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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/24 in all areas

  1. If everything The Clinton's have been involved in came to light it would be the biggest news in history . So many deaths of people associated with then , the Clinton foundation , deleted emails, epstein island Not saying trump isn't as corrupted as them it's just he's the one that seems to be getting all the shit while the Clinton's plod on until the die of old age richer than God and absolutely zero accountability for what they have been up to
    7 points
  2. I've got pretty simple tastes . I take great pleasure from just putting a new chain on my chainsaw, and making those first few cuts, it always feels fantastic. When the kids ask what I want for my birthday, my answer is always the same. Come round and we'll all eat together as a family . That makes me happier than if they'd given me a ferrari. My mrs and kids always put money in a card for me for Christmas and birthdays. I've got about 2k sitting in a box now . I buy stuff from time to time , but I only ever buy things that have a purpose( tools , guns etc). I just don't feel the need
    7 points
  3. Got them both to stand still in the garden
    6 points
  4. I've never left the UK mack . The Isle of Wight was pushing it for me . My mrs has done her share of travelling, and so have the kids , but I've just never wanted to . I love the UK, and I haven't finished looking around it all yet. I love to read your travel stories , and hear the stories my friends and relatives bring home from around the globe , but I just don't get the urge to do it myself. I'm never happier , than when I'm sitting in a highseat waiting for a deer . Mooching along a hedgerow with my rimfire looking for a couple of rabbits , or just sitting outside my tiny
    6 points
  5. I was there it was a good day no violence and the old bill made sure both lots of protesters didn’t meet me and my Mrs went.
    5 points
  6. The other day I was up a ladder, wearing gloves, mask and safety goggles whilst creasoting the fence.....I heard the Mrs shouting me....so climbs down, takes everything off, walks down the yard and into the house.....turns out she wanted me because she had lost the end of the cellotape. Honestly! I'd happily give her the money to have a year in Japan
    5 points
  7. How ironic I have/had a house for 40 years on the Portway that runs along the river from Avonmouth to the harbour, I assume you are referring to the suspension bridge not the m5 one, I,m in Frampton now took the nippers down arlingham last week lots of devils toe nails and amenities will keep a sharp eye out next time we go thanks for the info appreciate it
    5 points
  8. Can’t believe it’s been 3 years Rip Johnny .
    5 points
  9. Funny you should say that...I had Fin and Millie discussing what they were going to do with it, Fin was saying he'd buy Millie and Isla out and keep the assets, Millie was saying her plans etc..I piped in and reminded then I was very much still alive and I might sale it and spunk the lot.... lol
    4 points
  10. I wish my mrs would get fernweh , and go and live in Japan for a year .
    4 points
  11. No diving involved just a case of walking about 10 miles up and down the beach from right up the top to the bottom.to find about 69 per day it takes about 7 to 8 hours.there are maybe 2 of the big ones found per week.they are in the shale amongst the rocks and just sitting on the sand.you do need good eyes though.some just sit and sift but I prefer to do the miles.
    4 points
  12. Aight so mabye I don't say this quite right. What I getting at is compared to the average person now days more less the average rich person....meh , o nooooo he paid a porn star to f**k.... Like when we have all these other politicians out here being pedos and shit and I really supposed to care that trump paid a porn star ? Because sorry I really really f***ing don't. And look I have no real desire to go after another woman ( mainly because 90% of women now days are trash not with athe effort and my fiance is the perfect level of crazy for me )but let's be honest guys like me and a
    4 points
  13. Bivol wasn't even breathing hard after that barrage of punches. He's a machine.
    3 points
  14. Well done ball, what a fight, close one too both put on a good fight
    3 points
  15. 3 points
  16. We man ball is a good fighter
    3 points
  17. Oh mate you misunderstand me, and again my occupation somehow makes me a pawn . far from it . But you didn’t answer my point in turn , how was a fully paid up member of the global cabal , whose name is entwined with capitalist principles , who would be the natural choice as supposed grand master wizard lizard end up getting chucked out of the whitehouse by his pants by two janitors finding torches on ? the answer? It doesn’t exist . It’s a construct of social media over imagination. it has no more weight than a lad on here saying he was out lamping and his dog got drag
    3 points
  18. Just flew over on their way to Torbay. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  19. So , if these tik tok punters are to be believed, Theses devil worshipping child sacrificing immortal fraternity led cabal of the rich and powerful , including the bohemian grove circle , are committing these unspeakable acts . all in hidden view , cloak and dagger type environs. so why , at arguably the height of post ww2 society , could they not prevent Nixon getting the sack ? the most powerful public figurehead in the world lost his job because security guards caught intruders in the middle of bum f**k nowhere they couldn’t make that disappear? as @char
    3 points
  20. She wouldn't go, her life's work is to live with me and make me miserable
    3 points
  21. Once someone has it in their head , you can’t stop it mate . im firmly of that opinion . Yiu could save them once , or deter them , but that will only prevent it happening again until the next time.
