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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/24 in all areas

  1. More than welcome P Good luck in your future endeavours buddy !
    10 points
  2. Pit stop at Park country park Bovey. Cheers Arry
    9 points
  3. Cant wait to vote Reform today
    9 points
  4. Just like to say a big thanks to stiffy who messaged me the other day offering me a book which has just arrived today many thanks mate and good luck with the move
    8 points
  5. Baked Pork Chop. Cheers Arry
    6 points
  6. I’m only guessing but it looks like some “real politik “ is going on behind the scenes. Putin has offered to “share “ the Crimea with Ukraine, and now the horse trading begins with NATO’s counter offer to not allow Ukraine to join. There will be a lot of shuttle diplomacy going on between the West and Russia that we won’t hear of until an agreement that saves face for both sides is agreed, and both sides will claim victory. The West can’t afford to keep pouring billions of dollars into the war, and Russia can’t afford to keep pouring millions in men and matériel into it. Just
    6 points
  7. Ukraine to be told it is too corrupt to join Nato (telegraph.co.uk) So too corrupt to join NATO but the west will continue to give them billions ????
    6 points
  8. all 3 in my household voted Reform
    5 points
  9. Late day so just done a 3 rasher 2 egg sarnie on a cheese loaf from the local Wednesday morning food fair in the village very nice it was to
    5 points
  10. Depends what you want it to do for you? Make a passive income or just keep it safe and track inflation? I'd buy gold sovereigns slowly over a few years (big purchases are recorded). Then sell em slowly away as you retire. Keep governments noses and hands away from your money....plus it will be the only real money if society really does go tits up.
    5 points
  11. Hes a top fella...sent me a cracking pic for the bar, looks identical to my bitch...
    5 points
  12. Shop bought fishcakes tonight, they were ok
    4 points
  13. We didn't have a candidate locally so I voted English democrats. But I have joined reform and made an extra donation. Here's hoping
    4 points
  14. BBC: "Nigel Farage assaults black man"
    4 points
  15. I retired 5 weeks ago and I absolutely love it! No problem having late nights as I can lie in next day, can suit myself where I go and when (single man, my ex missus died a few months ago). I plan some days and some days I just roll with it and now my favourite phrase is "no rush" even though I've got terminal lung cancer Cheers, D.
    4 points
  16. Well that’s me done I finished my last shift last night on the Railway, I’ve really enjoyed it the railway people are a different class of people, character’s helpful friendly and always willing to share skills knowledge and experience. The job I have just given up was high adrenaline and sometimes sad but it suited me lone worker managing incidents and getting things moving again I have had a varied career Pway which is track maintenance, Road Railers for a number of years and also level crossing inspections for about seven years, and the rest of my career as a Mom, Mobile Operations Man
    3 points
  17. I’ve never had a good relationship with my folks but one bit of advice my old man gave me as a kid was son if it’s got tits or wheels it will cost you lol cars I’ve done ok with but the tits bit was bang on
    3 points
  18. cross in the Reform box for me,mrs and the daughter.....lets see what happens?
    3 points
  19. Retirement, can't beat it, freedom to do what ya want, I'm just about to shower then a full monte, then my daily routine of parkour
    3 points
  20. I had been working to remove all rabbits from the long river grass & edge due to the present new higher flood banks, where any digging could result in the banks to fail and flood the town where 570 people live. Since retiring, I've been doing some short term contacting, on farms that have reported rabbit damage, it's a couple of days a week so it suits me, and I've got a few younger dogs I wish to give more time in the field too. In the 2 km section, we removed 22 adults, but it's all short term relief as the bridge across water leads from land that doesn't have any rabbit control so you a
    3 points
  21. Weather was lovely mate blue skies morning until night just arrived back home today 8 degrees pissing down of rain and windy as fcuk had to stick the heating on not bad for July haha hope the weather picks up for the rest of your holidays and you get some good sunshine mate pics from this morning when I left
    3 points
  22. Young dog 9 Months old done couple bits of myxi build his confidence turning out a fine looking young animal last 2 months he's took a good Strech sitting around 24" now end the year can't come quick enough What saplings everyone else rearing at the minute. Atb Jay
    2 points
  23. My mate who lives in Singapore goes to the islands quite a bit highly recommends them he's just been langkawi he's likes it alot there and sipidan not been myself but they are on the list he's offered me a few free days in Singapore when I'm over that way which I'm glad as what it costs him to live out there is ridiculous everything costs a fortune
    2 points
  24. Voted first time in my life reform for me. In another note this woman from plaid cymru can get knotted. People like her do my head in pompous bunch of gits. What right do they have. Clueless
    2 points
  25. Mate asked if I’d give him a hand fitting the helical ties to the front of a house, what he meant was would I do the job, anyway, quick YouTube video later and I’ve learned a new skill, just got to point it back in
    2 points
  26. Think will just use another terrier
    2 points
  27. I like hua hin always start my travels there got friends there so usually spend a week there start and end but after covid did 6 weeks there and liked it I think ill have few trips to Malaysia while I'm over there and Vietnam and Cambodia over the years prob cheaper places than hua hin but we like it their and can go baan khun por on a night eat cheap few beers and watch the thai bands suits us just want a steady pace of life kids are old enough now all workin and settled so they'll get holidays to see us which there happy about and not many places could retire to at my age
    2 points
  28. Some of zelenskis chums have been selling arms since the start even starting up company’s to do it the money that’s been pouring into the country is pretty much unaccountable zelenski himself will soon disappear either into a hole in the ground or to his luxury pad in the good old US of A the whole thing has been a huge smoke screen while we have all pillaged the 13 trillion pounds worth of mineral wealth the country used to own, first casualty of war is always the truth
    2 points
  29. Well, my votes in, if it will do any good who knows, they are still saying “ labour landslide “ but I haven’t spoken to one person in the past week who would vote for them idiots, maybe I only interact with intelligent people
    2 points
  30. I think you are correct. Most bitches will come in season if their fitness levels are eased up a bit, and they are allowed to get a tad 'soft' for a while. Used to see it a lot with the greyhounds.
    2 points
  31. I don't like this turkey shaker character, seems a bit of a clown, but also pretty sly.
    2 points
  32. Charles A Cruft (crufts dog show).
    2 points
  33. I see Ed Davey has knocked up another video today
    2 points
  34. Too true mate, also, Never wipe your arse with a broken beer bottle……two rules to live by I feel.
    2 points
  35. The ferrets clocked some miles up in this, neighbour thought i had a tumble dryer in the back yard. Well worth having for keeping them busy.
    2 points
  36. That's a lot of the problem. Many well meaning people just can't see what's happening. I'm a traditional Labour voter ( im a binman, so you couldnt really get much more working class), but the thought of labour getting into power , frightens the shit out of me. I haven't got much , and if labour get into power ,they'll take what little I do have , and give it to someone that has never done a single thing to help the country. I live in the street that I grew up in . I knew everyone in the street . I now know about five families , and most of the rest of the street don't even speak E
    2 points
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