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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/24 in all areas

  1. Well that’s me done I finished my last shift last night on the Railway, I’ve really enjoyed it the railway people are a different class of people, character’s helpful friendly and always willing to share skills knowledge and experience. The job I have just given up was high adrenaline and sometimes sad but it suited me lone worker managing incidents and getting things moving again I have had a varied career Pway which is track maintenance, Road Railers for a number of years and also level crossing inspections for about seven years, and the rest of my career as a Mom, Mobile Operations Man
    15 points
  2. How about a battery powered milk float to deliver milk? And how about delivering milk in glass bottles which can be cleaned and re-used? No more lugging quarts of milk in plastic containers which feck up the environment and swell the coffers of the mighty supermarkets.. You could even deliver eggs in cardboard trays and brown paper bags and perhaps orange juice. There could be independent small dairies which would provide lots of employment. Nah, never catch on.
    11 points
  3. Am down to 3 days a week now should be out completely around Christmas time at the latest house sale is still going through for the third time and once that’s gone can focus on shifting the other life shackles I have and enjoying my time out on the boat through the summer then off on a few holidays over winter
    8 points
  4. Chicken and flat chips with my first Beef Steak Tomato of the year. I like some mushrooms. Cheers Arry
    7 points
  5. Milk round before school, pop bottles on a Saturday, "free papers" after school (to be honest, used to dump most of the "free papers"). Try and tell that to the young folk today, and they won't believe you Paid for my 1st proper terrier though.
    6 points
  6. Good luck and congratulations on your retirement. I’m due to go that way in February next year but have been asked to stay on a while. I love what I do. I’ve a new manager, a new kid on the block and he’s pushing me to go even earlier with his shouty attitude. If I don’t clock the Cnut I’ll be free in February
    6 points
  7. Some may call them loons but the countries they ruled are so feckin backward and tribal they need a brutal cnut to keep the people under some sort of control, notice how things have gone tits up on a global scale since they were both killed!
    6 points
  8. I would have milk delivered to my doorstep in a heartbeat if it was like it was years ago and it was usually the first stepping stone to young lads getting the work ethic into them with early starts on a milk round that and paper rounds that I had to do to pay my father back after being fined 15 pounds for trespassing with an airgun at 14. Does anyone now in this day and age have the newspapers pushed through their letter box always remembered Sunday being the worst with a bag full of Sunday papers on my round.
    5 points
  9. When I retired I decided every morning I would think to myself. "No work today mate, you are a free man." My last words to my Mrs before we go to sleep are: new day tomorrow and no work to go to."
    5 points
  10. Little scrap tickle on the way to work, it’s dropped quite a bit, £ 2.64 a kg on the heavy copper and 93p a kg on the clean lead, but it’s a £140 for doing nothing apart from taking it out of a skip so not a bad way to start the day
    5 points
  11. I was forced to eat this shockingly bad shit last night with very thin cold chips (no vinegar) Two was enough for me I can tell you
    5 points
  12. Money can’t buy time,I walked away before I was 50,it was always my intention,enjoy your life,your time is precious,live life how you want to.My lady wants to retire to Thailand,as good a place as any and better than most to live a stress free retirement.
    4 points
  13. I nearly did for the second one.
    4 points
  14. Both me and the wife will think the same mate as Both of us just look at each other both of us have had an hard crap day at work with the type of job's we have and say R.O.R roll on retirement.
    4 points
  15. le penn and the rise of the right in Europe....might give Reform and extra boost........... Saddam and Gaddafi should have been left alone ...as they kept the lid on the can......look at the bloody mess now....saddam would be turning in his grave...
    4 points
  16. I'm not honestly sure , but it's most disturbing . I'd shag it , but I'd hate myself for it in the morning .
    4 points
  17. I've decided to make the jump and retire aswel always said I'd retire at 50 but just don't fancy sticking it out that long so just on with squaring a few things up have a 3 week holiday in Sept and retired by Xmas hopefully to sunnier climates .ive hardly worked much this year so far and loved it always enjoyed workin grafted since I was 12 but something just changed this year where I'm just not interested at all or have the motivation on a job today and all I was thinking hope it rains so can get off it
    3 points
  18. As Churchill said; “ Democracy is the least bad form of government “. So even he agreed that democracy isn’t perfect, but it’s better than the other alternatives. I believe in the theory of “benevolent dictatorship” , but sadly a benevolent dictator would soon drop the “benevolent “. In the words of Lord Acton ; “ Power corrupts….absolute power corrupts absolutely “ ! So, on reflection, although democracy isn’t perfect, it’s worked pretty well since the ancient Greeks, and has seen off communism and fascism and dictatorship so I’ll stick with it for now ! Cheers.
