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  4. Leo Sayer

    Leo Sayer


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/24 in Posts

  1. I had 2 great grandfathers one was a spitfire pilot and the other one was a taxidermist and were my love for nature and field sports came in. This is a true story, my granddad got lifted by the old bill and interviewed over the moors murders who were still at large, as the bin men found bones in the bin and contacted the police. The bones were actually off a large non feral cat. But I can't remember what cat it was. He got released and it all got cleared up. Also he was friendly with an old zoo keeper who gifted him a dead crocodile which my grandad mounted and gifted to our local museum. I ha
    8 points
  2. paul, a nice owd chap whom ive made friends with, hes had it rough in life, operations , hes a dent in his head you could fit ya fist in, and he struggles we every day life, i call on him every morning just to see if hes oh, i went round this morning and asked him if he needed owt, his reply, ive no bread, to hot out there for him go shop, even though its a stones throw away, so i went and got him a loaf, every night without fail, he knocks on my door and asks if i want owt, hes done that for me fer over 3 years now, theres nowt he can offer me, im quite capable of looking after missen at t
    7 points
  3. I’m sitting here having my cup of coffee, listening to some type of bird of prey in the wood beyond, terrier is whining at me…..
    7 points
  4. Home made chicken kebab...
    6 points
  5. Smoked leg of lamb, fondant tats today
    6 points
  6. Saw Scott rhea do it bass in chibbata or what ever it’s called
    6 points
  7. Going to be some good gravy here
    6 points
  8. This gets me somewhat emotional....
    6 points
  9. Pot roast beef today, almost ran out of space on the plate, that’s me good now until tomorrow
    5 points
  10. Had a real "moment" when me and the wife visited the Sacre Couer in Paris, many years ago. It's a stunning place anyway, but when we walked in the nuns were singing, it was very moving, my wife cried and every hair on my body stood on end...chilling to be honest... I'm not a religious man, but I seek.out places of worship wherever we go, we do a lot of city breaks and spend a good chunk of time walking around old churches, cathedrals etc... I guess we are all drawn to something, maybe Wilfs got it, in that it's embedded in our past and music brings it to our present...who knows...
    5 points
  11. used to catch eels a lot as a youngster out of the Exe, we lived right behind the lower reaches of the river so spent loads of time down there catching eels and schoolie bass.. one of the best baits we found was liver, an old boy told us to try it and we caught some half decent fish on it, the river was full of eels back then..we also used to "fish" the small streams in the reed beds further down river when the tide was out, you'd walk up the stream and turn the rocks, old tyres etc the eels would lie underneath these and we'd grab them and flick them up the bank then put them in a big bucket,
    5 points
  12. For some reason, I can’t listen to English speaking radio stations here in Ireland…..it just grates me, like rubbing polystyrene together. But I can and do listen to the Gaelic language station, don’t understand a word of it but for some reason it fits with the landscape. Anyway, had a lovely late evening drive last night along the lanes (it’s all lanes ! Lol ) as the sun was setting after a beautiful day and was listening to this type of stuff, which I do fairly often.
    5 points
  13. 5 points
  14. But jam spreads easier over the butter than butter over the jam the jam covers the full scone better then the cream covers the jam instead of just a blob iworkwhippets knew what he was doin here to old to get out to the riots so he's causing his own on the hunting life
    4 points
  15. George Furey..and the McGuinness clan..lol
    4 points
  16. My parents ran a pub in Combe Martin, North Devon for 12 years, every year on the may Bank Holiday they had an ancient folk ceremony called The Hunting Of the Earl of Rone... their pub was the "stable" for the 'obby 'orse so they starred and ended the parade there, then drank and sang folk songs all night...it was a full weekend but as old English as you could ever get.. the pub is now flats a cry8ng Shane for a 400 plus year old pub, but the ceremony goes on.. I've not been since the pub ended, I worked the bar for then every year it was on, great nights!
    4 points
  17. Some English folk, not the original (Richard Thompson), but my favourite version. Sean C off here played this to me at the fishing comp a few years back and its a fave now...
    4 points
  18. Took my Dad to watch the Furys last year, after many years of not really listening to them me and my brother sang along to most of the songs, remembering words youd have thought lost in over 35 years of time! as a family of Irish descent Irish songs were a big lump of childhood..
    4 points
  19. Delicious kebab n chips...sweet and low down
    4 points
  20. That's exactly how I feel. Walking into old monasteries always makes me feel the same. I always sort of freeze for a second , as everything seems so familiar. They often have a tape playing , and it's like I've heard the sounds before. My late wife always said that I'd been a monk in a previous life . Not the religious pious type of monk , but the type of monk that ate whole roast chickens , and drank gallons of mead .
    4 points
  21. Good morning, just doing a quick headcount on who will be there on the Friday. Plan on knocking some chinese grub up so need heads up on numbers. sean
    4 points
  22. Pleased with the shots and consistency at 10 meters .
    4 points
  23. or 26tts solid male good for out you want to eat and believe it or not faster then a grew by a margin. lol
    4 points
  24. 4 points
  25. Jam then cream only way the other way just makes no sense unless ya backwards
    3 points
  26. Tidy that mate, 5000 people in my little local town to see the Tumbling Paddy’s last weekend…..the population of the town is only 2000. My boy was at it with all his pals, lads just like him all being part of their fairly traditional community, beer, craic…..couldn’t have given him that where I used to live.
    3 points
  27. Some player of the Squeeze Box. Some tunes just hit different. Cormac Begley.
    3 points
  28. My beleife is that it is a real feeling mate, it’s well documented that I believe a people are connected to everything that ever went before them so for me that would seem totally normal.
    3 points
  29. You’ll be going to enya festivals next
    3 points
  30. I dont think its a case of improving either cross more a case of producing a more versatile animal than both parents
    3 points
  31. just get a fast at them coursing bred lol 24tts bitches little powerhouses lol
    3 points
  32. This is the total ofmy ofmy 2024 carrot harvest!
    3 points
  33. I'm in recovery today from last night ...
    2 points
  34. Irish bobs rambo that's a name you don't hear about now , was some good dogs up an down country from rambo , les Gedge blue some good dogs came out of him to , I do no when les used blue on some bitches he would take two pups from litters , he bred litter himself properly been dogs up an down country out of blue like said he got put to alot of bitches
    2 points
  35. The Sickening truth dido. What the f**k has happened to this country ?.
    2 points
  36. Much as I comment playfully, I've had to endure 3 against 1 rough stuff, but I'm a Geordie cracker jack, and don't mind the rough stuff I'm everybody's mate really
    2 points
  37. Quite a turbulent couple of weeks , this weekend seems to have been about the counter protest , garages office getting mobbed , king Charles throwing his support towards the refugee welcome brigade. I think some lines have been drawn , laws are changing , freedoms being taken away or punished . The left will fight hard , death throes and all that, there may be things lost that can't be gotten back . I do wonder where it's all going next, I'm fairly confident that this will be the last left wing government for many years to come....
    2 points
  38. it's keepdiggins thread
    2 points
  39. At least this hijacking is a peacefull one
    2 points
  40. Mine and me pals two young dogs
    2 points
  41. So for a bit of fun I purchased a reel seat and put a fishing reel on the slingbow. And purchased some slider things for the arrows. And had a crack at shooting beer cans in front of the kennels and reeling the cans back to me. Thinking that on my permission is a small river and I might make some floating targets and practice at hitting them on the move on the river and reeling them back into me for a bit of a crack and fun and summat a bit different than just practicing on the bag .
    2 points
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