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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/09/24 in all areas

  1. My lad been driving me around off roading and green lanning since he was 10 yr old
    9 points
  2. Still got the book and autograph from a talk that was over 40 years ago .
    7 points
  3. easy old school food ...used single cream and milk and chives and black pepper...thats all
    6 points
  4. That immediately brought to mind an episode I’ve mentioned on here before; My brother was walking his terrier and lurcher when the terrier squatted for a shit. A woman driving past stopped and jumped out of her car and started shouting at my brother “ I hope you are going to pick that up !” My brother stared at her with those dead eyes you associate with a mass murderer, picked up the dog shit with his bare hand and smeared it over her windscreen ! The woman went into hysterics and my brother walked away. He wouldn’t wipe his hand on the grass until she was out of sight
    5 points
  5. Racism is another thing created to control you and your views, I grew up with a bit of a mixture in the community, there were ,black c**ts , paki c**ts, fat c**ts, ginger c**ts and white c**ts never a problem it was all good
    4 points
  6. That's why I'm uneasy around the Welsh.
    4 points
  7. 6wks old now and coming on a treat I’m keep 2 they are very nice pups
    3 points
  8. She might be ugly to you but Lebanon, Iran and Syria are full of one handed and one eyed terrorist perverts wanking themselves silly over that pic. She's in hiding to keep her arse working properly.
    3 points
  9. This place would be the last place on God's green earth I would come looking for advice ,legal or not .
    3 points
  10. Family should NEVER try to teach each other to drive ! I tried once or twice with my wife but was glad to pay for lessons in the end ! Cheets.
    3 points
  11. I spent an enjoyable afternoon spearing them with a trident in Greece. Overturn a likely rock and bullseye. Gave them to the locals. I got two bottles of homemade wine in return.
    3 points
  12. I really think there will be loads of working people getting out, the richer can do it quicker as they'll sale some assets, be debt free and making money on day one, lads will cash in and be mortgage free and the UK will lose the benefit of that tax stream.. it will be the "richer" and those.are the ones the country depends on...by that I mean working people with an asset behind them, the people on social care, benefits etc will be even poorer as where will the money come from? I've talked to at least half a dozen people in the last few months all saying they are seriously considering get
    3 points
  13. The word you're looking for is individualist.
    3 points
  14. Lol I remember watching that, as a youngster, along with marine boy, the banana splits, and a few others. Lol
    3 points
  15. Ask any Scot. Any Scot. Whether he / she likes the English! It's part of the culture to reply in the negative. But I'm not sure that is racist. English people aren't refused jobs or housing because of their ethnicity. The English aren't refused service in a pub or a shop. Its interesting too that there were no riots in Scotland when the rest of the UK was kicking off. Scots are more relaxed about immigration and asylum seekers. Farage had to be given police protection after he appeared in Edinburgh. If racism is feeling more comfortable with people from your own background. Th
    3 points
  16. Both nations where great, they got ruined by the left wing, the fight back has started although how far it gets anybody can guess, the left have it rigged against the normal people, we on the centre right have been too busy snoozing whilst the freak demonic left wing have taken over everything
    3 points
  17. Birch Polypore a very interesting fungi with lots of properties. The other is a Parasol Mushroom nice but don't keep long. Cheers Arry
    2 points
  18. Think I'll call this Miss Mash. Cheers Arry
    2 points
  19. I got a box for my mothers uncle who was a retired marine engineer. His name on the box and each individual cigar. Im sure I saw his eyes moisten as he looked at them and I’ll bet he was thinking of his time steaming around the South China and Andaman Seas….. Cheers.
    2 points
  20. I'm getting fed up of my mate who works nights sending me his eat all you can breakfast pics most mornings whilst I'm at work!! It doesn't wind me up honest!
    2 points
  21. I very much like the look of those charts , and it just so happens that my brother is living in the Philippines . He's back over here for a few weeks at the moment, so I'd better get my order in before he goes back
    2 points
  22. Anywhere !……that’s not a flippant comment by the way, take somewhere like Lithuania, flat tax rate of 15% no matter what you earn, low corporation tax and a reduced corporation tax of 5% for small business……you can get anywhere in Europe from anywhere else in Europe. I worked on jobs in Paris and the partitioning lads were commuting from Holland for a week at a time, same in Frankfurt, project manager was driving across because he lived in The Hague. Hungary ??…..Hungarian families come out of the tax system altogether on the birth of their 3rd or 4th child ? A country believing
    2 points
  23. Yesterday I was determined to release myself from my mental straitjacket. I am ashamed of myself being such northern old manist. So I went round to Abdul's to see what he thought of the new Iman. From there to Leroy's to discuss a new weed he's been growing. After that I went to see Winifred in the old folks' home and had an interesting conversation about knitting. From there to Colonel Baxter_ Smyth's, to inquire about the tory leadership contest. I passed my nearest neighbour's House and spent several minutes cooing at his chihuahuas. I even went round to Colin's to ask if he would init
    2 points
  24. I’d hate to think what it costs you every year just to tick boxes, comply with legislation, make sure all the paper work is order, double check product specs so that you ain’t on the end of a Grenfell witch-hunt at some point in the future, show waste streams and chains of custody and blah blah blah……I know that’s a fortune, and for what ? And to who ? Some pointy nosed government official sitting on his arse for 40 year for a gold watch and a gold plated pension ? That’s before you take £1 for yourself and then some other c**t is having that off you !! It’s just not right mate, I’ve
