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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/08/24 in all areas

  1. 9 points
  2. Skewers.....chick & pork belly..........next time i will do a tandorri version ..using boned out chick thighs soaked overnight chopped up in tandorri /yogurt mix....and seve with rice... potatoes salad was fresh made with chives/pepper/mustard powder / mayo/onion/egg/paprika/spring onion tops (fine chopped)
    8 points
  3. Another day of rest Strimming and thinning, and building up existing and new habitat piles
    7 points
  4. Been left on my own all weekend so I've drunk too much and eaten shite , bacon butties for brekkie both days too Tonight's tea before my peace is shattered tomorrow
    6 points
  5. I've noticed a massive rise around my way in the 40 somethings hitting the gear and gym,posting all over social media etc..few hundred on lycra in sports direct and your away... funny thing is,not one of the clowns ever played rugby/netball or took part at games when we was at school, they certainly don't have a full days graft in them after a morning gym session These same folks are off to Turkey for new teeth,hair or tits the look at me sorts ...Vain as f**k and twice as sad....I look around me at all the old roid heads... they are all f****d physically and mentally... someone to
    5 points
  6. The wife's and kids Sunday roast...Muntjac haunch... And my dinner...
    4 points
  7. Mate some people get lucky...or other factors at work...look at my auntie 103 year old smoked all her life ...still does...and she's been vegetarian for about 30 years... Then look at her own daughter my cousin...dead at 62 ...very clean living vegetarian as well...didn't smoke not overweight etc...died of cancer
    4 points
  8. I just don't understand why folk want to risk their health & life just to look good in the mirror. If you're competing at body building or in sport then fair enough, you've hardly got a choice.
    4 points
  9. Good post and Holyfield working with Haney is another alarm bell signalling his clear PED abuse. No doubt about it he was a machine of a man but the amount of lean muscle he put on was incredible. Regarding tendon strength and working with light weights, I read a fascinating article which made sense, it was a workout plan that emphasised partial reps and other techniques, once you mastered them all you then added weight. It was much slower than your typical progressive overload routine, routines that are just not realistic once the weight starts adding up.
    3 points
  10. Is that really surprising at all? The government needs tax revenue for its budget. When it cuts tax in one area to bring about change, it either makes up the short fall somewhere else or it waits for the change to take effect and then makes up for the losses. The same will happen with the TV license. It won’t truly be abolished unless they shut down the bbc or change the way it’s financed to match ch4. Instead they’ll stop the license and we’ll all be celebrating that we won, while they bump up some other tax in a stealth way to make up the shortfall.
    3 points
  11. Did that not used to be called a constitution years ago?…..as in, some people just had a strong constitution and some had a weak constitution?? It’s perfectly natural that some animals are just naturally more inclined to be done in by things others are not, obviously if you are downing a bottle of scotch and 40 fags while living on a diet of kebabs then of course you are stacking the odds but some animals are just built to last…….natural selection.
    3 points
  12. Alas I'm afraid 1 would not put such dross bred by such a dosser over a true hard working line of bull x these dogs would suffer terrible if I let such animal fornicate with them,there fore I would rather kiss a mush
    3 points
  13. Thanks mate hope you are doing ok.....the fact im sitting on here on a Saturday indicates where my heads at im too mentally fragile at the moment to be arguing with anyone so im not going to add my opinions....all id say is you have people dishing out advice these days who have never been there,they've learned everything they know from the equivalent of a text book or naively listen to these Joe Rogan type characters who sound super intellectual but actually understand very little about how the body works.....we learned in an age where all you had was each other and you learned from your own
    3 points
  14. Invited today by a Farmer mate of mine to a celebration at his Farm. Loads going on but what interested me most was the oven they built to cook two lambs in. Unfortunately Wifey and I had to leave before it was ready. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  15. New pigs day arrived.....
