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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/23 in all areas

  1. Isa taking shape 18 months now
    7 points
  2. Nice pic from yesterday evening
    7 points
  3. Walk at Bolberry Down today put a bit about it in fishing section as I used to fish under these cliffs. Looking down at a small cove called Soar Mill Cove you cant quite see the sand. Cheers Arry
    7 points
  4. BBQ Lamb steaks, New potato's carrots and beans fresh from the garden. Cheers Arry
    6 points
  5. Firecracker chicken from yesterday...shawarma inbound.
    6 points
  6. Allow unfettered immigration of all types and this is what you get,with all the small boats beaching and the Uber service offered by the RNLI it wouldn’t surprise me if this type of civil unrest breaks out in the UK,give it time.
    6 points
  7. 2 proper chops ,over a lb each,need to do them justice later !
    6 points
  8. Found 15 dead guillemots along the high water mark..
    5 points
  9. How was your muesli ? @mackem
    5 points
  10. Do any of you fellas think you already pay enough tax to the government that at the minimum you could expect clean drinking water without getting raped again for it.
    5 points
  11. Your patter is pish Sandy.
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. You’ve got a Paki First Minister, the UK has a Hindu Prime Minister, Ireland has a gay paki taoiseach , can’t see too much difference between the lot. Cheers.
    4 points
  14. Lost a barbel and another fish that was probably a chub. Both broke off quite quickly after hooking, think they cut off on rocks. Going to try braid instead of nylon perhaps?
    4 points
  15. a study paid for by the pharma company’s tells you it cuts down an illness hospitilasation and death
    4 points
  16. An interesting documentary on kelpies in oz from pup to 12 months old worth a watch
    3 points
  17. Muslims and coloureds aren't in any numbers in Scotland yet. That's not because the jocks are running em out of town is it.....it's cos even the pavement apes don't want to live in jockland ?
    3 points
  18. not long had phone call from basildon hospital, dear mr ..... please attend tomorrow morning , bed available
    3 points
  19. Tried a but of lure fishing on a small river with my boy nothing doing. Back to an easy local lake next keep it fun...
    3 points
  20. Easy like a Sunday morning you say? More birch thinning, and clearance of trip hazards
    3 points
  21. I can't understand the slack bottom line either,, a couple of inches maybe but when it's yards ? it's very strange indeed, fks up the net so it does ,, fk setting with a wind that line will rise and blow around like an old torn pair of Y Fronts ,, I've re-rigged quite a few nets with the same problem you have ,, as you say it doesn't take long to sort but I'd rather not have that problem to start with . Regards.
    3 points
  22. What kind of fool invites rats into their house and expects no damage………..Macron.
    3 points
  23. Some legends here ,most gone now ,
    3 points
  24. Another roe buck for a client this morning on some far away permission outskirts of Gloucester .
    3 points
  25. Well this thread is rapidly going down hill ! Plus the what you drinking? one !Guess thl is supporting pride month ,what are you gender fluid benders identifying as tonight? Oooh I had a lovely becks blue last night ! Arry keep your good grub coming!!! I don't want to see quorn ,Linda McCartney meals ,tofu,
    3 points
  26. The over payment of carers from agencies is costing hundreds of millions each year and is a massive burden on the NHS also..
    2 points
  27. Pets cos I'm in sheltered accomodation, but I've mentioned this before, there's a lady upstairs gets permission to have her friends two dogs occasionally , well.she had em.for the weekend ,one of is a wee little thing chihuahua cross or summat, anyways it makes it way down the stairs and into my flat, my front door is always open, so.in it comes, I can't begin.to.describe how the little chap.lifts me, it gives me a lick on the chops , then beds down on my settee
    2 points
  28. Your like me kieth can’t resist a nice little doggie, they all deserve a good life .
    2 points
  29. Out with one of my lads,finishing a swim ..
    2 points
  30. And overrun with invading vermin mate ,don’t forget that bit will you .
    2 points
  31. We’ve had the money chat, and I’ve set my stall out, I’ve told him what I want, I won’t charge any more if it runs over or less if I finish early ( not much chance of that) I don’t want to come across as Ronnie Kray but he will pay me when I finish, I’ve never had anyone not pay or get money off, if we have an agreement that’s what it is, I wouldn’t ask for more so they can’t ask for less
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. Very old pic , but the story is ,Brian was in a storm drain for about 1 half hours with the nastiest bxstard Charlie I've ever accounted for .it was causing havoc on spot I have and I tried lamping it ,trapping it and eventually after a few days of rain ,Brian marked the old drain . It goes between 2 fields but is actually dry now. The fox showed twice but went back .all Brian would do was bay and scream he's head off but the beauty of Brian is I could shout him out .so after the 1 half hours I shouted him , waited about 10 mins and Charlie bolted .and was sorted .many ,many brilliant days w
    2 points
  34. 2 rough full brothers ,smooth is half brother , very good dog the red one ,6 years old
    2 points
  35. Mother to young dog ,very brainy bitch .
    2 points
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