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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/09/24 in all areas

  1. Nice dry branch been hung up in the hedge for two years and another laid down. Had to toe the bugger out of the hedge. Fair load got to go a very steep rough track. Cheers Arry
    11 points
  2. Going to add 4 proper stands each side to the outside of the frame to take out any flex and the strap it down to the concrete pad with hilti “O” bolts. Didn't get much help from the little man, too busy soaking up rays with his dog and shouting abuse ! Lol
    9 points
  3. I'm f****d now getting to old for this malarky cut the buggers up carried the up a dozen steps slit them and stacked before the storms that are forecast this afternoon. Should be enough unless its a very hard winter. Cheers Arry
    8 points
  4. Out this morning getting the chassis on blocks and levelled. Then lifted the floor into the frame, got that squared and level and all bolted together……enlisted the help of the big idiot son, save him spending the day pulling the stomach out of himself ! Lol The daughter was just surveying while poor dad did himself in, she in her jamas earning a grand and dad is working for f**k all ! Lol
    8 points
  5. old school home cooking..........
    7 points
  6. Doesn't seem two minutes since last year's log store photos. Times going to quick
    7 points
  7. Yea the same bunch who donated to Andy Kelly's imaginary attack while ferreting..the little terrier was so scared it lost its bark and people on here believed it and donated..lol
    6 points
  8. A rare Friday off.... 32oz rump, about to come off rest for 20 mins and on a board with some peppercorn sauce to dunk..
    6 points
  9. How was that proper..took him ages to die..and didn't everyone else survive...got one bloke ...I could have done that with my Webely Vulcan 22 at 50 yard..lol
    5 points
  10. To the untrained eye it almost appears spaniel like
    5 points
  11. At a guess Israeli intelligence have penetrated the supply chain and their boffins have created a substitute battery/bomb. Possibly requiring a firmware update too for the trigger event. Imo this isnt so much a mass assassination as it is a psychological attack and command and control attack. The physiological and C3 affects probably greatly outweigh the human casualties.
    5 points
  12. This dog was my first shepherd ,and my last ,bred from a Croatian police dog ,and a shutzhund dam....I'll never have another , unpredictable and downright nasty with no other dogs but my own ,...it was a sigh of relief I let out on his last day on earth ...
    4 points
  13. 4 points
  14. did i tell you what happened to me last week mack lol
    4 points
  15. Snack for the kids before swimming lol.
    4 points
  16. Fcuking amazing! 373K views · 9.6K reactions | Onça X Jacaré | Que batalha incrível!... WWW.(!64.56:886 Que batalha incrível! Dois grandes predadores do Pantanal em uma batalha pela vida! Vídeo: Jaguar Ecological...
    4 points
  17. I tried to teach my missus to drive, probably about 20 years ago, I had an RS2000 at the time and In her head she was the stig, I gave up in the end and got her lessons with the instructor who I went with, 6 lessons in and even he past her on to another instructor my mates kid who comes out with us is 9 and he drives the pickup and the quad around the farm, I give him a couple of lessons on the fields and I can just leave him too it now, if I need anything from the farm I just send him, younger they are the better, no attitude, just excited to have a go
    4 points
  18. Represent yourself Rumpole, you know every f***ing thing else why should the law be any different ! Lol
    4 points
  19. Mrs Stav is away with work for a couple of days so just me to feed made myself a corned beef and potato pie, with hasselback potatoes and a few carrots also treated myself to one of my favourite cheap Pinot
    4 points
  20. Here's my old bitch bred drown from drago equidius
    3 points
  21. Building some bases for the Pilling rig for a foot bridge..
    3 points
  22. Because we don't often use collars over here, or dig, I rattle a tin with a rock in at feeding time and it gets the youngsters out of the warrens quicker when starting off.
    3 points
  23. I always started working mine at around 5 months but don't expect too much until they get the idea. Some were good straight away but don't write off the slow starters as they can often turn into the best workers with a little more experience.
    3 points
  24. Steady enough good we kids, natural guarding bitch , good type straight back on her. bred by paks at Manchester they kept a good type
    3 points
  25. Nah , there’s no way they have made them into bombs It’s a hardware , not a software attack they were bombs before they went to Hamas
    3 points
  26. My lad been driving me around off roading and green lanning since he was 10 yr old
    3 points
  27. Get them going threw pipes in the garden just now get them used to putting them down and picking them up moving your feet near them a lot of time spent on them just now stops them being hole shy later .Dont forget to put collars on and off them or first time out they will spend half the time rubbing there necks at the side of the hole
    3 points
  28. There used to be a pub, near me, which advertised big steaks, which, if you could eat them, came free and your name went on the wall of fame. Well as you may have guessed, I couldn’t resist and managed it. Basically 52 oz steak with all the trimmings and a sweet to finish. Being a beer fanatic the meal was accompanied with copious amounts. To this day I believe the wall of fame is still going.
    2 points
  29. Hundreds of big cat enthusiasts on this Facebook page recon this is some sort of puma / mountain lion I can’t see anything other than a Labrador. Head conveniently down on all the photos. The Facebook experts are all pointing to the long thick tail on the last photo.
    2 points
  30. As what the other lads have said already. I made up some collars with no transmitter on them put them on for hours let them get used to it. Also let my nephews little kids take them for walk around the garden. As for age to start working if they were born in May I would work them around Christmas time starting on smallish places. As they get more confident run a experienced ferret with them in bigger places. I think detectors are a great bit of kit especially down here in Devon with big thick hedges so handy to be able to tell if the ferret has slip out down the hedge. Cheers Ar
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. Great advice from the answers above. Young ferrets are often nervous hunting the first couple of times out and if they are not used to being picked up around your feet it's a recipe for reluctance to fully exit the holes. Consistent sounds or talking to them when handling at home definitely helps them come back to you and as they learn the game this really speeds things up I always work mine first season starting 4 to 5 months but don't expect much early on. Hopefully by February you'll see improvement and the benefit of careful starting. Good luck
    2 points
  33. Not one for making more laws but thought for awhile now that provisional licence holders should only be allowed on public roads driving a dual control vehicle. FFS half the people on roads with licences cannot drive properly these days. Contradicting myself, inducted 2, 16 year old apprentice sparks today and emphasised the importance of getting mobile as soon as possible. With the cost of lessons and more importantly insurance once they pass the test, poor kids have got no chance. Or at least one hell of a lot more difficult for them than when I was their age. Many of us learned our ski
    2 points
  34. This place would be the last place on God's green earth I would come looking for advice ,legal or not .
    2 points
  35. Think I'll call this Miss Mash. Cheers Arry
    2 points
  36. easy old school food ...used single cream and milk and chives and black pepper...thats all
    2 points
  37. Right, here goes, bear with me chicken breast marinated in harissa, honey, garlic and lemon juice overnight before being cooked in a griddle pan, with a pepper, tomato and shallot stew and basmati rice the picture doesn’t do it justice, it was delicious, I think it would of been just as good without the rice and more of the stew
    2 points
  38. 'The only requirement for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing'. Those animals were not the only guilty ones. Everybody else who saw it and did nothing were also guilty. Social workers, police, children's home staff and the parents of the kids who had ended up in care. Those girls were failed by everybody. They were viewed as dirt.....slags, by people who should have known better. Yes I know a small minority of the girls came from caring homes, but the vast majority were disturbed, neglected kids and easy prey for the paedos. I think some of the professionals who looked af
    2 points
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