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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/07/24 in all areas

  1. A big tub of beef stew x casserole with carrots, onions, courgettes, cabbage, chard, kale, potatoes and pearl barley. The liquid is beef stock, gravy granules, a little dark soy, tomato purée, loads of black pepper, fresh thyme, basil & parsley. …..started on the hob and then in the oven for 2 hours, turn off, leave to cook in its own heat for a few more then 8pm tonight a quick reheat and bingo ! A big hot bowl of every vitamin and mineral you will need.
    9 points
  2. Hi all thought I would have a look in at THL it’s been a while. still mooching mind. here’s my current hounds.
    8 points
  3. Lil pup somone basically just shoved in my dad's hand and he took home. Think he's about four months now maybe... Curious what's he'll grow into. Looking at his head in thinking. He's got some pit in him some way or another. Seems all the ones I've gotten that are pit mutt mixes end up being really nice lovable chill lap dog types.no clue why. For some reason though I fell like there something else to him but not sure what, then again I'm no big dog breeder type. What's eveyone think about the lil guy ?
    7 points
  4. Hmm,...unless the older dog is set upon killing the youngster, as opposed to simply putting it in it's place, albeit drawing blood (most unusual) I would let nature take its course....Facts are, your dogs will have to get on and work together, so until the younger dog becomes a 'made dog' and can stand his ground,...there will inevitably be a hierarchy twixt the two of them... This is perfectly natural,...after all, we are talking canines here, not human siblings. I would not place too much faith in getting a dog's balls cut off , to make him think differently of the pup,...he nee
    7 points
  5. Repairing a couple that had come loose from a patio I did a couple of years ago, then onto grout the new one, I think this is the nicest patio I’ve done now off to do a clutch in a van
    7 points
  6. Free evening and the first time we had cast a line this year. Nice little spot, watched a pair of Dabchicks on the nest with youngsters. Managed to winkle out a couple of fish around the 2lb mark, will turn them into Thai fish cakes ……
    6 points
  7. Had my old line bred collie x bitch pts yesterday it’s true what they say it never gets any easier I remember picking her up in 2010 like it was yesterday got some grate memories with this gentle giant that will never be forgotten me an my misses picked her up in 2010 me an my misses were there at her end and berried her together rip millie
    6 points
  8. Chicken gassi and raita all made from scratch by the misses
    6 points
  9. cauliflowermaccacheese.........cause im a poor widower PS....no olives...lobster tails or oysters were harmed in the making ofthis food...
    6 points
  10. Sea bass with creamy spuds with leek and shallot and asparagus
    5 points
  11. this be one to pull it tomo lol and daughter holding it slip aswell she is barmy lol
    5 points
  12. Old school peasant food today mate,my lady ate the scotch eggs and pork pie,I felt like Oliver Twist,in a tunnel above a tunnel,every time a train went under the place vibrated.
    4 points
  13. He also gets away with it by being non white, but the truth is the truth and in them its engrained into their DNA, everywhere around the world they settle they revert bact to wild again, its just who they are
    4 points
  14. Very clean smoke this...
    4 points
  15. Monkfish tail on lentils for lunch with cod roe mayo,Mrs M had swordfish.
    4 points
  16. Pups are full off energy at the moment , road walks aren't really cutting it l, even on the lead they want to play . Let them off an they're flying over 8 bar gates to do laps off the field . Had mine out today a wee wander on a hill with cloud cover
    3 points
  17. Bull and some sort of hound...judging by his luggs maybe even mastiff/presa,hes quite thick set,good luck with it
    3 points
  18. That's what I was on about in an earlier post.My origional pair that my optician made were spot on but the second pair he made for me weren't quite right even though the were the exact same prescription.Where they were a slightly different style/shape frame it altered the height of where the lense change from long distance to reading glass.Second time round he got them bang on too.
    3 points
  19. I thought you’d just have a quick half hour stroll to Kathmandu and pick up your supplies mate ?
    3 points
  20. You may be right about the rooftop agents being the worst . But my point is that in selecting for diversity they are not selecting for quality . So in having diversity as one of the points in selecting agents they have picked bad ones . So I think diversity is the problem
    3 points
  21. Pork loin chop type things with mash and cavolo nero
    3 points
  22. Just had a listen to his resignation speech and yes he blamed his demise on racism not the fact he was a corrupt money grubbing b*****d
    3 points
  23. 2 points
  24. Thanks for all the reply’s gents it is much appreciated and more or less has just confirmed what I guessed. The balls off was as much as anything to appease the wife but don’t think I’ll bother now. A little bit of extra info the older dog has got a fresh cut (scabbed today) on his ear and his sensitive about his ears so I wonder if pup nipped with sharp little teeth and he overreacted?? Getting him checked at the vet tomorrow just to make sure everything is ok also.
