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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/24 in all areas

  1. I said Tomo is obsessed with Greggs not greb.
    8 points
  2. I enjoyed growing up on one of the most deprived (apparently)council estates in the UK...was taught what was right from wrong,never to raise a hand to a women,respect my elders,never bully or take off those with no more than yourselves....had lots of freedom(too much at times)and any thing that went wrong,I only had myself to blame..took it on the chin,and cracked the f**k on...never ever had a handout so long as Ive had a hole in my arsehole... Bringing my own children up differently to how I was,gone without lots and made sacrifices...hopefully they turn out as good honest human bein
    8 points
  3. So ……… Grey man and I have had a few debates over the years . I’ve always been of the opinion id like to believe but I’d have to see some serious evidence in the form of a photograph etc . however ….. las month I have reconnected with a life long mate from back home . He’s one of the few people in my life who I would take his word unequivocally. He’s a generational sheep farmer . We both know an older guy who swears down seen one in the borders and again he’s hard to deny as he’s the first to laugh at stuff like this . as we discussed our lives and our jobs in the last 7
    7 points
  4. just sarcastic with your reply? I'm surprised anything bolted with that herd of dogs running about knocking nets everywhere I'd be sticking my f***ing boot up their arses and teaching them some manners...or knocking them on the head and backfilling them
    7 points
  5. Bass. Cheers Arry
    6 points
  6. Will just say blokes a total prick but I quite like him he disagrees with everything I post and follows me round like a shitty nappy posts me a few personal insults by p.m but I have never and will never report him or anyone else we are all grown men and this is just the internet not real life
    6 points
  7. There has always been a big discrepancy in wealth between the affluent south and the poorer north but it got worse due to de-industrialisation. The closure of the coal mines, steel works, shipyards, car manufacturing left entire communities with no employment. A conscious decision by successive governments to move from manufacturing industries to service industries like banking, insurance, financial institutions meant the money and well paid jobs are overwhelmingly situated in London and the south east. Cheers.
    6 points
  8. I should fecking hope not
    6 points
  9. Did someone say “Olives”? (I am in a bit of a gastronomic backwater at the moment,the last cultured meal I had though I shan’t dine there again there’s now a hotdog place in the food hall,only a matter of time before there’s a McDonald’s,shudder).
    5 points
  10. I must be in the minority in that I see that quite often still young lads , couple of dogs and ferret box near me , always walking about with game
    5 points
  11. Same as any job where it's a load of proper blokes grafting together.Plenty of piss taking and winding up but you need to be able to take it if you wanna dish it out.Trouble is there's a certain few on here like dishing it out but cry like big girls or run to the mods when they cop a bit back.
    5 points
  12. A classic case of how “levelling up” doesn’t work was HS2 ! Started in London and only going as far as Birmingham; the Manchester and Liverpool legs scrapped and it was never meant to REALLY go “up north” to places like Leeds, Middlesbrough, Newcastle. Why was the work, jobs, wages started in the south ? Why wasn’t it started in the north ? Billions of pounds over budget and never to reach its potential. Cheers.
    5 points
  13. I’d say “levelling up” is just a euphemism for engineering outcomes and that’s always shit, because all that happens (imho) is that a load of extremely well paid “clever” people spend an eternity doing f**k all and the people it’s meant to benefit never end up seeing a fraction of “the budget” Most policy is self defeating and hypocritical anyway from what I can see of it, it’s no good pretending to help a bloke in an ex pit town start a business only to then throw a shit load of regulation, rules and a mountain of taxes in front of that business so that the individual can never actually
    5 points
  14. its the internet and lads report him to get banned lol imagine living near the c**ts lol
    5 points
  15. Getting young ones started.
    5 points
  16. 5 points
  17. It's the same in the Lake District and The Highlands There's got to be restrictions on second homes. It's immoral for young people to be forced away from their traditional areas so yuppies can live in a house a few weeks of the year.
    4 points
  18. Agreed but let’s have it right . A big Lakeland texel tup would butt a fox and badger all over A manky old 20lb fox is doing nix to a fit beast like that
    4 points
  19. I like sea insects Walt.
    4 points
  20. Made up for you.
    4 points
  21. Astanley told me it’s Tomo who keeps reporting people but I don’t believe him ! Cheers.
    4 points
  22. Carrying rabbits & hares down the street proud as a punch when you're a nipper. If you did that now armed police would be waiting at your doorstep. Lol
    4 points
  23. Amsterdam yes, and have driven through the Netherlands, as well as France, Belgium & Germany and the Dutch had the best motorways. They have a stronger bicycle culture than us, that is a positive in my eyes.