    3 points
  19. Cheap bit of rump and some garlic salt and black pepper wedgie’s, filled a hole
    3 points
  20. Who remembers Ernie?
    3 points
  21. 3 points
  22. Should have came,decent lunch today including scallops & apple salad,steak burger,fish pie,and truffle chips.
    3 points
  23. I watch a lot of GBNews, but I guess you know that; anyway, they have some adverts that turn me into my Victor Meldrew alter ego. One is for a gin that goes on about the pine forests that sweep down to the sea in ……NORFOLK !! Then it shows you a glass bottle of gin with a cork stopper, both of which are eminently recyclable, but no, they want you to keep the bottle and have a refill, in a plastic bag, sent to you, and you send the plastic bag back to them in the post to be recycled!!!! Another advert that sends my blood pressure off the scale is for “Eco Coal” for your wood burn
    3 points
  24. Another 3 years for both of us mate till we get the state pension. Even though we both get small pensions now her from doing 21 years as a care worker with the council and me working down the pit it's not enough to live on comfortably though topped up with the state pension we will be comfortable with being mortgage free. Plus the wife has cut her hours down due to not being in the best of health and I am thinking about getting something part time in the next year.
    3 points
  25. It would make a dildo go limp!! Atb
    3 points
  26. Yes no bother mate. Nature has a way of regulating the size of the pups. The physical problem of a large dog and a small bitch is a bigger problem. You will need a platform for the bitch, perhaps lube, a bit of patience and some luck. A lot will depend on the willingness of the bitch and the persistence of the dog. If the bitch doesn't like the fuss of a platform and being man handled , she may tuck her tail in. Tie a bit of string to the end of her tail and pull it the side to allow the dog to penetrate...or get a smaller dog!
    3 points
  27. Cheers lads I’m going to start getting the home brew and cider making back on the go again and definitely going to do a bit of travelling, me and my wife have a little mission we want to complete, a couple of old railway watches that belonged to a grandad and great granddad that we want to get to a young family member in Melbourne it will be good to get them to him.
    3 points
  28. Oven baked hake with creamy leek new spuds and asparagus
    3 points
  29. Walk with yongen an dogs
    2 points
  30. Just been a guy died on one stretch at the weekend,fell 250 metres,almost a year to the day a Brit guy died on the same stretch,my good lady said thank goodness I am well insured. https://focustaiwan.tw/society/202406280011
    2 points
  31. What is about men and geekiness?. I have a mate who collects bricks ! When I'm walking along the shoreline I often come across bricks swept along and beached on the strong tidal currents. I take them to him and he can't thank me enough. Some are eroded by years being tossed around in the sea, but he can still their make out where they were made. Funny enough, when I look at this collection and he tells me where they were originated from , it is interesting. I'll get my coat.
    2 points
  32. I can remember the song on TOTP
    2 points
  33. Done Ernie in with a rock cake and a stale pork pie.
    2 points
  34. Preferred his rival two ton Ted from Teddington.
    2 points
  35. I have cut things back,don’t eat dinner at night,the walk is a mere stroll,watch out for the pics and footage next month (and food pics from the Mont Blanc trek).
    2 points
  36. Just remembered them big papers like the Times and Express and them small vertical letter boxes that when you push the paper through the front page came off. Cheers Arry
    2 points
  37. back on the blocks...
    2 points
  38. In two days time we have a vote, so I’d say it’s a democracy, you can vote for who you want. If we vote for more of the same it doesn’t make it less of a democracy, it just means the voters are stupid. Theres no votes in a dictatorship. Cheers.
    2 points
  39. what y do you think you are living under now chart ?
    2 points
  40. New managers are always the same they have to justify their existence and piss up their own tree, thing is you know they will move on in a year or so February is not long hang in there.
    2 points
  41. quite fancied Marine le penn at one time.....she looks very porn starish Gaddifi was very fond of big blondes................................imajine if they had got together...a match made in heaven......
    2 points
  42. No more much of a loon than the parasites that have been running the uk for the last 50/100years
    2 points
  43. Ibrhamovich was another.
    2 points
  44. Ronaldo, 39 years old tearing round a pitch had the piss taken out of him on Twitter and in the media , telling him his past it as he missed a penalty . meanwhile Wayne Rooney in the studio , 38 years old . 83 kg my arse , looks 103 what was that about winning mentality we were on about earlier ?
    2 points
  45. Hard game as said alot must be about genetics there's been plenty spend years training hard n eating right to get in shape n took so long to get it only to loose it so quickly you'd hardly know they'd trained all that much
    2 points
  46. Hard to condition a bitch like that
    2 points
  47. What routine/routines, rep range and amount of sets per bodypart are you using, mate? Just reread your post. You could try cutting back on your all out effort on your other bodyparts, just maintain things as they are for those, so you can put a bit more effort into your arm and chest exercises. Mind, saying that, what the f**k do I know, can't even communicate what I'm trying to say on the big cat thread, without people thinking I'm a snidey, provoking c**t?!! . Good luck with it, mate. A lot of trial and error involved with the old weights game.
    2 points
  48. No need for cream,just had Thai,that cured it.
    2 points
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