    3 points
  22. Steve Wheaton bull greyhound good luck with him atb longers01
    3 points
  23. It stands a pretty good chance that they are the ones that you're thinking about mack . I stuck pretty closely to the pics that I found on the Internet. Doing things like sitting on a log , just carving , using a chisel that I forged myself (from a van coil spring) , and a oak mallet that I made myself ( from a windblown oak) . Is the type of thing that makes me smile.
    3 points
  24. You know when I see vids like that...just watched the video on the tube...I know its easy to talk tough...but I think I would just open the c**t right up....I don't know if I could help myself.... See him stab the cop...and the other cop either shoots him or teasers him....I would want to gut him as he laid there
    3 points
  25. So I have just got back from Walton on the Naze again.over the 4 days I found 274 more teeth.most ever for one trip.have now found 958 to date.this trip was a bit special as I have now found a mackerel shark tooth.very happy bunny to finally get one of these.
    2 points
  26. Fish eyes in his element
    2 points
  27. If these demoRats can do this to an ex and running for president then the takeover of the USA is nearly complete, i really hope that this coming election they vote so highly for trump that they cant cheat, the world needs trump to win or the take over of the west is done, watch and see they will try and kill trump next, i hope that the Lord is protecting him as he will need it, how can bill clinton whos a proven convicted rapist not get jail or killary who started russiagate against trump not be charged, or obumma who shagged a fella in a limo for drugs not get charged??
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. You know the old saying mate; “ if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck, not a chicken !” The absolute definition of Occams Razor ! Cheers.
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. Mack I’ve just looked again you’ve taken a picture of me lol my identity is revealed Flattop gives it away. Edited to say last picture
    2 points
  32. Seen a few TRUMP 2024 flags in London today.
    2 points
  33. No,but I did bump into “just returned from the crusades” Knights @DIDO.1 Templar.
    2 points
  34. 7 rounds to fury 6 rounds to usyk? That's 13 rounds That must be where your going wrong your seeing rounds that's not even happened
    2 points
  35. Funny how we all see things, I've watched it back a couple of times and still see Usyk as a close winner..it matters not really as the majority of people think the outcome was correct and there doesn't feel like any injustice either way with how tight the scoring was... Looking forward to tonight, just a shame the Bertibiev v Bivol fight is off... For me.. Zhang beats Wilder Dubios beats hergovic Both decent 50/50 fights though...so hard to call
    2 points
  36. That beach at Walton just has the right layers which hold the teeth.south coast can contain teeth but usually embedded in rock so tools are needed.can find teeth in Bristol under the bridge but that is dependent on rock falls.
    2 points
  37. Fake poll,fake news. This response was AI generated. This is a computer game in which we are all actors. "Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad". May your God go with you.
    2 points
  38. Telegraph cucumbers and tumbling Tom tomatoes…. Kiwi is flowering well ,hopefully first year of fruit
    2 points
  39. That’s pretty damn impressive, how does one find those are they on the sea bed,? Do you have to dive,? Or you find them on the beach or in rocks lots of questions but that is interesting stuff,
    2 points
  40. Thank fck for that, thought I was the only 1, went abroad once, not for me
    2 points
  41. Enoch Powell, the darling of the ri I have never been in favour of needlessly prolonging the Ukraine war by supplying arms. The result is inevitable. Supplying arms just means more deaths on either side. I have always recognised NATO forces provoked a retaliation from Putin. I have also said in the past on here that Putin is a fascist. So hedging my bets a little. I have written that one favourable legacy of Trump is that he did not start any new wars. Pay closer attention to my words of wisdom! Study them carefully lol. I still think Trump is lowlife. Back to UK politics. Enoc
    2 points
  42. So much beauty such a waste they play a big part... Cats kill more wild finches & birds than sparrow hawks. Cats kill for fun sparrow hawks kill to survive
    2 points
  43. Mate stop making it so hard for me to ignore your stupidity please the king of England was shagging horse head his entire married life, apparently his son and heir is nailing his wife’s mate it don’t make a jot of difference to there rights to reign a leader needs to lead his nation for the better of his people nothing more someone being unfaithful is absolutely nothing to do with there ability to do there job and the colour of the people voting is another load of total nothingness try to stay focussed on politics and leave all else at the door, 4 years of no wars is reason enough alone to vot
    2 points
  44. Good, a couple hundred more like that and the sandy meres of this world might wake up and smell the coffee, and a few more stabbed up coppers they might stop taking a knee and putting f***ing rainbows on there electric police cars, sad for the innocent but if it keeps happening people will one day rise up and reclaim our land
    2 points
  45. Just add a nosey on it, and came off after spending £70 on probably total cap lol.
    2 points
  46. There will now be an appeal process but they have failed to nail him if he wins the elections because he will hold the appeal away from new York if anyone followed the case he has been stitched up like a kipper in the hope they could have it alll sewn up before the election so he wouldn’t be able to run, New York is like sasiq kans London and that is why the case was held there he had lost befor it started, find it funny on here how those moaning about migrants and the state of our country hate him for trying to do what we would love a politician to do in this country bah
    2 points
  47. That sounds a tad ominous felleh,..
    2 points
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