    4 points
  24. My old ferreting mentor would be turning in his grave, if he was dead
    4 points
  25. and your childhood good or bad was just normal wasnt it its only when older you look back and think
    4 points
  26. good craic for the kids abit a ferreting but id f**k off all the nets let the dogs do it and some get away lol
    4 points
  27. Ginger spring onion prawns China town
    3 points
  28. Here in Devon and Cornwall locals just cant afford a house they have to move. An ex social housing across the road from me has just gone on the market for £500,000 its just gone mental. Wages for a lot of people are low they cant afford to live in their home town. I hear the North South divide but the South West is just being taken over by people that retire down here or by a second home or move down and work from home. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  29. All you could teach me about ferretting....you could fit on the back of a second class stamp young man...when nets are down,my dogs sit and chill out,only move to hold them in the nets until I can get to them,teach them steadiness from the first time they go outI've never watched a podcast,or subscribed to any of you young bloods,you want to go get a f***ing job that plays the bills...instead of relying on your social media following
    3 points
  30. The pot calling the kettle mate. Anyway, come here man and give me a big hug, I've bloody missed ya!
    3 points
  31. Cheeky last min month away sick of weather yesterday and this morning booked flight 10am this morning just boarded
    3 points
  32. Grew up on a council estate in the 70’s/80’s (who didn’t?) and my family had a bit of a rough time financially for a while and for reasons I won’t go into here. As a result we had less than most but were by no means the poorest kids on the estate. I was loved as a kid, but was never really shown love. My folks were both from broken homes and so I put some of it down to that. Since becoming a father I’ve done everything I could to provide all the things I can in the hope that my kids don’t experience that kind of indignity that poverty imposes. My kids want for nothing but I now wonder/worry if
    3 points
  33. Yep my first house I bought in 1982 in a decent area near the park hotel pub in Rotherham. It took me six months working all the overtime I could get at the pit to get the grand deposit on the house that was up for sale for 9 and half grand and a big damp celar aswell
    2 points
  34. Our houses at the bottom were the posh part lol. Our back garden was on to some allotments and straight on to the old pit & woods, the best of times pal, kids don't have it the same.
    2 points
  35. Page 3 of the wildlife and photography section for my albino brown hare topic
    2 points
  36. I think he's a good craic at the beginning of threads but then takes it too far and it becomes tedious and boring, jmho, the constant banning is a joke.....Im gonna stop reporting him
    2 points
  37. That's been part of the problem mate the North has been forgotten for decades then again a lot of Northern towns councils haven't got a clue or the vision to spend the leveling up money sensibly. Take Rotherham Council for example they have spent millions on bike lanes that hardly anyone ever uses and they are in the process of spending millions more on the dead end town a new cinema has just recently opened as they are hoping the footfall into the town will increase but with meadow hall and Parkgate retail world within a short distance of the town I honestly think the money should have been s
    2 points
  38. Has he been banned again? Agree when he’s on form his contributions are as good as anyone’s.., and he’s at least got a sense of humour. Think the issue for some is he sometimes gets into these bickering matches that destroy threads. Thing is it takes at least two to tango, and there’s been a few times I’ve seen where the minute he posts, someone takes a pot shot and so the sh!te all starts again. I don’t mind the odd frank exchange if I have a difference of opinion with someone, but you need to let it go afterwards. Take all the personal insults to PM.., or even better, take them to the nea
    2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. Ah.. yes mate, keep the females happy eh! I'd like to tackle the Crib Goch route, it's an exposed ridge. One slip on there and you're a gonner! I don't like admitting it.. but I'm pretty sure my arse would fall out so far across the ridge and I'd probably end up crag fast and have to face the humiliation of the Mountain rescue coming up to save me! Lol.. f**k that!! I've got my limits and I know them!! Lol..
    2 points
  41. yes taught right from wrong,respect your elders hold open doors for the ladies,give up your seat on a bus to less able people and if you have nothing nice to say about someone say nothing at all.usual stuff that kids of my generation were taught.
    2 points
  42. Almost seems a shame to do this just for myself, almost ( lol )
    2 points
  43. Most of the ones constantly wanting him banned are the ones he pulls or questions over their dreaming or outright bulls**t.
    2 points
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