    3 points
  16. Good 5 miles through some ground I used to walk on been good ten years since I’ve been up there some wildlife two sparrow hawks, about eighteen buzzards, red kite handful of rabbits and one dead blue hare unknown cause decent retrieve
    2 points
  17. It's because the world is now full of f***ing idiots . With no real grip on reality .
    2 points
  18. You’d like to think that in her line of interest a decent camera would be an essential out lay ? the fact that she once attempted to pass off a pic of her jungle cat as evidence , negates anything she can further produce an absolute dreamer
    2 points
  19. My mate does strawberry vodka to make French 76 cocktails, we used to all make sloe gin for a little warmer when we stop for elevenses, but we now take turns doing it and it’s getting out of hand, this was my effort last season, I did the first day to set the standard ( lol )
    2 points
  20. Fool I think not as I have own such breeding of animal in years gone by and they seem to lack morral fibre 1 would on nights and days out with me I have cast these breeds of dogs to the gods as they were not up to the task I'm afraid infact I have 1 now he lacks much to be desired and would be better off lying by an old ladies fire or with some story teller in an open fire pub
    2 points
  21. Yeah the amount and the time frame he did it in aswell, definitely a machine though ad you say. Sounds an interesting article mate and certainly one I would agree with. Also partial reps and things in general are fantastic for building muscle, I find full ROM is better for say explosive power and for sports, but for aesthetics partial reps can be great, especially if you are long limbed, your bodies mechanics and someone else's may be completely different, how you perform the rep may give the next man discomfort and vice versa. Also with each muscle you do need a good stretch and squeeze but t
    2 points
  22. It's dead easy mchull...just put fruit.. sugar and gin in a jar...bottle ...whatever...leave it 6 month orca year then decant the liquid...its that simple...Sloe gin is the big one..but you can do it with anything
    2 points
  23. Just got back from the gym as it happens...did push day...cos everybody will be benching tomorrow on international chest day ... Can say as I agree with your last sentence mC...latest studies I've read about suggest that keeping muscle on your skeleton is a pre curser to longevity...I'm not taking to a body builder size...but certainly athletic
    2 points
  24. If you get the weather we have great scenery all over if you dont it can be feckin horrible with pouring rain coming down sideways
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. Guinness & pineapple
    2 points
  27. Remember Gordon Brown telling us all to go diesel ? Cheers.
    2 points
  28. I wonder if " The Defence Forces said warning shots were fired by personnel during the incident " is a clever way of saying " we missed ! " One of your own is in the process of getting stabbed and your DEFENCE forces dont take him out ?....well why not ?
    2 points
  29. just be happy your healthy fit and strong mate roids for size for ego is always going to end bad mate theres no limit lad i know must be 8 stone to much muscle walking like a duck now he looks stiff thats going to catch up with him without a doubt
    2 points
  30. was it this one
    2 points
  31. Scotty, that seems far removed from the previous narrative of BRICS taking over from the USD ? That screen shot says “ limiting the need for the dollar” not replacing the dollar. Now it’s a “payment system” will payments still be allowed in the major currency’s; ie the dollar, pound, euro , yen , etc ? If not , what currency will it use ? Will China refuse to sell its goods to the west for legacy currencies ? Is China and the other BRICS currency backers wanting to start a trade war with their biggest customer’s ? Genuine questions , mate, especially as Argentina is about to alig
    2 points
  32. Taken ten years for this thing to slightly chill enough to be child friendly walking good to get him out without his legs and bum getting tired doesn’t like walking he tells me but hunting T Rex’s with Sue and he forgot all about his usual excuses
    2 points
  33. At a Farm celebration today and the farm collie was getting a bit stressed with loads of kid want to throw stick for him etc. The dog know me well and will tag along when I'm out ferreting and will mark in so I went for a walk with to see what the rabbit situation was. The dog loved it being away from the crowds started working the hedges straight away. Lovely place. view towards the moor. Cheers Arry
    2 points
  34. Full English Breakfast for Dinner. Cheers Arry
    2 points
  35. Early doors on the Thames
    2 points
  36. Looking forward too starting my 13 month old pup on his first season. Like said above season can't come quick enough . He's starting too shape up now while prepping him for the season
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. Couple of phone shots today
    2 points
  39. Nearly time ,, hopefully ther be 1 or 2 about,,
    2 points
  40. Let the light shine through Natures fire lighters What do reckon, young sparrowhawk remains? Split level under pressure One for the wall, abstract Drifting away
    2 points
  41. Chorizo and garlic sausage suprise
    2 points
  42. Not drinking it yet, but picked my first batch of brambles and started off the bramble gin for the shoot season
    2 points
  43. Back at it Rib eye steak with chips, and some fried diced potatoes for afters
    2 points
  44. begging for your help lol you lot couldnt defeat the island of ibiza ffs
    1 point
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