    2 points
  25. I'm chilling for a bit, been on nights, woke up, took the dog out, dug a border, layed some soil, relax for a while.
    2 points
  26. Nope, my minds on other things, I was just delaying sanding some decking by drinking cups of tea and logging on here, procrastination really is the thief of time.
    2 points
  27. I think it's clear with my good looks and charming patter I'm obviously a womanist
    2 points
  28. A decent bloke he had a bungalow on the side of the Kingsbridge estuary. We would fish for Flounders on the point in front of his house he would ofter come out sit beside us and chat about the bird life. Some b*****d nicked the outboard of the back of his dingy he wasn't so welcoming after that. RIP Tony Arry
    2 points
  29. What does sentient taste like ?.
    2 points
  30. A nice cigar , makes you feel like you've won . I'm happy to pay the duty on them to be honest mack( as happy as anyone can be), but I couldn't find out how to pay it . I've done a bit of goggling, and it just seems to be set up for importing large amounts of tobacco. I've recently bought another new humidor , and my stepson is in the process of making me an even larger one , that's made from oak , and lined with cedar , but I'd really like one the size of a small drinks fridge , so that I could fill it with 500 nice cigars. That would look and smell fantastic. Not much gets
    2 points
  31. You have expensive tastes, some of those top Gurkha cigars fetch over a million USD.If it's only a dozen and your honest label them as cigars, get them posted and pay the duty on them, if your not prepared to pay duty label them as something else entirely and you may drop lucky or you may lose them. I love the smell of a good cigar, cigarettes smell rank, a decent cigar smells richly exotic, like a foreign journey with a dusky woman. There's a restaurant I eat in now and again in London that's got a humidor on view with a decent range of cigars, I look at them sometimes, the smoke of a civilis
    2 points
  32. Like most things mate, the rules only apply if you tell them ! Lol
    2 points
  33. Good point. I hate being classified and defined. But people should not have to apologise for their opinions or preferences. Seems to me big brother wants us to stop being who we are . Anyway just a thought.
    2 points
  34. Involved in a new build showroom for window company and he can't put a gas boiler in under the new regs, X amount of solar panels and heating by heat source pump, the cost of the build has gone through the roof so he's postponed till next year, this bloke has serious money but is worried about the current economical climate, sounds like a lot of his wealthy clients and mates are off..
    2 points
  35. Just for when I get rat call-outs in big warehouses and factories mate.They will save you hours of looking and sport for them to
    2 points
  36. Ignorance is bliss burned a huge 12k stove in my house for years smokeless zone even made a small one from a gas bottle for my shed burned all sorts of crap, couldn’t get coal delivered but hey ho, even if I did get fined I’d still be up by thousands so I,ll just crack on, its even creeping in on boats not meant to light the stove in a few town basins and docks
    2 points
  37. And post of the year gos to: McHull !! Amazing ! Lol
    2 points
  38. Anyone would think it was national pirate day or something....
    2 points
  39. I chuckled when I had my Friday night cigar last week..I was smoking a 21 year old cigar , that was 3 years older than the young chap that I'd been working with all day.
    2 points
  40. If you buncha c**ts don't want me. Then f**k you all. I will stay here and plot away. Have you never heard of the expression. "That fella is better inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in"? Be prepared to be well pissed on the f****n lot of yer!
    2 points
  41. you’ll never be ready for me wolf evolution is a b*****d lol
    2 points
  42. the shooter was a typical yank had all the gear but no idea lol theres britsih lads on here would a sparked trump out with a catapult at that distance ffs lol
    2 points
  43. girlfriend has taken the batteries out of her dildo...... im back to wetshaving i havt paid my liecence fee so im waiting for the BBC to push the boom button on me old googlebox anyone got an electric car ....know what i mean
    2 points
  44. Foundation in under the watchful eye of the concrete gaffer thats a mental foundation for a wall, you could build a house off it
    2 points
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