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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/24 in all areas

  1. I think it would be impossible to eat anything these days that hasn’t got preservatives or additives in it. I like to eat wild game, but who knows if the crops or grass they have eaten hasn’t been treated ? I feed my poultry with wheat straight from the farm, but I’m sure the fields will have been treated with chemicals. The birds drink rain water collected in butts, not tap water, but who knows how pure rain water is ? I use my own compost on my vegetables, made from chicken, horse and cow manure, but what have the cows been fed on ? I just try to eat healthy and not worry
    7 points
  2. Many years ago my wife researched all that because of a medical condition, it’s a proper rabbit hole mate. The long and short is, you can’t avoid it so you may as well not worry. Your body is absolutely riddled with chemicals that shouldn’t be there from household cleaning products to the food you eat to the water you drink. If you wash your hair, you are contaminating your body Use shower gel or deodorant, same Wash your hands, same Drink a glass of tap water, it’s just bleach and fluoride Cook in a non stick pan or eat something cooked in non stick, same
    6 points
  3. Home Made Fish Cakes. Had a few prawns with mine. Cheers Arry
    6 points
  4. Roast self shot Woodcock for lunch:
    6 points
  5. It means slow down on your reply’s a bit, you keep giving yourself away by going from nothing to1000 posts an hour within minutes of joining, ease your way in and keep on the down low a bit you pink panted kebab eating Akita keeper you
    6 points
  6. Probably down to his indoctrinated faith Islam were the followers of that barbaric religion life means nothing to them as it's been proved beyond doubt.
    6 points
  7. Failed asylum seeker, failed again after claiming to have converted to Christianity, convicted of a serious sexual assault, then successfully claims asylum after priest supports his claim, now this. Very similar circumstances to the Liverpool maternity hospital bomber. The system is completely and utterly broken.
    6 points
  8. He's loosing credibility every single day froch has also mugged big John in his last podcast . His impression is on the money
    5 points
  9. The circus goes on... Looks a legit cut, and can only give him the benefit of the doubt, but Usyk must be fuming....sad that the fights we all wanted never happened when they should've, the heavies have been a joke for years...
    5 points
  10. 7 hatched, moved 5 to brooder, left 2 in incubator to dry out more as only hatched this afternoon. 2 eggs don't think will hatch now. 7 out of 10 from our first batch of home grown is a better hatch rate than we had from other people eggs so well happy.
    5 points
  11. We had eight confirmed and two backfilled in a couple of hours one morning; Cheers.
    5 points
  12. I buy most of my meat from a Butchers that sources his meat from different farms ie like the pigs that run free in a wood in a village not far from me. He makes his own sausages cuts his own bacon and knows where his chickens and meat comes from. I grow a lot of my own veg and I know exactly what goes in the garden. Best way if you are worried as to what's on your food is buy Organic. Cheers Arry
    5 points
  13. Also attended first day on the bee keeping course. Very interesting, really enjoyed it and looking forward to the other sessions. Seems its not a simple stick em in a box and get some honey though!
    5 points
  14. I’ll leave them with my kids for 24 hours, they will be breaking back out again as fast as their legs can carry them ! Lol
    4 points
  15. There's a lot of scaremongering spread by influencers all over the web. An example headline; "The Government is letting us get Cancer!" All because some cereals like Frosties and other foods contain a preservative BHT, a compound that is deemed to be possibly carcinogenic. The studies that suggested this were on mice, not humans, and to receive the equivalent dosage given to the mice a human would have to consume around 3,500 boxes of Frosties per day. The dosage makes the poison not the compound, influencers throwing long named compounds around doesn't make them an expert, agai
    4 points
  16. Thought I’d put my van in for a service and front pads and discs, they wanted £360, sod that, done it myself in an hour and a half for £105, that says to me that they think they are worth about £150 an hour, I might go back to being a mechanic
    4 points
  17. All Convicted Sex Offenders should be gassed, Regardless of Colour/Nationality...why waste the time and money trying to re habilitate the sick fucks...or sending them some place else to prey on some other poor cnut? ..