    2 points
  25. Have you ever considered getting her some rollerblades like Mushroom?
    2 points
  26. Went for a wander in the city,I used to live in Rich Street E14 the area has totally changed,met a beggar from Newcastle who has lived on the streets in London for 36 years,I gave him £24 he asked where in Newcastle was I from,I told him I was from Sunderland,he called me a Mackem c*nt.
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. A dog, he'll grow into an adult dog
    2 points
  29. Well this seasons been good to me bred over 25 birds still a few more in nests & eggs on. Here's a few images of some of the birds guys. I've bred a pheo from a cock pheo to a satinet hen. The birds just in moult now these images were taken from a few weeks ago. Stunning bird. I've alot of light chevs few dark chevs an white pieds that are just in the nest at the moment. Success rates due to them being moved on into my home. To where I can keep close eye on them incase any through moult go down hill with stress. I'm lucky to have a decent size room kitted out an a misses that enjoys the bi
    2 points
  30. You did the right thing by not upsetting your daughter. And the problem could easily be a combination of the first two posts above. But, I wouldn't be giving a whippet a bit of a thrashing, a proper stern bit of punishment yes, but thrashing, no.
    2 points
  31. Faster than a normal man could do it with the remote lol
    2 points
  32. On Sunday I ordered a cheap recurve bow off Amazon only thirty odd quid to see if I could learn how to shoot a traditional bow with no sights, it only has a 20lb draw. So I googled the fec out of how to shoot traditional and decided on a method called string walking. So with in half an hour I was hitting the targets at 10 meters and pleased with my groupings, was pretty chuffed with myself actually lol. It’s addictive and a stress buster from work . This string walking technique takes a bit of getting used to tho.
    2 points
  33. perhaps just setting dominance and order? Id crack on as usual and if it happened again perhaps give the agressor a bit of a thrashing so it knows its not tolerated and niether are above eachother and that youre in charge.
    2 points
  34. It can mess a pup up for sure. Seems to be an endless cycle I'm not getting another dog in until my bitch is gone , all started for me with a neurotic Hancock lurcher and went on from there. My current bitch is tolerant of introduced dogs but none others , great around people and kids certainly a far cry from the Hancock which ruined social mooching for me. I had him PTS as was a liability around dogs and I had young kids he also nailed my busher pup which sent him down the nervy aggression route , it's a ball ache , the bitch I got now is easy in comparison...
    2 points
  35. Dogs that are attacked by other dogs can really be affected big time as I know only to well. No advice to give as I made right hash of my old dog
    2 points
  36. Not long since it arrived and banded it up and had a few shots in the garden. Well impressed and same as a chap on a YouTube channel said you would need a truck to pull it out of your hand. I can't wait to have a mooch around the woods in the morning and have more shots with it but up to now it's another cracking well made frame from Wasp slingshots that doesn't break the bank cost wise.
    2 points
  37. That look when you realise you can't blame white people anymore
    2 points
  38. Nice one pal, it just seemed a bit nicer to hold for me. If you need a roll of tape , give us a shout I’ve got a few rolls knocking about . Will send ya one mate .
    2 points
  39. Love the face on the black man as the Chinese bloke explains to him that they got left everything and just fcked it up
    2 points
  40. We have a bull /whipp here it’s my sons bitch 5/8 whippet 3/8 bull she’s been very slow to mature , had the least interest of any dogs I’ve ever had. very slow for the penny to drop but she’s gradually getting there I think this season will be her season she seems a completely different dog now . Finally grown up . shes 20tts looks like you would imagine a heavily muscled whippet
    2 points
  41. My boss done me tonight had a pike about 5lb and this perch at a guess couple of lb , I had the last one...jack
    2 points
  42. Grouted patio, other lad put the cover in, I’m not happy, use what’s been cut out of the surrounding slabs so it looks the same
    2 points
  43. Had an afternoon in east London,went to the street I used to live,wandered round Borough market.
    2 points
  44. Big Sam has served his period of penance. He's searching out his fountain pen to sign the contract as I speak. Sam's management style was similar to his playing style. I remember some of his ex opponents stating that he was a master at: standing on your toes, nutting the back of your head instead of the ball, elbowing your throat and issuing vicious threats. Ugly player who encouraged ugly football.
    2 points
  45. Noticed one of the display pictures while shopping around today at Bass pro, though y'all would enjoy it
    2 points
  46. Fckin hell. Just read this post. Lads asking a sensible question and you lot have gone through TV preferences and mens rights in one page. I recently joined an African hunting forum and I got banned within 3 weeks. I wanted to message the admins and say "fck you, my mates on thl would eat you lot for breakfast" Long live thl
    2 points
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