todays activity for the misus and kids, making pickles out the last of the cucumbers. Bit of onion and fresh garlic in there and a couple jars with chillies in too. All homegrown4 points
4 points
Remember Fat Bill saying in a AGDT, 40lber will kill you just as easy as a bigger dog, just put smaller holes in you!3 points
35lb, some of those xl things are more than double that . why some people put their children in a situation where if a thing like that happens , they have no idea on how to stop it baffles me . a good post for a perspective3 points
Oh I agree an I’m lucky enough that any little terrier or lurcher will keep me busy, I didn’t have to look far after we lost my sons little Plummer bitch an my lurcher within a year, but this young Russell keep me busy now3 points
3 points
3 points
Cleaned it up and sprayed it up used the purple stuff the now but farmer friend is giving me the blue spray later so il see how it goes3 points
There was a time when I’d have unhesitatingly put my hand up and said “Me” !! Not anymore……I’d have to have a serious think about what “nation” would I be fighting for ?…….because if it’s this, then they can f**k off, it can’t die quickly enough for my liking.3 points
This could all be just the dream of the rewilding lobby but I have read that pine martinis will happily cohabit with red squirrels but kill greys it’s the reason for the releases grey squirrels are at epidemic proportions and rather than have kids with air guns keep them in check they would rather another little furry creature does the dirty work, similar to the mink otter water vole triangle, water voles are thriving alongside otters as otters don’t seem to tolerate mink and the mink can fit in the voles burrows but otters can’t it’s just restoring the balance in theory but it often goes wron3 points
I think there's 80+ on some boats mate..where the hell have they got £5k from..they are living under a plastic sheet apparently...something definitely dont add up..3 points
Back filling on the other job this morning, there’s not much we can do with this until it’s in and had time to settle, it’s very wet, luckily we can have as much free soil as we want from the works on the viaduct over the river3 points
The Daughter sent me a picture last night she took so I went outside but couldn't see anything until I put the phone camera on.3 points
3 points
I just pickle the smaller onions of whatever type I’ve planted. I’m guessing you can pickle any type. Yes , equal parts warm water and white malt vinegar, bit of salt, you can use brown malt vinegar if you want. I make up my own spice mix; mustard seed, coriander seed, black pepper corn and a couple of bay leaves but you can buy ready mixed pickling spices. A tv chef said never use dried bay leaf for any cooking as it loses all flavour if not fresh, so I bought a small bay plant and now a year later it’s a small bush and I pick the leaves the day I use them. I planted my j3 points
Personally,...I think its all wrong to be hunting down, hunting men,.. considering the plethora of violent folk that are wandering around the UK.. Whatever has this fecking country come to...3 points
Thanks pal. Always eggs going spare round here.....the sausage and bacon are at a premium though . I know it's easily said and probably expected but seasonal homegrown and homemade everything is so much better than shop bought version. We have all become so used to everything being mediocre but available all year. It's taking some work and we are still developing and learning. We are about 1year in now. I reckon it will take a few years for us to really nail it down and have succession planting and sufficient stores to see us through the year etc. Plenty show and interest in wh3 points
junk food today .....sprinkled with malt vinegar...homemade gravy................NO OLIVES.........lush baby3 points
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2 points
Bought a few bits off the site for the first time … only a cheap chronograph £12 for the air rifles and about the same for the red torch for the rats . Both seem ok for the price … Chrono is showing lower than test results from a rifle dealers ,but is still consistent . Anyway the point of my point .. well there is no point really , just when I looked at the bottom left of the page I had a little chuckle …. Surely not …. Wtf2 points
I get it online, no prescription, had a Jill with something similar on her leg it cleared up in a few days.2 points
Worst part is I've crossed the border and I will have to listen to every c**t calling me "Butt" all day2 points
Some cracking pics folks!! Got into work this morning and it seems like lots of people have seen them.. me not being one if them! Strange how the phone camera brings the colours out more than what you'd see with naked eye. Anyone know why this is? Is it something to do with the actual lenses or is it a software thing I'm wondering??2 points
When you say young ferrets do you mean this years kits or last years? Looks like they're last years to me and that poor sod has been the taker not the giver all summer, split them up or cut the others balls off and it will probably clear up on its own.2 points
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2 points
My opinion is that boat loads and boat loads of the 3rd world will succeed in a way British nationalists never could…..every boat is one step closer to the edge and this don’t get mended until we tip over that edge. Im a lover of old sayings, the longer you live the more you understand the wisdom in them….in this scenario I think that eventually, given enough rope, the traitors in western governments will hang themselves and I for one see those migrant boats for the rope they are. We will all be touched by it, make no mistake, some sooner rather than later and when the dam event2 points
2 points
Have you seen the size of these black boats they are coming over on..where the hell are all these huge dingies coming from and how are they arriving near the coast every single day..and where are 800+ immigrants coming from daily..are they living in the sand dunes 1000's and 1000's of them..how hard is it to spot 1000's of black men near the coast..2 points
Big sis just literally just sent these through taken from up on Askham fell in Cumbria. She did say the camera does enhance what you actually see with the naked eye though. Got harassed by the fell ponies too apparently!! Lol.. well worth venturing out for I reckon!!2 points
Back in the 70s the nationalist movement was strong, they held councils up north and everything, would see hundreds turn out at rallies etc etc In the 1979 election or whatever year it was Thatcher was elected they stood around 300 candidates and every single one lost their deposit ! Our family doctor stood in an area that had seen massive damage inflicted on it by the government with first of all what they called “slum clearance” ,they wasn’t, they were traditional south London streets in old Dock areas where everyone knew everyone else and generations of families lived in the2 points
Good bit done today, drain sorted, 40T of type one in ready rolling on Monday, yard outside the shed scraped off2 points
2 points