    4 points
  18. Stews, casseroles, curries, always better the day after you make them.
    4 points
  19. I'm not on Facebook but I often get told about the Americans with terriers arguing and self promoting.I just wanted to take time to give credit to a few real American Terriermen.Few months back I made an all day drive to pick up a pup from a man.No fancy names.Just a man who bred for what he needed.He gifted me a pup,took me hunting with his sire.Then gifted me a pieps locator,custom hunting knife,terrierbox and his library of terrier books. 8 years ago I was digging in tobacco country with some people who had a nice pair of coon tongs.I told the folks how much I liked their
    3 points
  20. Im inclined to agree.....nothing can be done about a cut he wouldnt get cleared by the doc this close to a fight,but there just seems too many coincidences throughout Furys career to keep giving him the benefit of the doubt he's ruined the division pretty much single handed the rest should just give him a wide berth now i cant imagine too many promoters will want to be around him. Anyway never mind all that....really looking forward to the Buatsi - Azeez contest tomorrow,good domestic dust up im hoping for a Dan Azeez win as he's a good lad with an interesting style....but think Buatsi mi
    3 points
  21. Its only Isthmian League mate,i have a few other business interests in the area so just made sense as a lifelong footie nut to get involved with the club....the biggest risk to non league clubs is being purchased and then run into the ground as little more than a land grab for housing developments,particularly in this area where land/property is expensive.....the Fa offer no protection below tier 6 so a clubs legal affairs have to be in order we recently got an " Asset of Community Value " order on the ground which i think is essential for the stability of the club/staff etc These leagues
    3 points
  22. Slow cooked beef ribs,
    3 points
  23. Talking to a lad who works at BAE systems. Massive company obviously, various gay pride stuff around the entire place.... rainbow stuff and inclusivity tat in staff rooms and offices. Anyway they had some blokes over from Saudi looking at systems or planes or whatever they were buying, day before they arrived a group of staff were sent around the entire place to remove every item, flag and poster that referenced gay pride .
    3 points
  24. lol f**k me , a war between Iran and the us trump sent their nuclear programme back 20 years and posted a tweet telling them to pack in playing with big boys toys , it didn’t even make the news and was buried in a “fire” the Iranians appetite for conflict will be like piss in the pool when the first tomohawk levels their infrastructure
    3 points
  25. Sady so this is my new home now lol
    3 points
  26. Acid Man arrived in the back of a lorry 2016,once your in your in,three asylum claims prove that,and f**k the idiot priest who supported his “I am a Christian” claim.
    3 points
  27. So it's just come out that this c@nt was a convicted sex offender before he was granted asylum in the UK, how much of a soft touch is this fckn country
    3 points
  28. spatchcock poussin...
    3 points
  29. 3 points
  30. Fried chicken mash and salad tonight
    3 points
  31. Last haul of the season
    3 points
  32. Pheasant stew definitely better 2nd time warmed up, tastey apple juice and cranberry add good flavour
    3 points
  33. Well today was collection day and I am very happy with the quantity and hopefully quality of produce! I kept ablut 1.25. Had already swapped half a pig for a full lamb before Xmas and gave a decent meat box to neighbour that helped me move em to abbottoir. I don't think I will be going to Asda for sausages, bacon or pork joint any time soon!
    3 points
  34. 2 points
  35. Don’t know if it means anything but it’s an everyday conversation here even amongst seemingly normal people here (not nut cases like me) and the tone is the same, they are annoyed…..hopefully that simmering annoyance even in a town with about 3 wogs, is ready to turn to something more……vocal ? If they try anything more. Nationalism is part of everyday life here, it’s just a normal way of thinking….upto now, it has just been about the English and all the history surrounding that, let’s hope it can turn its eye to something a bit more pressing.
    2 points
  36. This man is singlehandley saving donegal an ire,an i will vote for him if i could
    2 points
  37. Donegal farmers blocked the carriageway into letterkenny last night,its a start fairplay,i detest the supposed irish goverment,they are mere puppets of the eu. An african man commited 8 sexual assaults in the ten years living in ire,8 ffs didnt get deported an not in jail or shot in the head,then manages to get a job in hospital an caught masterbating at foot of a bed of a patient just out of surgery. Iv no words honestly,a woman was gang raped in gweedore by 4 migrants apparently,nothing done no one arrested. On a good note a fellow niall mconnell has managed to stop a mega mos
    2 points
  38. If that's what god finds acceptable than fcuk god!
    2 points
  39. If the good lord says he's a good egg who are we to question him?
    2 points
  40. My Mrs has been prepping for twenty years . I just hope the future new world order currency is built around wet look leggings , heels and hair extension sets , if not we’re f****d .
    2 points
  41. Jesus fekin christ it gets better then again scumbags like this individual will live miles away from the politicians lawyers and judges who fight for the rights of low life vermin like this individual.
    2 points
  42. Failed to get granted asylum TWICE, accepted the third time! Michelle Dewberry on GB News says he should be hung. Whoever in the Home office signed off his third asylum application should be charged as an accessory! Cheers.
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. Just giving you the nod, it’s a mixture of Methane, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide and ammonia….it will flatten a person in a second so just keep in mind if storing any and when handling. I know you’re a grown up but better to say than read on here “Did you hear about poor old Charts, found stiff as a board amongst the cabbages covered in cow shit “ lol
    2 points
  45. Never been a prepper but can’t see no reason not to be prepared for anything in some way shape or form tbh but these people that tell everyone there a prepper an make a big deal out of showing all there gear plus showing people what they have were it’s kept is a stupid idea because if shit really hits the fan there the first getting turned over people change in times of desperation and hardship.
    2 points
  46. They are blinded with trying to be creationists when the only creator got it right the 1st time, they need to look at nature for the answers, God has given us this planet we need to get back in touch with him and it
    2 points
  47. I'm on here 2 meet men ,why you on here
    2 points
  48. Homemade and home grown sausage rolls today.....
    2 points
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